The ancient Egyptians believed that Horus(the Sun God) was the son of God (Osiris) and born of a virgin (Isis) on December 25th in a cave. The believed that he was crucified from a tree for sin atonement from a tree between two other men, then resurrected and ascended into Heaven. Sorry if the spelling is off...been a long time since I studied this.
That's interesting. It must be legend or what? I don't know. It does appear as prophectic. I'm curious to know if there is more that can be made mention?
I think the name of the book is: SIXTEEN CRUCIFIED SAVIORS or maybe THE WORLD'S 16 CRUICIFIED SAVIORS...written by K. Graves...sure its out there in google land somewhere Also the story of Krishna (India, approx. 1400BCE) is very similiar to Jesus: Born of a virgin, proclaimed he was the way to the Father, associated with sinners, forgave his enemies, had a last supper, killed on a cross, descended into Hell and rose again, ascended into Heaven.....etc.
The reference to Kersey Graves may be more of a question than an answer. Who Was Kersey Graves? by John Benedict Buescher
Thanks Wayne...knew the name started with a K...had "Kermit" on the tip of my fingertips, but knew that wasn't right. Didn't know him, can't vouch for him, just remember reading the book many moons ago.
I should hope you do not know him well as he died over a hundred years ago ... :lol: :lol: Some of the things he wrote do not seem to hold up to review as well as others, but are worth reading.
LOL..nope, wasn't around when he was, even though my kids might think otherwise!! Remember when we studied the book that we were told then it was over 100 years old, which shocked a lot of people in class because they had never heard of anything like it.
Attis of Phrygia • Born on Dec. 25 of the Virgin Nana • Savior slain for the salvation of mankind • His body as bread was eaten by his worshippers • His priests were "eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven" • He was the Divine Son and the Father • On "Black Friday" he was crucified on a tree, from which his holy blood ran down to redeem the earth. • He descended into the underworld • After three days, Attis was resurrected on March 25th as the "Most High God" Buddha • Born on Dec. 25 of the Virgin Maya and his birth was attended by a "Star of Announcement", wise men and angels singing heavenly songs • At birth, was pronounced ruler of the world and was presented with "costly jewels and precious substances" • His life was threatened by a king "who was advised to destroy the child as he was liable to overthrow him" • Buddha was of royal lineage • He taught in the temple at 12 • He crushed a serpent's head and was tempted by Mara "the evil one" when fasting • Buddha was baptized in water, with the "Spirit of God" or "Holy Spirit" present. • He performed miracles and wonders, healed the sick, fed 500 men from a "small basket of cakes" and walked on water • Buddha abolished idolatry, was a "sower of the word" and preached "the establishment of a kingdom of righteousness" • His followers were obliged to take vows of poverty and to renounce the world • He was transfigured on a mount, when it was said his face "shone as the brightness of the sun and the moon" • In some traditions he died on a cross • He was resurrected • Buddha ascended bodily to Nirvana or "Heaven" • He was called "Lord", "Master", the "light of the world", "God of Gods", "Father of the world", "Almighty and all-knowing ruler", "Redeemer of all", "Holy one", "Author of Happiness", "Possesser of All", the "Omnipotent", the "Supreme Being" and the "Eternal One" • He was considered the "Sin Bearer", "Good Shephard", the "Carpenter", "Infinite and Everlasting" and the "Alpha and Omega" • He came to fulfill, not destroy the law • Buddha is to return "in the latter days" to restore order and to judge the dead Dionysus/Bacchus • Born of a virgin on Dec. 25 and as the holy child was placed in a manger • He was a travelling teacher who performed miracles • He "rode in a triumphal procession on an ***" • He was a sacred king killed and eaten in a eucharistic ritual for fecundity and purification • Dionysus rose from the dead on March 25th • He was the god of the vine and turned water into wine • He was called "King of Kings" and "God of Gods" • He was considered "The Only Begotten Son", the "Redeemer", "Savior", "Sin Bearer", "Anointed One" and the "Alpha and Omega" • He was identified with the ram or lamb • His sacrificial title of "Dendrites" or "Young Man of the Tree" intimates he was hung on a tree or crucified Horus/Osiris of Egypt • Born of the Virgin