Finally cought up on all of my DVR'd Oprah programs and was watching Dr. Oz talk about a rolfing massage. Anyone had one before?? snipit from link...
a girl i work with has done this for her bad knees and saw a huge improvment after 1 visit (or he gave her good drugs). wondering if this would be better for ds than physical therapy.
My sister is a massage therapist, and that is one type of massage she has done. Unfortunately, she lives and has her business on Cape Cod, MA. Too far away. But, I do have a massage appt of my own on Tuesday with Bruce at Botanicals in Clayton and I'll try to remember to ask him if he does it, or if he can recommend someone local who might. 1-1/2 hour Hot Stone Massage.... here I come! :hurray::hurray::hurray:
There is some rolfing things on youtube. I found two that are rolfing exercises. Another is a Japanese vid that is a "balancing massage". It may be the same as "rolfing massage." I can't speak Japanese. :mrgreen: