From a Blog that I frequent - The Blame Game By Chris In case you were wondering who’s to blame for the Virginia Tech massacre, I’ve created a list this morning to keep track. Feel free to send in any that I’ve missed. It’s the fault of violent video games. It’s the fault of movies. It’s that no other students were armed. It’s the cowardly students who didn’t rush the shooter. It’s the first victim’s fault. It’s secularism’s fault. It’s the Muslims’ and/or foreigners’ fault. It’s the Atheists’ fault. It’s the fault of the colleges and how they coddle their students. It’s society’s fault. It’s the Second Amendment’s fault. It’s the bureaucracy’s fault. It’s the fault of Roanoke Firearms, where he bought the gun. It’s the authorities’ fault. It’s the Liberals’ fault. It’s pedophilia, homosexual couplings and adulterous behavior’s fault. (Not sure if he means all at the same time or separately. It’s capitalism’s fault. It’s the fault of psychiatric drugs. It’s the Devil’s fault. It’s South Korea’s fault. It’s the hippies’ fault. (Nobody’s blaming the Yippies yet) It’s the media and culture’s fault. It’s the murderer’s fault. It’s the legal system’s fault. It’s the fault of the Virginia Tech officials. It’s the fault of the Chinese. It’s the fault of this blogger who happens to be asian, likes guns and who recently broke up with his girlfriend. It’s Simon Cowell’s fault. It’s Bill Gates’ fault.
Here is the link to the original site, he has it up to 48 items - The one that drives me nuts is the CNN talking head that states: P.S. KDG, Catblogging is in full swing!
Thanks, love the catblogging. Looks like I'm going to have to add one more to my list of blogs that I check in on regularly. If I keep this up, I will only have time to eat, sleep & blog. p.s. Beck is an idiot.