Well I'm sure you judgments are pure and straight, having so much info to make such a judgments by. I know what I saw and it is a poor testimony to God. But I am sure you know better.
rj, i don't think there is so much backlash in this area, it is mainly one person and from what i surmise, maybe he is a former member possibly who had a falling out with the church and is using this forum to further his agenda. Just a theory but it seems to fit.
Well that is sooo goood for you Ormly. And your interpretation of the Bible will be the one we all use from now on. Some one call all the other branches of Christianity I guess we need to start with the Catholics and let them know. As of today Ormly is the first and final say on the views of the bible. Everyone else is wrong until the message is approved by Ormly. Ormly maybe you can come up with a catchy name, I mean Cleveland Church of Christ the Ormly version might get a little long. What is your title going to be? Pastor, Deacon, Minister, Bishop, Pope!!!!! I mean we are all declairing yours the only true interpretation of the Bible. Go hog wild!!!!!!!!!!
Dollars to donuts you don't know yours...perhaps even don't own one or have openned it up, if you do own one. I don't expect an honest reply, so don't bother.
I have one open it everyday take it to work with me everyday, do I know it front to back no, I am a Christian I am learning, and I will always be learning more about the Bible. To take a stand that you know everything about the Bible is great I guess. I mean it is the word of God passed down to man. I think it is great that you alone have gotten everything God wanted to say to man out of the Bible already. If that really is the case can I have yours? You don't need it anymore you already know it. That is what you meant right? You don't think I have one or even open mine that is also what you said right. So be a good Christian and give me your Bible. Do something to help someone find Christ. That is what as a Chrisian you should be trying to do right???? Help me find Christ.
Ill bet you get a response like.. I dont think you can handle having me halp you find God.. I am way to knowledgable for this petty crap i am the second best thing to God because he told me what he wanted to man the he told man to write it down in the bible so you can consider me the editor and chief of the bible
I think I can solve this.... If you don't like the church don't go. Go to one you like. Where you feel God and feel comfortable. Where you feel the Spirit. Other then that....all i can say is respect. Respect other religions and versions of religions. Unless they start knocking our kids in the head and dragging them over there or hold them against their will - I really don't see what the big deal is. I may not have liked their construction and not getting a response but that was the fault of people not necessarily the beliefs of the church.
Which i feel we do at c3, we don't shove c3 or our style down anyones throat( not saying u accused us of that). I understand that it is not for everyone and i can see why because it is not like the average Johnston county church, which does not make us better or worse just different,but i respect you peppercorn because u had a complaint ( which may not of been handled in a timely manner) but you didn't go out of your way to bash us which reflects highly on your character as a person unlike others who go out of their way to put down another church
Opening it up everyday won't help you unless you read it.. And I dare say, little about Christ if content with being spoon fed cotton candy satisfies you. I know what I know because I have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and my Bible knowledge is a direct result of that relationship. The Lord doesn't give stones when bread is asked of Him....nor is it cotton candy that will sustain one who seeks Him. His message of Holiness should cause resentment in me if it reveals that I am unholy.. But yet it must if I love Him and desire to abide in Him. Sure, but you shouldn't need it if you can speak of the message of Jesus Christ; the gospel of the Good News, which is much more about what God has prepared for those that Love Him with the whole heart and simply not having their "fire-insurance" paid up. Do you know anything about that part the message? If your Bible agrees with your findings concerning any "post modern church", throw it a way and get a new one..... I hope that helps clear the air a little.
IDK Ormly how about you try telling 2500 people who attend c3 that they are all wrong.. they are not there for a man or for a building they are there because they found Jesus there they found hope, they found new life. maybe it not for you. well then im sorry that you feel that way that is why u have your holy huddle the us 4 and no more at bisketville. but to bash a church and say they are doing it wrong and to tell 2500 people that they are all doing it wrong you must be out of your freaking mind.. who are you to say whats right and wrong?
C3 What it isn't..... It isn't a place Ormly wants to be so Ormly has proclamied his chicken little stance that C3 is a cliff, that it is evil and whatever else Ormly has claimed it to be. Here is my take on this Ormly C3 is a church that speaks the word of Christ. I like the church and so does family and many other families in the Cleveland area. I wish you could see past your pride and whatever else is blinding you. I'm done Rjfields out
I couldn't do that. Though at the outset I pointed to c3 and inferred that it was the only post modern church I had in mind was unintended shorted-sightedness on my part. I meant to infer all churches of the post modern sort who have as their mentors corporate CEO "leadership managers". In that c3 is on board and can't help being so for it's lack of teaching of the exclusiveness of the teaching of Jesus Christ. It is appalling absent lest it offend any unbelievers in their mix. You may wish to ask the question, not why so many come and go but rather, why have so many after being there for a few years have left? Indeed there are hurting people out there who need Christ as both Savior and Lord. That message divides people. Dividing people is NOT what the post-modern church is all about.
Here are a few links where I have visted many times. The first one is for the intellectual here and I submit it as the foundational paper for understanding what the post modern small group facilitating is all about. This is where the "Thesis", "Antithesis" and "Synthesis" is explaned. Most all the others is just a plethora of info that will greatly assist the one who senses there to be more from God than just a feel good message and "bubble gum". For those who might be interested in a more indepth Christian forum, I post often on the "Sermnoindex" link that has many good articles and podcasts....All centered in Christ that one can truly grow in Him. http://www.professionalserve.com/doublespeak/index96IAR.html http://www.sermonindex.net/ http://www.crossroad.to/index.html http://www.lighthousetrailsresearch.com/PDL%20in%20NT.htm http://www.deceptioninthechurch.com/orrel12.html http://www.inthenameofpurpose.org/page2.html http://www.off-the-map.org/mediacenter/brian_mclaren_library.html#videos http://www.reinventingjesuschrist.com/
After a few years then left huh? how about i have been there 7 years.. yupp just a few years then leave.
Well i guess it would be easy enough to solve that wonder by visiting the church and forming your own informed opinion.