i currently have a pc that must be put to rest. can anyone give tips on laptops? best value, brand and quality. i'm willing to invest in something thats worth it. thanks
What little I do know.... HP/Compaq - You must pay to talk to tech support. You have to enter your CC number before it will even transfer you to a human. Dell - No one speaks good enough english at tech support to get anywhere. visioncomputers.com have great support folks, they are in house and the wait time is very short. They are located in Norcross, Georgia. When I buy another, I'll go with them.
When it comes down to it the question is... Are you going to to word processing or spreadsheets your whole life?? if so go PC but anything else you want to do then go MAC baby... laptop wise MACBOOK PRO, I love mine *Sorry to Pc lovers, macs are just i dunno awesome.* *But my second is Lynix*probably spelled that wrong, im tired
If you want reliable, quality and service go for the Sony Viao. I specialize in laptop repairs and hands down they are the best units produced. Their repair rate, due to malfunction not mal-use, is the lowest in the industry. They don't get picked on any of the "Best Of" articles because of the tad bit pricey range they are in. They do have models as low as $1000. They have the best video & screens of any laptops. If you want economical go for the Acer. Just be sure to by the 1 year extended warranty. HP is ok, just lousy support. Dell ... well ... just replace the first letter with an "H". As for Mac's, it's an IBM Compatable world, get over the fact that you luv them and they should rule, they don't. Also, their service rates are notoriously high. If your rich and you don't care what the rest of the world is doing or good video is not required, buy a MAC. The first question I ask my customers is "What are you going to use it for?" Multimedia, office work, internet, graphics, etc.. That will determine what size screen you need, CPU Speed, amount of ram, size of hard drive and video card size your going to need. List the things your going to use it for and I'll post a few links to models that match your needs. The other important question would be "Are you going to use it as a portable a lot?" If not, I suggest a bigger screen and a full size keyboard. Best bang for your buck right now for a dual laptop/destop unit is the Acer Aspire 9300 3642. Under $1200 with the extended warranty.
I plan on returning to school and would like to use it for daily purposes as well. ex sharing pics, internet. I definately want something to take on travels when possible so size does matter. any info you can provide me with is greatly appreciated. I'm far from rich but need and want to make the right investment. Thank again
I bought a mac powerbook g4 three and a half years ago and haven't had a single issue with it. It has fallen out of the car (twice) and has a good size dent in it. No viruses, I don't have any virus software installed on it. As far as it being a PC world, I bought a microsoft package with word, powerpoint, etc. For my job I work on Adobe InDesign, no issues there. There aren't as many games available, so if you are a heavy gamer, you'll want to check availability. Unless you have a specific application you need that is only for the pc, it'll do just about everything you described. They've got a few different sizes and price ranges. Check their website. I'm pretty sure there are discount for students as well. I don't want to get into pc vs mac debate as that won't help you, but don't get the idea that a mac won't work for your needs.