Church Merger Thread - Question

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by pastorg, Apr 17, 2007.


Do you disagree with what Ormly says, how he says it or a combo of both?

  1. I disgree with what he says

    6 vote(s)
  2. I disagree with how he says it

    2 vote(s)
  3. I must say it is a combo of both

    20 vote(s)
  4. I don't like polls!

    2 vote(s)
  1. turtlepits

    turtlepits Well-Known Member

    I found his church!!

  2. turtlepits

    turtlepits Well-Known Member

    No.....Maybe this is his church...
  3. kookookacho

    kookookacho Well-Known Member

    Or this one...

  4. nevilock

    nevilock Well-Known Member


    i forgot to install photoshop when i rebuilt last time =(
  5. kookookacho

    kookookacho Well-Known Member

    here ya go :)
  6. turtlepits

    turtlepits Well-Known Member

  7. turtlepits

    turtlepits Well-Known Member

  8. unbelievable

    I can't believe how hard all of you are:-( I have been watching this thread and I am still wondering when someone is going to answer Poor Ole Ormly's questions. Not one of you have even attempted too. It truly lacks a professional debate. Ormly post your questions again and all the rest of you answer the best you can. Discourse, heck you all might learn something from each other. And remember threading loses the emotion of a face to face interaction so be gracious to one another. eW open another thread and call it Ormly's questions???
  9. Ormly

    Ormly Well-Known Member

    When they don't know what the issues are or what is at stake by not knowing, it is difficult for anyone to respond, eW. But then it seems that none wants to know and that is troubling....oh well.
  10. nevilock

    nevilock Well-Known Member

  11. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Nailed it! :mrgreen:
  12. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    You did not read the thread or you would have seen this section:

    As you can see several of us tried to point out the arrogant tone was a problem, but as we are already excluded due to the specific idea of who is worthy to respond there is no way Ormly will read anything which would impart any wisdom as there is alread an assumption of perfection. :rolleyes:

    Maybe you need a third screen name to round things out. ;)
  13. lindenul

    lindenul Well-Known Member

  14. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    eW, are you a member of Ormly's Bible study classes? Does he make the same attempt at the Socratic teaching method that he uses here? If you will begin at the beginning of his presence on this forum, midway through that very long C3 thread, you will see that he has consistently refused to give direct answers to any questions, except by asking more questions. I believe almost every single person who has attempted to enter into a dialogue with him has been insulted and/or ignored. Those who have answered his questions, and some did, in the beginning, have been dismissed as non-Christian and unGodly.

    If you would like to see for yourself, click on "Members List" above, find Ormly and click on his name; when you get to his profile, click on the option to find all posts by this user. After you have looked into this for yourself, I would be interested to know if you still think it is all of us on this forum who are unfair to Ormly.

  15. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    ATTENTION ALL CHRISTIANS - Be careful where you eat.

    This is an incident that just recently happened right here in Clayton, North Carolina, a few weeks ago:

    A local old fart church group was returning from a grump session outing & decided to stop in at the Bisket World in Clayton, NC to eat. There were a dozen or more teenagers around the age of 16 year of age and a few adults. The teenagers were sitting together, in one area of the restaurant. The old farts were at a different table and not giving the teenagers any "privacy".

    Everyone ordered & received their food. One of the old farts stood up & told the group to be quiet for the blessing of the food. The old fart said the blessing out loud over their food while condemning all the other patrons, even those other customers who bowed their heads.

    After the grace (prayer) was over, the Bisket World Manager came over to the old guy & started lecturing the old fart on Bisket World's policy, informed him that the practice of public prayer was illegal. She told him that he was not allowed to pray out loud in Bisket World Restaurants, and that if he did it again they would be asked to leave. She was shaking her finger in his face, criticizing & ridiculing him for praying out loud in the Bisket World Restaurant. This was mainly a group of old farts who didn't realize the ramifications of this action. One of the teenagers stepped up to the manager & told her (the manager) that she didn't need to be attacking the old fart in that they brought great comic relief.

