This is your first post on this subject. Two minutes later, with no reply to your previous post, you posted this: The woman you called "rediculous" (sic) had this to say: Why did she decline to cover up with a blanket? I think several posters have already mentioned that most babies do not like to be covered up when they eat. Besides, how do you know how clean the blanket was? I doubt they take them off the plane and wash them after every flight.
any one that breast feeds in a public place, out in the open, is looking for attention. You can always find a quiet spot or corner to do it. I don't mind it if it is an all woman thing but I sure wouldn't care for my man watching some other women whip out a booby and feed her kid. Nor would I care for my young child to see it. Sex is natural too but we don't fornicate in the middle of the mall. *(well at least we shouldn't).
WOW!!!!!! Are you suggesting that breast feeding a child is sexual in nature? What a sick damn society we have become! Other, above, want webcams so they can watch?!!!! This is a joke right? You can not be serious equating fornincating with breast feeding??!!!! You people need therapy!
If you are confident in yourself, you wouldn't be concerned if your husband, boyfriend or man sees a woman's boob while breastfeeding. As far as kids go, you may want to take them aside and explain what is going on. It IS a natural thing you know. And they'll see worse in the public school system. TRUST ME.........................
Hugh are you saying a woman can't use a breast pump and pre plan for the day? Usually most people know how their day is going to be.
Maybe we all should agree that it is a woman's decision whether to cover or not. i personally, covered myself or went somewhere private when in public and all 3 babies had no problem being fed and happy but granted i did not feed my children until they were 2 or 3 either. Basically it is the woman's decision and no one elses. For those of you that choose not to be covered, you have to be ready to get googled at and while it may not be right, until we change the American society's view of nudity, it is something to accept and move on. i personally don't have a problem with it but that is just my opinion. Maybe by the next generation's children, views will have changed, they definitely have since i was not the norm and breastfeeding all of mine:-D We can only hope.
she is following God's plan or evolutions plan depending on where you sit. Why does everything have to be planned. It is natural and legal.
I'm beginning to think you have a rather "un-natural" obsession with this "natural" function............................. :lol: :mrgreen: I'm with Kaci, let's all agree to disagree and move on to other topics, the latest C-3 thread is highly entertaining!
Obviously, you have a REAL problem with the natural functions of the human body. Let's see, this is the year 2007, and women have been breast feeding children for what? A couple of thousand years now!!! You think? ServerSnapper, are you listed on the Sexoffenders website? Is there something we need to be aware of about you? You just ain't right! Get some help!