Kelley Clarkson blew me away!!! She did a song with Jeff Beck that was just affecting me. If you like a deep blues sound...THis will blow you away also. Let me know if anyone can get an MP3 of it. It was something like "Up on the mountain".
That was pretty awesome wasn't it? Allot of the songs on there got to me last night. I am way too into music sometimes.
Kelly clarkson looked like she had put on some LB's. She is still smoking though. It was an awesome song.
I thought it was a great show...very emotional to see what those chidlren are going thru and how fortunate my kids are. Makes you think. Ro
I think that was just that stile of dress. Which seems to be popular again. I thought they left in the 60's. Anyway it was awesome to see Jeff Beck playing with her. Man he can bring such RAW emotion out in those strings of his. No wonder Stevie Ray Vaughan liked to play with him. I really enjoyed it. Earth Wind and Fire was good to. Josh Grobin I couldn't get into that much. The Elvis thing was pretty cool.
It was really, really hard for me to enjoy the Josh Grobin version of You Raise Me Up when I'm used to hearing this version of it. I missed Earth Wind & Fire, darn. The Elvis thing was really cool. How'd they do that?
who that heck was that all guy group "el devo" or something like that. THay sang "Somewhere". I thought that was incredible. Kiddo called me to say wow are you listening to these guys?! Didn't know what to make of the Celine dion/ Elvis duo. It was good but not the end all. I thougth Josh was wonderful. How much money did they raise all together?
They are a group Simon put together. They ARE good! I have always enjoyed them whenever I have heard them. Here's more info: More than $30 million was raised, including an additional $5 million from News Corp.