3,608 Mothers Breast-Feed at Same Time

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Hught, May 2, 2007.

  1. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

  2. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    Go to the bar and get a drink and then go to bed!

    Nite nite Hught! :lol:
  3. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Goodnight HG :)
  4. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    WOW! Formula is a SUBSTITUTE. It never has and never will be better than breast milk. Even says it right on the side of the can, yo!

  5. Josey Wales

    Josey Wales Well-Known Member

    Hear hear. Tastes great ...less filling.
  6. kookookacho

    kookookacho Well-Known Member

    I just about spit yogurt all over my screen! :lol:
  7. reeteach2

    reeteach2 Well-Known Member

    Years ago (80's maybe) the formula companies were saying that formula was better than breastmilk everywhere. That is why they now have to put on their labels that breastmilk is better. However, outside the US, they apparently still use their old advertising tactics. I know of a lot of people who bocott Nestle products because in third world countries they use questionable tactics to increase their formula sales. Advertising is different in different countries. Fillipino women are obviously getting tired of being told that formula is better than breastmilk. maybe soon, their advertising will be more similar to ours. In some countries (I believe in South America) formula is only available by Rx! The breastfeeding rate there is somewhere in the high 90%.
  8. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    This reminds me of the lady who refused to cover up when she was doing that on the airplane. I thought she was rediculous.
  9. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    I remember that boycott, wasn't there something else about the fact that a lot of those women didn't have access to clean water to make the formula with? I seem to remember that a lot of babies were getting sick and dying from the contaminated water, but I may be remembering wrong.:confused:
  10. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    Why is it always the granola crowd trying to push the issue of not covering up?
  11. Pirate96

    Pirate96 Guest

    What could be more natural than a child nursing. Why do you find it offensive? They serve a much bigger purpose than pleasing men so why should a child have to be hidden while eating?
  12. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    It is actually about being proper. Why is it proper to flop it out and feed your kid in public. I have seen mothers wearing shawls to do it. I for one don't want to see it. I think it is improper in public.

    Do you feel others don't understand they are more than just for fun?
    Last edited: May 3, 2007
  13. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    I'm going to be SO sorry for getting into this but here goes! It's not "improper" ! Breastfed babies get hungry OFTEN & restrooms are no place to eat! Some women are less "discreet" than others, but it's just a body part performing it's intended function, if it bothers you, just look away! ;)
  14. grysunshine

    grysunshine Well-Known Member

    but it isn't improper for television or random commercials of girls letting it all hang out or places like the Doll House...it's ok then. :roll: It's nature. It's ok to glorify them in a sexual nature but to actually see it for what it really is, is offensive...makes perfect sense.
  15. Pirate96

    Pirate96 Guest

    Proper????? You think a good majority of the comments you make on here are proper? Get over it!!!!!!!!! It is a natural thing and exactly the purpose it is intended for yet it should be covered up because it bothers someone. Why should a baby have to eat in the dark, under a blanket, or hidden from view? It is completely natural and should be treated that way whether in public or private.
  16. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    You are right, that is what was going on. Also, there were cases of malnutrition because they mixed in extra water to "stretch" the formula, to save money. Of course, once women start feeding formula, they can't go back to breast-feeding, it doesn't take very many days of not nursing for the milk to dry up.
  17. reeteach2

    reeteach2 Well-Known Member

    Mentioning covering up in 2 separate posts when no one else was talking about it..
    Why is this such a big issue to you?
    I have been around breastfeeding infants many, many times. Very rarely have I seen anything inappropriate. Those times I have seen anything, it was mostly when I was around my sister or close friend. It doesn't seem like a prevelant problem to me. It's legal for a woman to breastfeed-anywhere that she is allowed to be-no mention of covering up mentioned in any law I know of. So a breastfeeding woman is not doing anything wrong, even if she isn't covering up. So leave those women alone (they're doing the best thing for their babies and probably trying their best not to show anything). And if it bothers you that much-look away! Go away! Walk into another room! Take responsibility for yourself.
    I can't remember if you're a man or woman.. but if you are a man- I hope that you also never look appreciatively at an attractive woman who is dressed in the current fashion of showing too much skin. If you did, that would make you a hypocrite. Most breastfeeding women show much, much less skin than many women walking around the mall.
  18. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    SS! I didn't know you were part of the granola crowd! :mrgreen:

    I think the one "pushing" the issue is the guy who had to post twice before he got a response. :rolleyes:
  19. Pirate96

    Pirate96 Guest

    Don't worry he is a man and being called a hypocrite is by far one of the nicer things people call him. :mrgreen::mrgreen:
  20. reeteach2

    reeteach2 Well-Known Member

    I know I shouldn't have let him get to me, but I'm really tired of people pushing the covering thing (both my kids had very definite ideas of being covered with a blanket) and sending women to restroom (eww) and calling an innocent God-made function improper when apparently society thinks showcasing breasts is perfectly proper (I don't agree).

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