8th Annual Strawberry Festival

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Webmaster, Apr 4, 2007.

  1. Webmaster

    Webmaster Administrator

    From our point of view, it has been great! We have a booth each year at the Strawberry Festival, the Cleveland July 4th celebration and the Clayton Harvest Festival. All are a great chance to see current 4042er's and and meet new ones. The Strawberry Festival has been growing bigger each year and the attendence in 2006 was huge. Attached are some pics of what the crowds looked like all day long last year.
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2007
  2. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    I didn't even know there was a Strawberry festival. I work to much.
  3. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    we missed last years and heard it was a blast. Among many businesses here, we are also sponsors this year. We are hoping that our booth will enable us to meet new customers and for them to get to see what we offer. Let's hope for GREAT weather.
  4. toothgrl

    toothgrl Guest

    I've lived here for 11 years and I didn't know there was a Strawberry festival! I'll have to check it out.
  5. froggerplus

    froggerplus Well-Known Member

    I may pull double duty (or triple) that day, not sure. I'm there for my 2nd job, may jump in for my first (paying) job, then of course there's my very first job...Mommy. The Little One will be out there too :).

  6. sarahmama

    sarahmama Well-Known Member

    Gotta love Strawverry Festival. I came several years ago, even before I lived in the area. Last year I had a booth, and it did create a lot of leads. Can't wait to check out this years festival!!!
  7. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    Hey, y'all stop by the JCDP booth & say hi! I'll be the short, gray-haired lady in the JoCo Democrats T-shirt. Last year was my first Strawberry Festival, and it was lots of fun. I hope to see some of you there.

    Peace & Love,
  8. grysunshine

    grysunshine Well-Known Member

    I have thought about a booth but it doesn't seem to ever happen. I need to get off my duff and do it...someday...lol. :?
  9. Rostrawberry

    Rostrawberry Well-Known Member

    Where does everyone park at?

  10. MissyPrissy

    MissyPrissy Well-Known Member

    Last year we parked along side the road.

    Does anyone know the entertainment line up? The GCCC site leaves allot to be desired as far as info about the festival.:?
  11. peppercorns

    peppercorns Well-Known Member

    Kiddo is in charge of the WEst Johnston High School Color guard who will be opening the day.
    Can't miss her - little kid - big mouth - .....i wonder where she got that from....

    BTW - West Johnston AJROTC is collecting items for Harbor House, which is an organization that help battered and abused women. Its called OPeration Change a Life. I will make a post about it on the big board. You can drop off stuff you have either new or gently used to help thse women get back on their feet.
    I'll be there by 8:30 am with the AJROTC Color Guard.
    PM me if youhave questions.
  12. blessed2adopt2

    blessed2adopt2 Well-Known Member

    what time does the strawberry festival start?
  13. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    9:00 a.m.
  14. MissyPrissy

    MissyPrissy Well-Known Member

    It was nice to see you again Pat! :) Good to see Pcorns, and Kaci too!
  15. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    Thanks, MP! Your little one was adorable, as always. It was great to see so many 4042'ers there; thanks to the ones who stopped and identified yourselves! It's good to put a face with a name. It was great to see you, MP, and Kaci, and Jen, it was good to see you & the baby again and to meet the "big sister" too. Good to see Pep, if only for a second, and thanks to Forever Faithful & Frugal Mom for stopping by, I really enjoyed meeting all of you, and if I haven't mentioned your name, please know I was glad to see you, too, it's just been a long day!

    ( ( ( hugs ) ) ) to all my 4042 family!

  16. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    Oh, and I almost forgot, ServerSnapper, we need to start planning now for that ostrich booth for next year. :mrgreen:
  17. MissyPrissy

    MissyPrissy Well-Known Member

    SS were you there??

    OH and Jen, your baby was adorable in that little strawberry outfit!
  18. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    Aww, thanks!

    She should have been the Strawberry Princess! LOL

    It was good to see you all too. DH said he didn't think there was one booth we visited that I didn't know somebody!

    Oh, and a BIG kudos to the businesses that donated for the money booth. We RACKED up!
  19. froggerplus

    froggerplus Well-Known Member

    Got to see lil Pepps Saturday, missed seeing you Pepps :neutral: .

    Didn't get to see you either, Jen. Did DH win anything from us? I wanted in that money booth so bad, just didn't have the time to stop (and forgot my cash, lol).

    KDs, flew by your booth and yelled hey, but you didn't hear me. Wanted to stop in but never got the chance to walk the festival. Maybe next year.

    Anyone with suggestions should phone/email the chamber. They are always looking to improve the festival.

  20. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    No, I don't think DH won what you guys were giving away, but among some of the top prizes that MM and I took away from the cash booth were:

    About $70 in cash
    Weber Grill
    $25 BP Gas Card
    $20 GC to the Annex
    UNC ornaments
    Two beautiful potted plants
    A year of dental, vision and chiropractic insurance
    A deli combo plate
    Medicap Coupons
    And a whole lot more stuff that I can't remember, lol

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