Funny...Please stop feeding the Troll! Ormly, I'm sure if you had the backbone to post what church you are affiliated with, that an ex member could pick it apart for you! Get a life!
Well, I am a Pentecostal of 50+yrs. I lived through much that I couldn't reconcile that made me conclude there is something wrong with this picture; there must be something more to it all than this that wasn't working for anyone except for the "fringy few" who specilalized in the "miraculous".. However, by the time I got desparate this new "Post-modern/Emergent church" thing was coming onto the scene, gaining steam and added my confusion. After all, how could so many be coming to Christ with such a shallow message being preached? I therefore thought I must have something wrong in my approach/thinking to this thing; God indeed must being doing a new thing I didn't understand. And yet, His word says He never changes. Time moving on ....and having studied it along with observing the "crazies" happening in the Charismatic arena and the "Glitz" TV, I began to see something emerging that was anti-Christ; two extremes, neither correct. Jesus said "they will hate you as they hated me". I saw in this new post modern church nothing to hate by them who never mention the name of Jesus. Then I began to pay attention. They spoke of nothing that would offend anyone. The message of Jesus Christ was no longer a message that was exclusive but rather inclusive meaning one can claim to be of Him and yet live as he pleases without regard to what God requires and desires. Well, no wonder everyone loves this kind of church, I thought. There are no requirements to be met and nothing is absolute so whatever you chose to believe about Him is ok as long as you don't come into something on your own and attempt to persuade anyone to something that is exclusive. Exclusivism is a no, no. It is arrogant, devisive and obviously offensive. If you persist, you will be asked to leave. It was then I started looking into the origins of this phenomenon. What I found amazed me and opened my eyes to much that was coming down the pike in a hurry.. I posted various weblinks that confirmed my suspicions and led me further into exploration. However if one does not have a knowledge of the scriptures one will not know to relate anything. Read how Rick Warren started his "Saddleback" church and compare with what Jesus said how it must be done. There is a tremendous difference. The Church of Jesus Christ is a slow growing Church. Why? Because man without God who desires not to have Jesus Christ rule his life, will hate the Church of Jesus Christ. These churches are full of such people; God being made palatable with much words and flatteries, softens such offensives. I have attended several churches in the area. I left them because they did not satisfy my longing for the Lord. I wanted corporate relationship with God, they offered me their programs. I am still looking.
Oh now I understand. See I've been to that type a church a couple of times and it scared the crap out of me. I don't get into the talking in tongues, etc. My two sister in laws are of the same religion and they tend to look down their noses at any other that makes me wonder about the Pentecostal religion.
And we have all seen the references to Jesus dressing up for his church services have we not? That "simple carpenter" clothing would have truned everyone off for sure. :roll:
Brian McLaren: A Prime Example Of Diaprax!by Sandy SimpsonIntroduction I have written in a previous article called The Emerging/Emergent Church - and their use of "Diaprax" briefly detailing the use of the Hegelian Dialectic and praxis (Diaprax) by New Apostolic and Emerging Church leaders. What I want to show in this article is a perfect example of Diaprax in the teachings of Brian McLaren, a main leader in the Emerging Church. If you want to read the entire transcript of “An New Kind Of Christian – Part 1”, a video teaching by Brian McLaren, you can access it here. I also urge you to watch the video for yourself which is available online here. When you watch, be aware of the intentional and perhaps even unintentional uses of brainwashing techniques. I will only quote certain parts of McLaren’s teachings in order to emphasize the use of Diaprax as well as other false teachings.......................... For the full aricle and links go here:
Just as this thing was dying Omly had to do somthing to make him the center of attention and let everyone fuss at him... but guess what ORMLY aint gonna happen this time Bud
I am not looking for the attention. I just want to inform you to what is happening that you might be made aware. However, if you have no or little knowledge of the Bible you will be caught in the snare of this new "church" movement. If you personally are not interested in knowing truth; being accurate where you place your faith, what can be said? Don't read what I post.
