Read it and weep, snipe. I make milk, what's your superpower? SUMMARY OF ENACTED BREASTFEEDING LEGISLATION NORTH CAROLINA North Carolina, in 1993, exempted breastfeeding from the criminal statutes, and at the same time, clarified that women have the right to breastfeed in public, even if there is exposure of the breast. N.C. Gen. Stat. sec. 14-190.9 1993 N.C. ALS 301; 1993 N.C. Sess. Laws 301; 1993 N.C. Ch. 301; 1993 N.C. HB 1143 "ยง 14-190.9. Indecent exposure. (B) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a woman may breast feed in any public or private location where she is otherwise authorized to be, irrespective of whether the nipple of the mother's breast is uncovered during or incidental to the breast feeding. Hey, Ree - remember that time you caught me breastfeeding at the pool? OH! The scandal!! And we're still going strong. Maybe it is time for me to post my list of all the places I nurse at in the 4042 area, so snipe can avoid them. Reminds me... any 4042 get togethers coming up? tee-hee...
I make milk, what's your superpower? I love that!! I could have given a Holstein a run for her money!! :mrgreen:
Just for the recored everyone-all I could see was a snuggly baby!!! Are you going to be able to spend time at the pool this summer, Cleo?
I know nobody has said anything. but I don't want to be labeled an idiot for this (there are plenty of other opportunities). When I posted the comment about the crowded restroom it was said out of sarcasm after the last set of breast feeding threads. I think the restroom is a terrible place to feed a child. Please pass the granola
OK, as a mom who breastfed 3 children, my opinion is that i would not do it in public uncovered out of respect for my husband and my children - while yes, while i was nursing my breasts did what God intended them to do, after breastfeeding they are still something that i prefer only my husband enjoy. Honestly, while breasts are a natural thing for feeding children, can anyone argue the fact that they are also a sexual thing? When i needed to breastfeed my babies in public, i had the common sense to cover up and guess what - the babies did not mind at all. While i believe in totally doing what God intended with our bodies, there is nothing wrong with a little modesty along the way. Ok, that is the opinion of a Mom who was breastfeeding when it wasn't the "politically correct" thing to do, it was just the natural thing to do.
You can be modest without covering. If you actually looked at a breastfeeding baby, the baby covers most of mom's skin. The rest can be covered by manovering her shirt. I think by covering, most people think about a blanket. If I did that (I tried many times at home), my kids would pull the blanket off. Then I would have to grab the blanket and rearrange-more opportunity for accidential exposure than I was ever comfortable with. Besides, all a blanket does when I see someone using one is draw my attention to them. Most moms can nurse so that you don't even notice if you're not looking closly. I think there are very few moms who want to be noticed (much less flaunt skin) when they're breastfeeding. if I could, I preferred a private place. But, I had to live my life too, and that life didn't always provide any privacy. So what would draw less attention to me and bother others less-discreetly feeding my child or letting her get to the point that she would scream? My husband doesn't want me exposed to the world either and he never had a problem with it.
Obviously you are younger than i am and see things differently - my way of thinking was, if i was in public i found a more private place, whether it be my car or a bathroom, my babies were always taken care of. The benefit of being older is that we have made mistakes, learned from them, and love being able to share the wisdom to those younger:-D
Oh Yeah, I'll definitely be there! Should be easier with the girls being a year older!! It was pretty hot for a newborn last summer, now she can splash around in the baby pool!! She's gonna be walking soon. They grow so fast!!
The Doll House has a TV show??? What is improper is not the act. But not covering up. Don't put words in my mouth ok?
Yes Proper. P to the R to the O to tha P to tha E to the R. My point AGAIN is not the act. It is the openess that a mother feels she has to share with the world. Cover up. Also, A child that is breast feeding can't see past it's arms. Darkness would not matter. There is also an invention called a breast pump.
Where did I mention the "LAW"? I think it is tacky for a woman not to cover up when she is breast feeding. That is my opinion. Guess what. It is mine. You will not be able to change it. Period. They make special clothes for mothers that allow public breast feeding. Use them.
Do you drive a Subaru Outback like the rest of the Granolas?? (Just Kidding) Jealousy of other women is demeaning yourself. The "Coverup thing" saves the rest of the people from having to look at it.
Nah, my days of pis ing matches with angry little men online are long gone. I got sh t to do. If you are uncomfortable with women breastfeeding, don't look. It is as simple as that. The law supports me to feed my baby wherever and however I want to. It will also protect me from harrassment if I come across somebody like you the next time I am nursing in public.
Cleo how can you not look. It is right under YO face? Even if you look to the left. A MANS eye is going to focus where? Mens eyes have Radar for these types of thing!!