they'll probably try to take my coupons so I guess I'll mosey on over to the newest "hot spot" teen club there in Clayton for some pole dancing lessons or...
But who would expect anything less from Harley? The thing was though, I didn't want Miller Lites. I wanted....
On a side note Harley I feel you there. I get a kick out of how love is blind when I hear a mother or father say isn't the baby just precious??? Then you are wondering in your head..."Are you freaking blind???!!" "NO!!! It is not precious!!! "He or She is the Devil incarnate!!!" "Be gone you little poo factories" "and take your kids with you".
But since she didn't have any peppermint i decided to chug a few of her Miller Lites, then borrow her Harley to run to DR Wells for some peppermint but on the way
:lol::lol::lol::lol: a fun weekend but found out ServerSnapper's wife was in hot pursuit along with Harley's DH who wanted his bike back and
then HG, Kaci, SS all headed to South of the Border to have our pictures taken on the big Sunbrero. But Harley's DH got mad cause she kept holding my hand and ....