Bet your probably right....................although I would have taken bets on another poster yesterday!:mrgreen:
I am not thinking Will spanker is a real name lol if so could you imagine the picking he/she got growing up.
Men like that are alot like dogs that go around H***ing peoples legs ya know they just need a good smack with a news paper or for this dog a hammer.
I think it's kind of humorous that y'all are presuming it's a guy. Rob could be Roberta. But then you biddies wouldn't have anything to squawk about, would you?
Biddies? :roll: So I guess cheating is OK with you, man or woman since you find it humorous? Doesn't make a difference. IT'S STILL WRONG! And I will squawk from the rooftops that it is wrong. But I guess if it feels good, do it, that's all that's important. :roll: :roll: :roll: What if there are kids involved? What kind of example is he setting for his/her children? Advertising for anonymous sex on the internet, what a winner!
Should I respond and post a pic. When you sit down to eat chicken or meat with bones you would be mad if they put the bones on a plate and served it to wanna a little meat with it? I can say that because I am a little overweight too...
You know absolutely nothing about the person you are condemning. For all you know the spouse is accepting. And yet you all get together to talk about how wrong this person is. That's what biddies do. You don't know it's cheating. You presume it is. But far be it for someone to suggest that there might be something other than what your small minds can comprehend. What I find humourous is that y'all are constantly searching the personals waiting for someone to post something that you might find objectionable and then bring it here to tear down this person, whom (as I said) you know nothing about. How Christian of you all.