He was right, Clif. Real science can only deal with present FACTS; a piece of something from the past can readily be considered as that. However, it should never be open to speculate on the "incomplete" as being what was and accepted as fact. Pseudo-science is not science, ergo, evolution theory can never be, science.
Here are a few: Clinton Dawkins Daniel Dennett Albert Einstein Julian Huxley Linus Pauling Bertrand Russell Carl Sagan Albert Schweitzer Edward Wilson Albert Einstein - scientist, Nobel Prizewinner in physics, originator of the theory of relativity
Gee, and so you are a man/woman of the cloth? I don't think anyone here thinks he represents who "Christians" are...I think he is pushing your buttons and you're stooping to his level. He has a belief, you have a belief, and I have one...so be it.
Interesting. I guess, based on the caliber of comments on this thread, one can suppose you are also a disciple of Jesus Christ? Perhaps just a follower?...or no?
Ormly, Look, I don't know you but I get the feeling you are trying to make a point. But while you are embarking on this endeavor, you really need not talk negatively about others and question them so. The bible speaks adamantly against speaking bad about His people. And yes, you have. Not all the time but once is enough. You need to be careful of what comes out of your mouth, we are judged by that.
For me, this begs the question of why human behavior "should be" any certain way at all. I wonder where Einstein got his sense of what "should be". Is it from our sense of self-preservation? If so, where does this sense of self-preservation and desire to live come from? Are we just a haphazard mass of atoms floating around in a sea of chaos?
Well, since the vote is in and I stand as a condemned individual, I would like to know what it was I wrote you all thought was in error; what did I say that was wrong and what do your opinion rely upon other than feelings? Also, since you didn't like how I wrote most anything, how could it be better stated/expressed than the way I stated/expressed it? Can the Christian on this forum point to any specifics other than it just rubbed you the wrong way? I would like to know since I write much and respond to those who are sincere. Words mean something. I like to get right. I will only read what a Christian has to say. Thank you.
You can start with your last post and the arrogance this one line imparts. As if you will read what I post in any case, which would indicate that someone you consider beneath you might have a point to make .... This quote works in many directions, including with those supposed Christians who will only talk with those other Christians but will talk to everyone else. "None so Blind as Those Who Will Not See"
If I thought anyone was beneath me I wouldn't be a Christian. Your response is why I stated it that way, ergo, you are on my ignore list.
When have I been rude to you? I agree with most, in that you were to dismissive and arrogant in your responses.
Thank you for proving my point, and you do not appear to be a Christian when looking at your actions.
As Wayne said, "There is none so blind as him who will not see." You really do not see the arrogance in your own posts, do you?
GOOD OL' BISCUITVILLE When it comes down to it not a single one of us could ever talk sense into Ormly, So I say let him take is irrelevant parables, scripture taken way out of context, and his constant belittling of people who arn't "christian" enough for him and go have holy hour with the us 4 and no more at Biscuitville. Because every christian can get alot out of a bible study a week. That whole getting fed thing. Ahh who needs it, As long as we are getting what we need then we are happy. Becuase Im sure Ormly is really winning everyone at biscuitville for Christ, Or are you turning them away beacause or your condemning nature or you I know more and a better christian than everyone else attitude This prolly has nothing to do with anything but I thought it did Christians are the only army who will kick one of their own when they are down. In this case Ormly is the one who knocks them down
“I beg you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to stop arguing among yourselves. Let there be real harmony so that there won't be splits in the church. I plead with you to be of one mind, united in thought and purpose.” (1 Corinthians 1:10 LB)
I heard this scripture this weekend and found what the other translations quoted it as... Proverbs 18:1-2 (NIV) 1 An unfriendly man pursues selfish ends; he defies all sound judgment. 2 A fool finds no pleasure in understanding but delights in airing his own opinions. (NASB) 1 He who separates himself seeks his own desire, He quarrels against all sound wisdom. 2 A fool does not delight in understanding, But only in revealing his own mind. (MSG) 1 Loners who care only for themselves spit on the common good. 2 Fools care nothing for thoughtful discourse; all they do is run off at the mouth. (NLT) 1 Unfriendly people care only about themselves; they lash out at common sense. 2 Fools have no interest in understanding; they only want to air their own opinions. (KJV) 1 Through desire a man, having separated himself, seeketh and intermeddleth with all wisdom. 2 A fool hath no delight in understanding, but that his heart may discover itself.
Ormly, Some of your posts do make people think and look at what they believe but some times in your delivery, it causes people to not receive it. Colossians 4:5-6 (NIV) 5 Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. 6 Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone. Think about a big bowl of mashed potatoes without the salt, pepper, butter and milk. You take a big bite out of it and notice that something isn't right. Without the salt, pepper, milk and butter, the taste is plain and not very good. But when you add the other things to it, the potatoes melt in your mouth. We don't need to add anything to God's Word because God's Word is sufficient enough on its own. But how we as humans speak and use God's Word can sometimes be the problem. But if we share God's Word full of God's Grace and Love then people will receive it when we speak it. Instead of it feeling like a conversation, some of your posts comes across as brutal rejection. What good is your message if you cause everyone to not listen to it.