Hi, I just opened a small business here in the area and I'll be launching a website this weekend. I wanted to know if any other business owners would like to trade links. I guess we better PM each other so this thread won't look like an advertisement :lol:
If that's an advertisement, it's a darn poor one. No business name, no contact info. A very good posting within 4042 guidlines, I must say! Kudos.
er, the user name and avatar don't give it away? i agree about the content being within guidelines, but still a pretty crafty way to get the name out there...
Just FYI, my screen name is not the name of my business. Again, just wanting to trade a few links and get to know some of my fellow small business owners. No harm meant.
Thanks Harley! Does anyone locally want to trade links? Just got my site up and running, so thought I'd ask again. P.S. Thanks again, Grace.