Ormly, here is an excerpt (from a book called The Great Gospel Deception) about "false teachers" in the church. Is this, in essence, the message you're trying to get across? Are you simply asking those of us who call ourselves Christians to examine ourselves... to make sure we're truly saved, and then to closely examine the shepherds who are leading us?
I could never say to someone who claims to be saved, they aren't. However, the Bible says this about those who do claim to be saved: 2 Corinthians 13:5 (KJV) Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates? The problem I see is that so many say they have faith IN Christ but never demonstrate it by their living out His life which makes me to believe there is no relationship with Him beyond a simple presumptous believing for a paid up fire insurance policy. Perhaps they are saved, perhaps not. I don't judge that. What I do know is for one to be born again one must first have a revelation of Jesus Christ. Most say, to be saved is to be born again. I don't conclude that because most who claim His name have no revelation of Him. That has been my experience, beginning with myself. The second part of your question can be best answered by reviewing the website links I have posted up. They say it better than me. From David Wilkerson of Times Square Church NYC: ".....I've seen this happen in churches time after time. The people don't want to hear a message of holiness - so they hire a CEO-type pastor, someone who's a salesman and vows to run the church like a corporation. He comes in and immediately declares, "We're going to reach people the most effective way possible." This minister sends his sheep door to door surveying people, with questions such as: "What would you like to see in a church? What would you want in the form of worship?" Then he puts all the data into a computer - and it dictates which programs the church should implement. It's all done according to surveys. The Holy Spirit is ignored completely-and Christ is dethroned, no longer relied upon as Lord! This has happened even among zealous churches and godly ministries. These works were founded by the Holy Ghost and had humble beginnings. Their leaders were men and women of God - lovers of lost souls, intercessors who wept and prayed over every matter. They didn't have money for consultants, so they prayed in every dollar. And they depended wholly on the Lord for all direction. Whenever he told them, "Do this," they obeyed. But now these ministries have been taken over by younger, more educated staffers, many of whom have never had to sacrifice. And these young people run things with a whole different way of thinking. Intercessory prayer is unknown to them. They don't depend on Jesus for their needs. Instead, they're convinced proper strategies can accomplish everything. ...."
Ive heard this before... You can search for the perfect church but you will search for the rest of your life because no church is perfect because nothing is perfect when people are involved. We cant make anything perfect. The only thing perfect is God of course this may not apply to The first church of Ormly at Biscuitville because im sure that is the perfect church..
Not in the least. Its just a couple of folk hungry for God and know there is something missing in their own church, something unsatisfying, know in their heart there must be something more.....and it is not on a regular basis. A perfect church is not what this is about. The narrowness of the gospel of Jesus Christ is what any church bearing His name should be about. The gospel of Jesus Christ is an exclusive message, ergo, it is not inclusive. It is not a pluralistic doctrine.... And not everyone wants to hear such a message that brings resentment. But don't blame me for that. Jesus said "people will hate you for speaking the message about me but Remember, they hated Me before they hated you". Now what should I do with this message when so many are following a different doctrine that is "enjoyable"?
Maybe because we broke the wall down between enjoyable and Christianity. No Longer does Christianity have to be suits and ties ans hymms it can be what relates to todays generation because when I was growing up church was for old people, was there anything exciting or that got me excited about living for jesus when I was young and sitting on a hard pew listening to some mono-tone guy say his tis tho and this thy, now church can be for everyone. church now gets everyonr involved not just the retirees.
I know the old mainline churches dropped the ball with their preaching by being centered on only one part of the gospel that does not sustain anyone. .......But involved in what, HX? What are you involved in that is maturing you in Jesus Christ, to be a son unto the Father of Heaven, as He was? I know what the message of Jesus Christ is all about. You want to critique me and that's ok but how about critiquing what you take in every Sunday as to how it may or may not apply to your own spiritual growth. Maturing in Christ is what being "born again" is to be about, correct? Do you consider yourself "Born Again"? I am going to start another thread on this subject. Hope you will meet me over there.
That has nothing to do with it! You talk, but you don't listen! So I don't see the point in starting another thread unless you just enjoy talking to yourself............................:?