if you read between the line of the previous poster you will get he name of the restaurant. - i don't want any slander charges I got my info from someone who drove them to the court house to file the complaint. He can still make great tasting food and be a bad guy at the same time. i will make up my own mind. I merely repayed the facts as they were stated to me. I have no intention of ruining anyone. Let them make up their own minds. And if you think every count of sexual battery - as it was called by the officers- hits the papers - you would be really wrong. I am finding more and more about this man character and I don't think he is a great guy. Even the business community is not too fond of him.(got a lesson in the "wow it's a small world thing, today"
Would someone please confirm! So did this alleged incident take place at Papa Joe's in Clayton Crossing Shopping Center?
I was there I have read thru the post here and i am just appalled by how we so quick to judge people. I was there and things never happened that way. One girl was 20 and the other a minor and all the 20 year old wanted to do was show everyone here tatoos all over her body. We did not want to see them, but she kept insisting and at times would show everyone in places that where inapropriate. They both where dressed inapropriately. They made sexual remarks and flirted with the men. The owner did not want them around and was just being kind enough to let them finish thier day since they had no transportation at the time. Then the mother picked them up. Also another note, after the arrest, a few days later the mother calls the owner and said that he should pay the girls and ad a little extra to their pay. By the way he appeared in court and the charges where droped do to the history of the girls and lack of evidence and the witnesses. Anyhow there is alot more information I could share but Im just appalled...anyhow...later.