Is it just me or are these women creepy? It must be the steroids because some of these women look and sound like drag queens. There are some on the Dr. Keith show (click for short video) and I'm telling you, one of them looks and sounds like one of the characters from the movie White Chics teehee! Anyway, what do you men think of women who look like this... Is that sexy, or even attractive, to you guys?
That last picture of the blonde looks like a man gone woman gone man :neutral: Or is it just woman gone man? or woman gone man gone woman gone back man? who the heck knows... I just know the blonde has a 5 o'clock shadow! :lol:
i think that blonde is the one who had a documentary on tlc last year. there's very little femininity left there....the voice is scary, too. and her friend who was helping her train looked very similar to her. oh, and for the record: ew
The other pictures on this thread are a little scary. There is no way these women are all natural. Surely some extra drugs/steriods had to be involved to make them look that nasty. It's a shame that they worked so hard to look so bad. However, I do not think all female body builders are ugly. I believe Corey Everson, six time Ms. Olympia, is truly beautiful. I would love to have her figure, discipline & strength. She's pretty, smart & she can kick butt. This is a link to her site which show's many pictures:
:lol: She's in no danger of Tyra squeezing her boobs, that's for sure! :mrgreen: This one looks like a mix between Anna Nicole Smith and Arnold Swarchenegger. Scary!!
You think those are scary. Take a look at the nudes! I'll put it this way: Testosterone + the fact that the clitoris and penis biologically come from the same tissue = any guy who sleeps with them must question his sexuality.
Kiana Tom is another that I think was very smart and attractive, atleast when she was doing her fitness show on ESPN. Haven't seen her lately but on her website she still looks awesome. Craig