No Soap in the bathrooms at Westview Elem.

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by oth, May 3, 2007.

  1. oth

    oth Guest

    My kid tells me that they have not had Soap or Paper towels in the bathrooms at Westview Elem. for at least a week.

    One has to wonder, if there is soap in the bathroom that the cafeteria workers use.

    Has anyone heard of such a thing ?

    And we wonder why kids are always getting sick.
  2. tawiii

    tawiii Guest

    I think they should close the school. We can not stand for such things.

    What did the school say when you questioned them about it?
  3. Just One Guy

    Just One Guy Well-Known Member

    I would say they could bring their own but with zero tolerance, it would probably be contraband.
  4. markfnc

    markfnc Well-Known Member

    I just asked my Kindergartner before bed. He said yes they have soap and paper towels.
  5. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Are you sure they even had any this year, probably took this long before anyone noticed. At least thats my bet based on the mens public restrooms iv'e been in.
  6. ECAVE

    ECAVE Well-Known Member

    Took 3 years for them to consistently get towels and soap in the men's room behind the auditorium at WJHS. This is from personal experience.
  7. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Ok, so we have it from the horse's mouth - there is soap and paper towels - geez, why do folks always dwell on the little things and try to start drama???
  8. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    It brings meaning to our lives when we are not sitting in front of the TV! :mrgreen:
  9. ljk

    ljk Well-Known Member

    Ummm I type AND watch TV at the same time! Blows that theory.:lol: :lol:
  10. JC-native

    JC-native Well-Known Member

    I have a child at Westview and I've been keeping track of this situation all year. The chance that the bathrooms will have soap or paper towels on any given day is about 50%. The chance that it will have both at the same time is much lower. Going a week without either is typical. The excuse at the beginning of the year was lack of funds for the supplies. They said they run out before their allotted amount is replenished.

    They also don't allow hand sanitizer unless a parent gives permission. But they don't take a proactive approach and ask for permission, so you have to force the issue if you want your child to use sanitizer. I emailed the head county nurse and she said that it was a medicated substance and against state policy. I emailed someone from the state and she said she was unaware of any such policy, and that it must be a Johnston County policy. The county nurse said they were concerned because it irritated some kids' skin. What about strep and the other germs that could be reduced? Which serves the greater good? Couldn't the few parents who don't like sanitizer just send a note saying "don't let my child use sanitizer"? I realized I was up against the brick wall of "bureaucratic policy" and everything I said was falling of deaf ears.

    I've just let it go. Some days my child goes to lunch without getting a chance to wash her hands because the teacher doesn't have time to stop by the bathroom. I understand. Teachers have more government mandated bases to tag than they can possibly do each day.

    So if your child is a good hand-washer like mine, it doesn't matter. None of the other kids are using sanitizer or washing their hands anyway. So even after your child washes their hands, everything they touch is germ-ridden from their friends.
  11. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    BTW, there is a nasty stomach bug going around. My son has been home since Wednesday. Stomach, pain, vomiting, headache, dizziness.....

    The best way to get a stoach bug outbreak at school is by not washing hands, and with those EOG's right around the corner.... Oh my!!!
  12. markfnc

    markfnc Well-Known Member

    I go to lunch with my son about once a month. I have NEVER seen it without soap and paper towels. That is the boys room, nearest the lunch room.
  13. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    One has to wonder if the original poster, or the original posters child has an agenda.
  14. JC-native

    JC-native Well-Known Member

    That's funny. No soap = hidden agenda. Its probably a conspiracy against germs. :lol:

    You got lucky.
  15. markfnc

    markfnc Well-Known Member

    I feel lucky! Since I joined a church and joined the Republican party things have been going my way!
  16. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    I thought at that age they had a sink in the classrooms??? I know I did. and I am old!!
  17. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    That went through our house the week the kids were out for Easter break and it was NO FUN. Hope your DS feels better soon... and the rest of you don't get it! :eek:
  18. CraigSPL

    CraigSPL Well-Known Member

    Can't seem to locate it at this moment but I know that recently (last few months) that there have been some medical studies that show where the repeated and constant use of hand sanitizer can be more harmful in the long run due to harsh chemicals used to kill off those nasty germs that we all carry on our hands.

  19. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    It has been known for quite some time that this sanitizer stuff is more harmful than good.
  20. markfnc

    markfnc Well-Known Member

    they (kindergarten) do have a bathroom in their classrooms, but they stop at the one near the lunch room on the way back from lunch so they can "go" 3 boys and 3 girls at a time and wash hands.

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