Me and my daughter just got back and I was wondering what everyones thoughts were of it this yr that went? What changes can be made to make it more better? My take on it: A dollar a ticket for the kids is way to high! Maybe 75 cents, or 50 cents is worth what they the kids get out of it. Had to wait in line for over a hour for one of them that cost 7 tickets, wasn't worth the wait at all. Alot of the same crafts, need more differant types of things. I didn't see one thing that I was wiling to put my hard earn money into. I love crafts. I would like to see more of the locals showing off their talent. Better food choices as well. The only couple of things that I thought was worth it was the fact that I got to spend time with my daughter and have some homemade ice cream as well. Oh and got to work on my tan lol. The weather was great! 8 yrs going, I expected more. Sheri **sorry for typo's!
Went early, had a great time, bought a $9 bucket of strawberries which has almost disappeared! :mrgreen: How to make it better, hand cash to everybody when they show up! 8)
This was my first year going and took my daughter and my niece (anyone that saw someone walking around with a girl in a silver or blue sparkley hat, that was me). We had a pretty nice time. My niece loved coming home with a bag full of "goodies" and tons of balloons. We also came home with a tub of strawberries. Now I need some cool whip!! LOL Do agree that the ticket prices fosr the kids' "rides" were too high. My brother gave my niece a little bit of money so she could ride rides or play games and I ended up giving her more because of the ticket prices. We didn't even go to the one with the 7 tickets, was too much money!! Did get to meet KDsGrandma! It was so nice to meet you! Love putting faces with names. Heck, have no idea who else I might have met there! Think we visited every booth. It was a nice day to be outside though. Now tomorrow, it is the Southern Women's Show! Then Monday, another work day and a week of Drs appointments and I get to wear a heart monior for a few days! Oh joy, I can hardly wait....NOT!!!
MP Jr and I went this morning. She had a good time. She liked the therapy dog, (Quincy was so sweet!), getting some of the freebies, (stickers, balloons, pens, braclets, her pencil, paper, and flag from KDSGrandma ), tumbling at the Morgan's Gymnastics booth, the train, and seeing her 'Auntie KK'. The best part for me was seeing the smile on her face and watching her have fun, it was one of those 'Mommy moments'. lol It was nice to see some of ya'll from here too of course.:-D I agree, it would be nice to see more arts and crafts, and maybe more activites to do. Oh yeah and the Cleveland Draft House should give out free samples!:lol: J/K!!
So glad you were there early, thanks a bunch to you and Mrs. Hught for helping me with my sign! Great to meet you at last. Pat
Well darn, MP Jr and I missed Mr. and Mrs. Hught!:-( Next time we will all have to wear the stickers Webbie was handing out!
Strawberry Festival 07 Hubby and I went to the Festival and had a great time. The weather was perfect and we got to see a lot of friends. All of the businesses were doing some good raffles (hope to win something!) and were giving away some cool items. There was a big crowd and it looked like it was a real success. BTW, if you missed getting one of the Strawberry Whoopie Pies from the Coffee shop/Bakery that is located behind the Smithfield BBQ, go get one!! They are to die for! Not exactly on the diet plan, but worth the splurge!
I saw you working the Dem booth, and was going to come say hello, but you were being hugged by our US Congressman, and I couldn't wait as my 5 year old was on a mission to get the the blow up slides. One thing about Bob Etheridge, he always shows up or these things, and seems genuinly (sp?) glad to talk to you. I shook his hand a while later. At the 4th of July parde last year he came over and talked to all the kids on their bikes. To improve; get the Southland Car club to have a car show, and the Tractor club to have a classic tractor show. Put that in one of the side streetes maybe. Havig the WJHS band this year was cool.
Sorry I didn't get to meet you, but I do understand kids on a mission. I agree with you about the Southland Car Club, their show is always a highlight of Selma Railroad Day. And a classic tractor show would be a great homage to the heritage of this area - so much of the land our homes now sit on was farmland not so long ago. The WJHS Band was great. Pat
good time I see so many had a great time and that is what is most important! Spend time with family and friends. Sheri
I went for a very short while so I could at least get my ticket! Would loved to stay longer but had other committments to attend to. Of course the best booth was the 4042 booth because they had the best (and most) prizes to register for! I got my ticket and have registered just waiting for the "you've won" e-mail or call! :lol:
I agree, the kid's ride tickets were too expensive. I also wanted some good ol' fair food, and there wasnt much to be found. Parking is also a problem, but not too sure what to do to fix that one. Webbie told me I was going to win all the prizes (ok most of them) so ya'll can give up on holding out hope!! (right Webbie?? 7 years and waiting...) Sigh.
I picked up 4042 reaffle tickets at medicap last week. is there anything else that I supposed to do with them? Some of you mentioned getting registering, not sure what that refers to?
You have to log in and register your ticket.. it says on the ticket where to go. Shhhh dont tell anyone else though, the more people that dont register, the better my chances are!:lol:
This was our 1st Strawberry Festival, and we loved it. DH + 2 kids, age 4 and 6. We got there right at 9, which was perfect timing. Easy to park, and the place was just starting up. I agree the prices of rides was too high. But, it was my fault...I should have never agreed to put dd on the jumpy harness thing. She was on there for a second and wanted off. Everything else was great. I agree with others that it would be nice to see some local crafters, but with that being said, and being a crafter...tell me what you'd buy? Teacher gifts, etc? I saw a lot of crafters sitting there with booths full of stuff with no buyers anywhere near. Maybe crafters could be in one area, and vendors (dentists, etc) could be in another area). Oh, one other thought...can the center area be widened (put the booths on the grass or something). It got really, really tight toward the end. All in all, loved it loved it loved it! Great job to all who coordinated this event for us to enjoy!
Saw you, KDs, but you didn't hear me say hi. I was on my way to the stage, bookin' it. Wanted to stop by and take a look at the booth but never had a minute to do it. I heard from some friends that they were disappointed in the lack of entertainment for the kiddies and they high price for everything. Said the train was a good idea, but not at $3 (3 tickets)/person. That's 6 bucks for kiddo and a parent! They said that it was mostly just businesses pushing their wares. The vendors I talked with said it was more organized than last year and they liked that. I didn't walk it this year. Went to the stage and back, that's about all, so can't really speak for myself on it. On a side note...the strawberries were $8/bucket last year and I thought that was high. I won't pay $9/bucket for them. I'll go pick on my own. Frogger
Parking was huge hassle, but other than that I enjoyed it. Maybe it could be held at one of the ball fields or somewhere with more accessible parking next year. Wherever it is, I'll be there!