    One of the teenager who was there (who I would trust more than any of the old farts) said that some of the waitresses came over after the incident and told the old fart that they supported him and gave him the name of the manager who just did this and a number to call and complain. This was done behind the back of the manager who "laid down the law", which is understandable since it is company policy, they could be fired for breaking the rules. The teenage youth doesn't want to get anybody in trouble, and won't provide the name of the offending party.

    Later, after hearing of this incident, one of the youth group's parent or grandparent called the Clayton Bisket World Restaurant and asked to speak to the manager. She asked the person who answered the phone about the incident, and they told her the General Manager was coming in the next day and she should call back then and talk to them.

    She called back the next day, told the story of the incident, and was told by the General Manager that it is indeed the policy of Bisket World Restaurants. That you may pray, but praying out loud could disturb or offend the other customers and you may be asked to leave. Bisket World has a "no vocal prayer policy". If you break that rule, you may be asked to leave.

    The old fart who prayed was not asked to leave, in fact, nobody left when the manager did this, and I believe they should have gotten up, left the food right there on the tables & without paying walked out.

    The old farts are terrified that this is going to get somebody in trouble and wants no part of any protest.

    As a Christian Teenager, I feel it is just another attack on Christians. We have lost prayer in our public schools, lost prayer at school games & school functions. They are trying to take God out of the Government buildings, off our money, etc. I sure don't want to lose my right to give thanks over my food to the Lord who provided it to me in public.

    Business are supported by our "In God We Trust" dollars. The customers "vote" for the businesses they like with their "In God We Trust" dollars. As a Christian, I will vote to eat at restaurants where I am allowed to pray. I will also vote to eat at restaurants where I can take a Christian group or go with a Christian group to eat & be able to pray out loud. As a Christian, I'm outraged, & wasn't sure what to do. So I took it to the Lord (I prayed) & God answered right away. He told me to tell all the world - I feel that I should tell people, so they could make an informed decision. There are probably other restaurants out there that feel the same way, but if Christians stick together we can at least make them miss our business!

    What is this teaching our youth & children? That they can't pray in public places or bless their food?

    Please forward this to everyone on your E-mail list.

    Christians need to know & be heard, we've been silent long enough.

    God Bless You!

    PS. I would like to hear any feed back you might have on this incident or if you've encountered a similar incident or experience in any particular restaurant.
  16. Ormly

    Ormly Well-Known Member

    Now I consider myself a sensible man, one who can read and who would not refuse discussion with anyone, even you. Therefore, it had to be something written before your now appearing kind words of accusation that would necessitate me saying I wouldn't discuss issues of church, et al with non-Christians.

    May suggest you re-read all your mocking, blithering blather that lead to my words..... Hmmmm? Now, personally, I could not care one wit about your reply to this, either. However, knowing that you won't understand, nor care to, nor are able, because of your blindness and willful ignorance, you and legion may begin. It will be amusing to read what you all do with this post......Have at it.
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2007
  17. Ormly

    Ormly Well-Known Member

    This is an erroneous piece of ........ taken off the IN. Didn't even happen in Clayton. No such business establishment exists. Snopes is full of this stuff.

    So what is your point in posting it?
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2007
  18. PoohBear

    PoohBear Well-Known Member

    I thought this was funny!
    "The old fart who prayed was not asked to leave, in fact, nobody left when the manager did this, and I believe they should have gotten up, left the food right there on the tables & without paying walked out."

    Get a clue! At these fast food restaurants you pay before you get your food!
  19. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Folks, I got bored last night, I thought it was funny. I modified the Snopes article to condemn the guilty.
  20. nevilock

    nevilock Well-Known Member

    because it involves old farts, biscuits, and Christianity all in the same story.

    also note the snopes link says in big red letters "False"... are you suggesting that the very popular is full of false urban legends? Well golly mister, next you're gonna tell me that mythbusters describes myths before busting them and water is wet =(

    also also note the snopes article describes a steak-n-shake in Albany, Georgia... ya dont think theres a possibility that Hught searched and replaced "Steak-n-shake" with something involving biscuits just to get you frustrated is there? Nahhh... too logical. instead lets just complain that snopes is full of urban legends.

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