KooKoo, I agree with you guys. Remember, the new girl they found hurt from her parachute landing said that their plane had been found with everyone dead and she couldn't seem to understand how they were standing around her apparently alive. Also, remember Ben's mother telling him that it wasn't time for him to go with her. I think this is a place that determines which way you'll go (heaven or h_l)depending on your actions etc. on the island. Oh, and when the "younger" Ben ran out into the jungle on his birthday and ran into one of the guys that is in the presently in his little cult, he had long hair when the "younger" Ben ran into him and now he has short hair but has not aged. But how do they get all of the information on everyone that they seem to have, and what happened to the black guy and his son? Sooo.....many questions!
Purgatory ... yep yep hubby and I think the same thing!! http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/purgatory
SPOILER (of sorts) Don't want to burst the bubble on that, but the producers said it isn't purgatory. They do an official podcast and addressed that theory a few weeks back. I was thinking the same thing as you guys. There is a lostwiki out there that gets into all the theories and such. Also, there is a great podcast done by two guys in Raleigh that is amazing.
Lost I for one think it is getting worse the longer it drags on. It was a pretty good show around the time they discovered the hatch and Desmond and all that, but it just keeps dragging and dragging to me. Pretty much now if I catch it, or miss it it doesnt matter. I cant wait til its over, just to see what the outcome is.
Daredevil, I agree with you. I really didn't watch very much of it earlier in the season but just decided to watch the last 4 episodes of the season. Just started watching it again about 2 shows ago and feel as if I've been watching the whole season.
Haven't gone back and read the whole thread again, but you guys do know the producers have announced there are only 3 seasons left so as not to drag out the show too long and finally give all the answers in 2010.