They need another billion dollars. There is something wrong when the lottery is passed, but yet one county needs back to back billion dollar bonds for school construction. Given this rate all available land in Wake county will be filled with Taj Mahal schools.
Pirate, the "education" part of the lottery was just a tool to get all the suckers to buy into the lottery.
I forget the numbers but with all of the people flooding to our area and the questionable status on year round schools what are you going to do? One proposal I would like to make is that we go to a 24 hour schedule with two shifts Maybe 2am to 11 am for one group and than 2 pm till 11 pm for the next shift. That way each kid would get about the same # of hours of daylight. 8)
Take some time to read on here for a while. It'll scare the bejeebers out of ya! :shock:
New residents pay for growth? Silly me, since I've moved here I forgot to pay my property tax (which funds most the education budget), my highway useage tax, all of my other taxes, and I haven't bought anything from any businesses here. Wait until our newborn hears that (s)he has to pay extra because (s)he is new.
I never said that it did. I said that property taxes funds most of the education budget (and I know that how much varies from state to state and county to county.) I recognize that there are other sources for funding (bond issues, lottery, etc.).
bwaha! if you live in wake county, just wait til '08 when the tax re-evaluation hits. you're not going to believe your eyes....
Really. Why don't they just wait until then - they should have all the money they need. What you have is somebody purchasing a 500,000.00 home and only paying taxes on 250,000.00 of it. I wonder what is going to happen to the housing market when that goes down!! I have been a big opponent of the "Education Lottery" from day one. This is how it works, folks. Whatever money was earmarked from the state for school construction (tax dollars) was re-allocated after the lottery went through. The lottery money was NOT additional money for the construction of schools. It was replacing the tax dollars that were put someplace else. Ain't that a CROCK OF SH__??? And how much of the lottery money goes towards the construction of schools? About 40%. Does any of it really go towards education or that marching band they show in the commercial??? Nope. And don't get me started on how the voting for the lottery happened in the first place, and wow - what a shocker that Geddings is going to the big house.
Re-allocated to where? I moved here after all this went down, so I'm just wondering. It sounds like my only (legit) justification for buying a lottery ticket is not so good. (Let's not mention this to the wife though.)
Everyone that was able to think for themselves knew that the lottery was a scam. Money was never going to the schools.