School Violence

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by joannenc, Apr 25, 2007.

  1. ncmom

    ncmom Well-Known Member

    Magnolia - more <tried to update my last message but it would not save>

    I was just looking at the Homeschool Legal Defense Association web site ...

    They have a daily radio show ... Homeschool Heartbeat. The topic this week??? "Can single parents homeschool? Just ask one who’s done it!" Read transcripts at
  2. JC-native

    JC-native Well-Known Member

    That gives me a great idea! If you can't get anywhere through normal channels, organize a protest with signs during EOG testing week. Upsetting the applecart during that week would get you noticed immediately.
  3. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    WAH and Bullying

    I am interested in your WAH contacts, and getting the Bully Law passed.
  4. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Oh Heck Yeah!!! You know I can't stand those EOGs... My son should start with his migraines any day now.

    BTW, my son is (I think) being bullied on his school bus - but does not want me to do anything. He knows I will go in with "both guns blazing" and I think he is afraid of the fallout from having his mommy get his back. Daily he is flicked in the head, has crap thrown at him, punched in the leg by his seatmate, called names, told he is gay... the list goes on. I am probably just going to start driving him to and from, but it is a dayum shame I can't use public transportation that I pay for!!
  5. turtlepits

    turtlepits Well-Known Member

    I had to take mine off the bus for the same reason. One time at the bus stop I saw a kid jump on my son an started swinging like crazy. This was the seat DIRECTLY behind the driver. She claimed to see nothing. I walked up to the door of the bus and she closed the doors in my face. I told her to let my son off NOW. She did and we went straight to the school. This stupid assistant principal said "That is our Jerry Springer Bus" I told him my kid wasn't on that damn show and he wouldn't be on that damn bus again either. He said that was the best thing for me to do. If they know there are problems, then why give it a code name and let it continue. That's just how much they care!
  6. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    Oh, this is priceless...

    Yeah, right -- I guess it depends on how one defines "violence." :roll:
  7. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Code Name Springer?? Are you kidding me?
  8. turtlepits

    turtlepits Well-Known Member

    NO JOKE!!
    I laughed at Wilson's Mills having no violence!!
    Like you said ....what do they classify as violence??
    I know my son should have already been counted at least 50 times by himself!
  9. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    Have any of you taken this issue to the school board? either at a regular meeting, or talking individually to one of the board members? If so, what was their response?
  10. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Maybe that is why they blow off the kids getting hurt so it doesn't have to be reported.
  11. magnolia

    magnolia Well-Known Member

    Yep...this is what they define as violence:

    • Possession of a controlled substance in violation of law
    • Possession of a weapon excluding firearms and powerful explosives
    • Possession of alcoholic beverage
    • Assault on school personnel not resulting in serious injury
    • Assault resulting in serious injury
    • Bomb threat
    • Possession of a firearm or powerful explosives
    • Assault involving use of a weapon
    • Sexual offense
    • Sexual assault not involving rape or sexual offense
    • Robbery without a dangerous weapon
    • Taking indecent liberties with a minor
    • Burning of school building
    • Robbery with a dangerous weapon
    • Kidnapping
    • Death by other than natural causes
    • Rape

    1. Notice that assault on school personnel - even if there is no serious injury -is reported as a violent incident. YET...assault by one student against another is not reported as a violent incident at the school, unless it results in serious injury. All those fights and physical assaults we've been talking about happening to our kids? None of them get reported. When I first found this info above, I contacted the NC DPI and asked them what they defined as "serious injury". They responded that "serious injury" is defined as a situation where the school must call the paramedics to come to the school to treat the child. Now how often do you think they do that?!?

    What the list above tells me is that:

    The school system feels that if a kid bumps into a teacher, it's important enough to report - even if there is no injury...but if a kid assaults another kid seriously enough that the parent must take them to Urgent Care when they get home, the school system doesn't feel that is important enough to report.

    Here is the verbiage straight from the Wake County school board policy:

    Any student who is at least 13 years old and who physically assaults and injures a teacher or other school employee on school property or at a school activity shall be removed to an alternative educational setting or suspended for up to 365 days in accordance with board Policy 6425.


    Any student who is at least 13 years old and who physically assaults another person on school property or at a school activity may be subject to removal to an alternative educational setting or suspended for up to 365 days in accordance with board Policy 6425.

    So...once again. If a kid bumps a teacher, they SHALL be removed from the school. But if a kid assaults a student, they MAY be removed. And I've yet to hear about any perpetrators being removed from the school.

    According to Wake County Schools, the adults in the school are to be provided more protection and consideration of their safety than the kids that attend the school are allotted. That's wrong on so many levels.
  12. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Unbelievable:shock: So glad my children are out of school, except one in college but thinking maybe i should quit work and homeschool by grandbabies.
  13. magnolia

    magnolia Well-Known Member

    When I questioned the NC DPI about the inequity surrounding why teachers are afforded more consideration and protection against violent students than other students are, this was the response I got:

    That's really crappy reasoning, if you ask me. What this says to me is:

    If they will strike a teacher, then they will strike another student, so we get them out of the school in order to protect the students too.

    BUT, if they have already struck a student, they are safe to keep in school.

    Now what kind of sense does THAT make?
  14. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

  15. ksky

    ksky Guest

    The value of a life

    In New York, if you murder a police officer you are charged with 1st degree murder, but if you murder a civilian you are charged with 2nd degree murder. First dergee murder, for which the penalties are far more severe, is reserved only for the killing of police officers. Does this mean that a cop's life is more valuable than a civilian's? Don't be absurd.

    It is by no means uncommon to have harsher penalties on the books for crimes against the people whose job it is to keep the peace, the presumption being, as has been indicated, that anyone bold enough to commit such a crime is in all likelihood a more serious threat to the safety of everyone involved than someone who gets involved in an altercation with a peer. Do you really find this all that hard to swallow?
  16. magnolia

    magnolia Well-Known Member

    Yes, I not only find it hard to swallow, I find it deplorable. Let me ask you a few questions...

    At work, you have an employee that brutally assaulted another employee in the rest room, causing that employee to have to leave work and seek medical care. When the injured employee returned to work several days later, the offending employee continues to harass and physically threaten the employee he has already assaulted once.

    There is also another employee who bumped the boss in the hallway at work with his shoulder, as a show of disrespect, but without any injury. This employee claimed it was an accident and not intended to be a show of violence.

    - Which employee would you feel safer around?
    - Which employee would you feel has the higher chance of becoming dangerously violent against you or another employee?
    - Would you feel it's fair for anyone to expect you to continue to work in such a violent environment?
    Last edited: May 3, 2007
  17. mordorboy

    mordorboy Well-Known Member

    And here in lies part of the problem. We all know the best defense is a good offense , so.....if one is defending themselves they must strike first.
  18. Southernborn

    Southernborn Well-Known Member

    I agree we've told our girls the same thing. Don't ever start anything, but you will NEVER get in trouble at home for defending yourself.
  19. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    I wonder if a student has moved up to assaulting the administration, he has probably already assaulted students.
  20. Pirate96

    Pirate96 Guest

    So all murder in NY is 2nd degree unless it involves a cop. BALONEY!!!!!!!!!!!! I have a lot of respect for cops, but guess what. If you kill someone it is the same as killing a cop in my book.

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