Local Teen & sexual predator

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by peppercorns, Apr 24, 2007.

  1. mmciver

    mmciver Well-Known Member

    Close, but the age for consent in NC is 16. Statutory laws require an age difference of greater than 4 years if the person is under 16. Now with that being said, it is still an assault for touching them but it would not be sexual assault.
  2. Rostrawberry

    Rostrawberry Well-Known Member

    Uummm....I dunno. LOL
  3. peppercorns

    peppercorns Well-Known Member

    ha - if it were my kid - who'd help me post bail after I beat the you-know-what-out of him with a bat....LOL I'm a tad hostile today......oops

    reminds me did anyone see that story about the father that was arrested or rather appearing in court for beating up the guy that t-boned his car sending his critcally injured daughter to the hospital? ? What's the outcome of that. i think they were trying to decide whether of not to charge him.....
  4. mmciver

    mmciver Well-Known Member

    He was charged with some type of Felony Assault...
  5. rntobe

    rntobe Well-Known Member

    He should be charged with Assualt and battery, he beat the )(*)* out of the other driver. Yes, the driver allegedly ran a red light but....why wasn't the 9yr old wearing a SEATBELT????
  6. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    AAAAaaaaaaaaaaa Freakin men
  7. gcoats3

    gcoats3 Well-Known Member

    The mother(s) did the right thing!

    I agree. When someone takes the law into their own hand and becomes the Judge and Jury they should pay the price. The mother(s) of these two young ladies took the right action. The jerk in the Wilson Mills situation should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. He was a much younger and stronger man than the one that hit his car. And the father of the injured girl is partly responsible for her injuries because he was allowing her to ride with him without a seat belt.
  8. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    Whoa, hold up! There's nothing "consensual" going on here!
  9. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    What this guy did is way way way wrong. But I am not sure if the girls will be scarred for life. I believe they will be more concious of who they are around. It will probably make them more aware that al people are not the same.

    People like this are really wired wrong. Any little thing can set them off. While I was in college I worked for the NC DOC. I was surrounded by idiots like this all the time and to hear them rationalize things they have done is just amazing to hear. Not from Awe but from "How in the flying donkey dodo did you come up with that rationalization? They are simply unable to conceptualize things. There is nothing rational at all about the way the interpret info. Especially around young women or girls.

    One thing that pepper said that hit me wrong was the accused saying "Others have been willing before".
  10. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    It would be an attempted Statutory situation wouldn't it KD? Indescent liberties as well.
  11. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    No. Statutory rape is consensual sexual relations between a person under sixteen and an older person. I would have to look up the statute to give you the exact minimum age of perpetrator and difference in age between perpetrator and victim, but it involves a situation where both parties are willing, but one is considered by the law to be too young to give consent. These girls did not agree to anything.

    He should certainly be charged with some kind of sexual offense, and I would leave it up to the DA to determine the appropriate charges.
  12. RealityCheck

    RealityCheck Well-Known Member

    If you're talking about statuatory rape or indecent liberties with a minor, the victim has to be under 16. Sexual assault could still be filed, that's not an age thing.
  13. mmciver

    mmciver Well-Known Member

    Maybe once we learn the whole situation then we could really know what the appropriate charge should be. I really do not think that they are going to get a sexual charge out of this. This does not mean that I do not agree with you and everyone else on this thread about the guy and what he should be charged with.
  14. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    Thank GOD I don't have kids.

    Somebody's butt would be in a sling, and it wouldn't be mine! :twisted:
  15. Just One Guy

    Just One Guy Well-Known Member

    WHO are we talking about here? What's his name?
  16. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    You gonna go beat him up? :mrgreen:
  17. peppercorns

    peppercorns Well-Known Member

    It was on the job sexual harassment. That is illegal no matter what age.

    And as far as the accident guy goes he was a butt head for not having his kid in a seatbelt and seems to be looking to blame someone else. I had not heard this part before.
    The next person who hits me I am going to beat the mess out of it is was caused out of stupidity. I only wish I had known how bad that idiot who caused my child to loose her hearing had messed up my kiddo. Bet your bottom buck I would have at least spit in his face and that's only because I could reach him to punch him.
  18. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    I didn't read this thread until today. You know what I think, I think it makes me SICK that this man treated those girls like that!!!!! :evil: To look at me today you would never know it but when I was a teenager I was "hit on" by men all the time. One of my employers actually asked me to sleep with him IN FRONT OF HIS WIFE (the had an "open" relationship, well at least he was free to sleep with whomever he wanted to, the pig. :roll:) Anyway, the sad thing about being a young, attractive female is they are treated like a piece of meat by so many men, and it is disgusting. :x
  19. nekozet

    nekozet Guest

    False Accusations?

    We have to be careful! It's amazing how simply making accusations can ruin someone's life. I have a good friend who works at this restaurant and knows first hand about a lot of what happened. There is a lot of doubt about everything that was accused being true. At least one of the girls was 20 and made some of the other guys in the store uncomfortable. No one else my friend knows of has ever had a complaint about the owner (who just returned to the store at the end of last year - wasn't there during most of 2006). The employees, male and female, like him. It was just these 2 girls hired on the same day that had complaints. Most of their customers really like them the food is really good! My friend from New York swears their pizza really tastes like New York Pizza : ) I'm just posting this because I hate to see people get so angry and threatening without knowing the whole story, and destroy a business when people have invested so much energy in to serving the people of Clayton. I knew of a girl once who accused someone of something when it wasn't really true. We don't know the details. We have to be open-minded, and think before we blast somebody out of the water.
  20. PoohBear

    PoohBear Well-Known Member

    Someone want to name the restaurant?

    I have asked one business owner in the old Winn-Dixie Shopping Center and one in the Lowes Foods Shopping Center and neither have heard a thing about this incident. Will someone name the Restaurant involved?

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