rushed to take Mini Me and Kaci's grandkids shopping so she could pick up her free jersey and leave Kaci and Jen to more fun:lol:
MP had a great time shopping with the kids, but to get back at Kaci for sticking her with all the kids, she bought them all the noisest toys she could find! :lol: MP was pooped from shopping, she dropped the kids off and....
headed down to Kaci's and lo and behold there was Jen and her DH, Harley and her DH, Kaci and her DH all hanging out in the garage, next thing ya know they all headed out back and
and all the men were so lit they they stripped down to their skivies and jumped in Kaci's pool. Jen had her camera, so...
then men had to stay in the pool under water so she couldn't take a picture, but you know what happens if you stay in water too long.....
so you can imagine the great pictures Jen got when Kaci threw the ferrets into the water to run them all out
The next morning, Tangy was reading the Cleveland Post, and there on the front page was the headline, 'Local Man Bit On Buttocks By Ferret'.
...and the picture to go with it showed HG's DH. Of course he was upset with Jen because he's a very private person and didn't want her to publish a picture of his hiney. It was all good though, because Jen promised to...
quickly forgave her and enjoyed his new found fame. However, his photo had gained so much national attention that he kept getting phone calls from..
got online with the 4042 gang and begged their help in freeing Tookie the ferret from rehab before his sentence was up. What miracle she never expected to happen came from....
be a part of his 'circus'. Michael had his chimp train Tookie to dance. Tookie was so good that he got an offer to be on 'Dancing With The Stars'. He had to pick a partner, so he called....