Anyone have the number for Pine Straw Express (I think that's the name of the business)? I've misplaced the number, can't find it anywhere. I ordered there before. Great people, great pine straw! Thanks!
Pinestraw Express The number is 938-4452. It is now listed if you call information. It has not been listed in the past but now anyone who remebers the name can find it. Thanks to ALL who purchase straw from Pinestraw express we appreciate it
Hey girl, i do the 4042 referrals too but i guarantee the most phone inquiry referrals come more from me:-D:-D:-D
Thanks tawii and 4042ers for your help. Plan to order straw this week. Hope they still have some. Little worried about my centipede lawn. Think the frost got it in some areas. My wife think's I'm worried about nothing, warm weather will perk it up. We'll see. Have a great day, try to stay cool!