School Violence

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by joannenc, Apr 25, 2007.

  1. joannenc

    joannenc Guest

    I have children in a local high school. There has been plenty of violence at this school. Fights starting in the classrooms, while teachers are not paying attention to their class. Children attacked in locker rooms, to the point of hospitalization on some occasions. Theft in the locker rooms as well as elsewhere in the school. Children jumped in the parking lots. Vandalizism on vehicles in the parking lot. Weapons brought on campus. This is a growing problem that needs to be addressed. With the number of students on campus, I believe we need more security guards inside and outside. It worries me to send my child into an environment like this. It is truly dangerous. As adults this would not be tolerated at our workplace, or anywhere else. I’d love to hear your opinion and ideas. Maybe as a group we can help make some changes. Our children deserve a safe place to receive their education.
  2. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    Do you mind sharing which school you're referring to?
  3. magnolia

    magnolia Well-Known Member

    Polenta....aren't you supposed to be on a 10-day suspension for making physical threats and not playing well with others? ;)
  4. ncmom

    ncmom Well-Known Member

    That must be the "socialization" my children are missing ;)
  5. jnjrabbitry

    jnjrabbitry Member

    My kid was hurt in school

    My son who is 17 was attacked in the High school lockerroom. He was hurt so bad that he was taken by ambulance to Wake Med as a level 3.

    I hope no one else has to go thu what we did that day! Or even after that with the legal sys. The school was no help to us at all, but the kid that did this to my son got alot of help from the school!

    I don't feel that my kids are safe in school anymore..........
  6. walloon

    walloon Well-Known Member

    saw a 4th grade girl go the hospital in an ambulance because she was beat up on Tuesday. Violence is not just in the high schools.
  7. FamilyOfFive

    FamilyOfFive Well-Known Member

    Which schools are we talking about here????????
  8. Lynn123

    Lynn123 Guest

    I know of several people in the high school who were attacked. This year alone. One fight occured in the classroom. One boy hit another child several times before he hit back. The fight went on for several minutes before the teacher noticed. The locker room is scary. I was informed by several people that just recently a boy had his jaw broken in the locker room. It is now wired shut. Another child was jumped in the school parking lot. My question is...what is it going to take to get some more supervision for these students? How much worse does it need to get before we protect our children properly? Maybe it is time for us parents to ban together, get our personal experiences documented and present some ideas to the school board. We need to do something,right away. I agree with the comment above. The school seems to do very little to correct these issues. I also agree with the orginal post, this would not be accepted in a workplace or anywhere else in society. Why are our children subjected to it? I do want more security on the school campus', is it also time for metal dectors? All school cameras should be working. They never seem to be when an issue of vandalism or personal attacks occur.
    Any ideas out there? We need to find a way to protect our children!!
  9. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    Since you're from Clayton, I'm assuming you're referring to CHS? :confused:
  10. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    How can parents ban together if people won't tell WHICH schools this stuff is happening at? :confused::confused:
  11. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    The violence is going all the way down to the elementary level. I know, my son has been a victim for months of bullying at Westview Elementary School. YES, I named a school on this thread! Come to find out recently, my son is not the only one that has had problems w/ bullying there and the name calling issue. I have never seen such prejudice and just blantant disrepect for human beings at this young of age. It's nuts. And what's more crazy is there are more "laws" to protect the bully than the victim. It's fustrating and it ends up making a not pleasant learning environment.

    I know there are many different opinions on this debate. There is more and more violence at the middle school level. I was shocked at that. And when we went to Special Olympics last week, a group of us parents spoke candidly w/ many of hte high school volunteers. The group we spoke w/ were all from West Johnston High School, mostly seniors. And these were all very good students, role models, etc. I had mentioned I heard WJHS is not too bad and not too much goes on there. They had so many more things to say and ALL were glad they were getting out of there. They said the fights are horrific, you stay to yourself and try not to talk to poeople except for your closest friends. We were all speechless. These hs seniors were literally terrified to go to school each day. How can this go on? I don't have any children currently in high school. Just trying to prepare. Is this all true? I can't imagine this many students making this stuff up. They had no reason to. They didn't know us at all. Just were there to volunteer for our children. I am finding more and more that there are all kinds of severe instances of violence at all the schools in Johnston County. What has everyone else heard or experienced?

    --worried parent
  12. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    Thank you, Abdulina, for mentioning the name of your son's school. Bullying is terrible. It needs to be stopped but I don't know how the schools would be able to prevent all of it. Mr. Norris at McGee's Middle is wonderful about not putting up with bullying nonsense. My son was bullied quite a bit last year when he was in the 6th grade and I had to see Mr. Norris a few times. This year has been much better but my son still says that the kids in middle school are very, very mean to one another. :neutral:
  13. peppercorns

    peppercorns Well-Known Member

    I personally can tell you how some of this stuff starts.....

