Embarq Help!!!

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Kdog, May 3, 2007.

  1. Kdog

    Kdog Well-Known Member

    I have Embarq and tried of paying their outrageous each month. I am not too savvy with all these options out there. How is Vonage? I was thinking of switching to Vonage but I get my internet thru Embarq. I have Direct TV so I can't get it thru cable. How else would I be able to get interest service besides going thru EmBarq...HELP. Thanks
  2. RealityCheck

    RealityCheck Well-Known Member

    Who does one complain too about EMBARQ local phone service? Its hit or miss whether we will have local phone service at any particular time. The repairman might as well report to this road every day. At some point, can they be forced by the Public Utilities Committee or someone to put modern equipment on a road?

    Sorry for the vent
  3. Pirate96

    Pirate96 Guest

    Good Luck! Our best option would be wireless via the public's air waves. Oh wait a minute, the government keeps auctioning off our airwaves.
  4. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    Is Embarq still part of Sprint? If so, there's your reason for all the trouble... :roll:
  5. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    The best option is TWC RoadRunner and the Digital Phone package. I had it and loved it. You can also just go wireless with your cell for home use and go with Clearwire.
  6. Just One Guy

    Just One Guy Well-Known Member

    Embarq IS Sprint.. they just renamed their landline side...
  7. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    That's what I thought but I wasn't 100% sure. Why are they such a horrible company?
  8. Just One Guy

    Just One Guy Well-Known Member

    Mostly their customer no-service=they couldn't care less if they screw you
  9. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    Yeah I know, I despise them. I should have written my question like this...

    Why are they such a rotten, despicable company? ;)
  10. Just One Guy

    Just One Guy Well-Known Member

    To steal another quote from this board, "Hammer meets nail."

    I had a Sprint cell phone about seven years ago in another state. They screwed up the billing big time, and the idiots who can't go off their designated "we're sorry but there's nothing we can do" script weren't helping so I went into a Sprint store. Store was packed with people waiting in line to buy new service. I asked the idiots in there for help, they pointed me to a red phone in a soundproof (probably) room, stating that all they did was sell phones. So I started talking to the people waiting in line to sign up, letting them know how I was getting screwed by Sprint. The numbers in line started dropping/leaving. Sprint flunky told me to leave, I told him I'll leave when the police tell me to. So he called the local PD. Meanwhile I'm still working the crowd. PD showed up, they talked to the Sprint flunky, then to me, they told me to leave, I said no problem officer, and left.

    I must have cleared out 15 people. At least. I felt much better.

    I finally was able to get out of my contract, but it took A LOT of work. Usually I work problems up the "food chain" as far as I can go before I'd do something THAT drastic but whenever I would ask for a person's boss they would tell me that there's no one higher to talk to. So I would ask them if they are the CEO, that would blow their minds and they'd just stammer and repeat.

    I also had Nextel, which was WONDERFUL untill they were bought by Sprint. You could tell things had changed over there, but lucky I was out of contract by the time Nextel was bought.
  11. robo321

    robo321 Well-Known Member


    I’m not sure were you received your misleading information from but I personally do know for a fact that Embarq’s DSL does not block any function, ports, etc.
  12. Southernborn

    Southernborn Well-Known Member

    We have TWC digital phone/cable/roadrunner and I've never been happier. Since 1997 my cable has went out for a couple of hours maybe 4 times. They have always given me great customer service as well. I had sprint until last year when I got fed up with their outrageous pricing and NO Customer Service. We've had the total package about a year now and I couldn't be happier.
  13. Just One Guy

    Just One Guy Well-Known Member

    He said he got the info straight from Embarq so if it's not true that tells you what stand up folks (haha) Embarq/Sprint are.
  14. robo321

    robo321 Well-Known Member

    What would be the sense in even trying? What I can tell you is that many of my associations and I don't seem to have half the trouble you fine people seem to have with Embarq. Ken is wrong and THAT is the truth! One additional fact is that people need to do what is best for them.
  15. robo321

    robo321 Well-Known Member


    I know you know many aspects of networking, but rest assured there are many people who are using VOIP on Embarq’s DSL. I also know that many people have switched over from Time Warner’s high speed due to latency issues, dropped packets, fragmented voice calls, etc. I know this because I have personally set them up myself! I’m not sure what misinformed technical support person you have spoke with but Embarq’s DSL is just a transparent media for transporting what ever information ( including voice) you want. There are NO filters to block protocols, ports etc.
    Surely a man with your intelligence can use other terms than, “talking out the wrong hole”. Or are you limited to insulting people when there is something you don’t understand or find someone who can do what you can’t.
    Email me Ken I would be happy to tell you what I do for a living. Insult me and I will ignore you!
  16. Pirate96

    Pirate96 Guest

    Hopefully they have improved there offering enough to maintain a steady connection. Wonder if they have gotten smart enough yet to change the default password for the CPE router's?
  17. msmep

    msmep Member

    We have TWC for cable and HS internet. We also have Vonage and love it.
  18. CraigSPL

    CraigSPL Well-Known Member

    If I'm forced to have a home phone line to pay for just to have their DSL, then why would I bother with having VOIP provider as they will ship you the filter for home phone services when they send you the DSL modem. Why would anyone who is having to pay for both the DSL and the home phone line even bother having a VOIP?

  19. Rostrawberry

    Rostrawberry Well-Known Member

    Before I read this thread, I called Embarq because I wanted to know if we could have DSL without the phone line (we rarely use the house phone since we use our cell)

    The rep said "No" and hung up on me just like that. HOW RUDE? I was gonna call back and speak with someone about how I was treated but figured I wouldn't get anywhere with it.

    Does anyone know if we could get DSL without a phoneline or if its possible. Thanks

  20. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    Why don't you just get TWC for your high speed internet, and use VOIP or get rid of your landline altogether? That's what I did, don't have to mess with Embarq any more. I just use my cell phone.

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