    A kid was socked in the nose by a student because they had words. One GIRL called another a beotch and a few other things and well, ...the first one said some unpleasant things back and then one got punched in the nose. A few days later it was tit for tat, (no, one the one from here). The second girl decked the offender. GReat huh?

    Kids get their shorts in a knot WAAAY to easy. To many hormones and too few outlets. By teaching kids that name calling is a stupid and pathetic defense and that walking away is a better answer then figthing we can help stop some of the violence. Kids see their heros punch out the dumb one in movies and on TV. THis is why is it starting so young. But it is ultimately the parents that have the most control over what the kids do. Get involved in your childs life, know where they are and who they hang with. Teach your kid tolerance about other races and religions. SOOOO many fights at West Johnston are over race.

    Anyone who believes that their kid was just innocently standing there and some bully just walked up to them and punched them is just blind. I am sorry to say but I be willing to bet that the kids involved had words somewhere in this mess.

    How many times has each of us ever yelled or even mumbled under our breath about knocking someone silly? Ever do it in front of the kids? We, as adults, SHOULD know that it is just a way of expressing anger but the kids think it is real.
  14. RCARP

    RCARP Well-Known Member

    Some kids are TRUE victims of bullies. They don't have to do anything and can try to stay to themselves, however a bully knows who to pick out. The sad thing is when the poor kid that has been bullied, finally gets enough and tries to take up for him/her self (like they were finally told by the parents after have so many issues and the school doing nothing) that child is the one that gets in trouble. What are we really teaching these kids. That it is ok for someone to bully, but not ok for you to defend yourself. I don't think so!
  15. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    You can't always turn the other cheek in today's day and age. I've always told my son he better not start anything, but he sure can finish it. I don't care what kind of trouble he gets in with the school. Kids are mean and you have to stand up for yourself.
  16. joannenc

    joannenc Guest

    I did not mention a school name because I didn’t want to limit responses to those with experiences at that particular school. Sorry, that seemed to upset several people. That was not my intention. I think this is becoming a real problem in Johnston County as a whole. I was only hoping to get some insight on the problem and maybe some ideas on how to start to change it. I agree with peppercorns’ point on knowing your child and their friends. The schools are so crowded, and as peppercorns said “Too many hormones and too few outlets”. That is a fact and in my opinion, that alone calls for adequate supervision. As Lynn said …keep the cameras rolling! Kids do have words, that is true. However, I do not believe that anyone ever has the right to punch, hit, kick or get physical with anyone over words. And how does it go on to the point of ambulances and hospitalizations? My heart goes out to that 4th grader as it does for all the students. Where were the adults that were supposed to be protecting them? Kdc, I have done the same thing with my kids. It broke my heart to tell them this, but I realized that there is no other way. They must defend themselves. I worry every day when my children are at school. It simply does not seem fair. If there is a problem with violence, it needs to be corrected. Our children deserve to be safe while getting their education. That is a basic right, isn’t it? If only it were that simple.
  17. chik

    chik Well-Known Member

    I taught my kids to defend themselves, thankfully the only time my son was bullied was on a bus in 7th grade. He defended himself and yes he got suspended. I was glad he did.

    My daughter lives with me and goes to this small town school here in Colorado. She is one of 52 graduating. What a great experience. The schools sports team are always making it to state playoffs, the cheerleaders placed 3rd in state. They are a close knit school. The senior class is very close. She has enjoyed the school here a lot better than when she was at WJHS.

    School violence is a serious issue. A school rival of hers is PLatte Canyon that in fall made national headlines after a man came into the school from off the street killing 1 girl. The man didn't live in the area but had been watching the school. This school is located remotely off a highway between here and Denver.

    I don't know answers.
  18. turtlepits

    turtlepits Well-Known Member

    I've had my thread on here and WILSONS MILLS ELEMENTARY school should be on the list too. You've all heard my story, (well most have). The schools will do NOTHING. I've been to the school so many times, when they see me coming the staff scatters. Its crazy. I see why lots of people home school these days. That's about the only way to guarantee their safety. IT'S VERY SAD! Board of Education will hear you vent and that's all they will do. Believe me, I know from experience. Been dealing with it ALL year.
  19. turtlepits

    turtlepits Well-Known Member

    I agree 100% with your comment. My son is bullied because he WILL NOT do anything for the fear of getting into trouble. In the afternoon I'll ask him "How did your day go?" His response is I got kicked in the leg, or I got beat up today , or something negative. Since he started this year THIRD GRADE, he has yet to come home with a smile stating he had a good day!
  20. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    That is awful Turtlepits. I'm so sorry for your son. :-(

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