Isis-Meri on Dec. 25 in a cave/manger with his birth being anounced by a star in the east and attended by 3 wise men. • His earthly father was named "Seb" ("Joseph") • He was of Royal descent • At age 12, he was a child teacher in the temple, and at 30, he was baptized, having disappeared for 18 years • Horus was baptized in the river Eridanus or Iarutana by "Anup the Baptizer", who was decapitated • He had 12 disciples, two of which were his "witnesses" and were named "Anup" and "Aan • He performed miracles, exercised demons and raised El-Azarus from the dead • Horus walked on water • His personal epithet was "Iusa", the "ever-becoming son" of "Ptah" the "Father". He was thus called the "Holy Child" • He delivered a "Sermon on the Mount" and his followers recounted the "Sayins of Iusa" • Horus was transfigured on the mount • He was crucified between two theives, burried for three days in a tomb and resurrected • He was also the "Way, the Truth, the Light", "Messiah", "God's Anointed Son", "Son of Man", the "Good Shephard", the "Lamb of God", the "Word made flesh", the "Word of Truth", etc. • He was "the Fisher" and was associated with the Fish ("Ichthys"), Lamb and Lion • He came to fulfill the Law • Horus was called "the KRST" or "Anointed One" • Like Jesus "Horus was supposed to reign one thousand years" Krishna/Christna of India • Born of the Virgin Devaki ("Divine One") on Dec. 25 • His earthly father was a carpenter who was off in the city paying tax while Krishna was born • His birth was signaled by a star in the east and attended by angels and shephards, at which time he was presented with spices • The heavenly hosts danced and sang at his birth • He was persecuted by a tyrant who ordered the slaughter of thousands of infants • Krishna was anointed on the head with oil by a woman whom he healed • He is depicted as having his foot on the head of a serpent • He worked miracles and wonders, raising the dead and healing lepers, the deaf and the blind • Krishna used parables to teach the people about charity and love, and "he lived poor and loved the poor" • He castigated the clergy, charging them with ambition and hypocrisy... Tradition says he fell victim to their vengeance • Krishna's "beloved disciple" was Arjuna or Ar-jouan (John) • He was transfigured in-front of his disciples • He gave his disciples the ability to work miracles • His path was "strewn with branches" • In some traditions he died on a tree or was crucified between two theives • Krishna was killed around age 30 and the sun darkened at his death • He rose from the dead and ascended into heave in "the sight of all men" • He was depicted on a cross with nail-holes in his feet, as well as a heart emblem on his clothing • Krishna is the "lion of the tribe of Saki" • He was called the "Shephard God", and considered "Redeemer", "Firstborn", "Sin Bearer", "Liberator" and "Universal Word" • He was deemed the "Son of God" and "Our Lord and Savior", who came to earth to die for man's salvation • He was the second person of the trinity • His disciples purportedly bestowed upon him the title "Jezeus" or "Jeseus" meaning "pure essence" • Krishna is to return to judge the dead, riding on a white horse and do battle with the "Prince of Evil" who will desolate the earth Source: Acharya S (
Read the truth @ "Among the parallels offered for the virginal conception of Jesus have been the conceptions of figures in world religions (the Buddha, Krishna, and the son of Zoroaster), in Greco-Roman mythology (Perseus, Romulus), in Egyptian and Classical History (the Pharaohs, Alexander, Augustus), and among famous philosophers or religious thinkers (Plato, Apollonius of Tyana), to name only a few. "Are any of these divinely engendered births really parallel to the non-sexual virginal conception of Jesus described in the NT, where Mary is not impregnated by a male deity or element, but the child is begotten through the creative power of the Holy Spirit? These "parallels" consistently involve a type of hieros gamos (note: "holy seed" or "divine semen") where a divine male, in human or other form, impregnates a woman, either through normal sexual intercourse or through some substitute form of penetration. In short, there is no clear example of virginal conception in world or pagan religions that plausibly could have given first-century Jewish Christians the idea of the virginal conception of Jesus." ============== ...And the history-of-religions scholar David Adams Leeming (writing in EOR, s.v. "Virgin Birth") begins his article by pointing out that all 'virgin births' are NOT necessarily such: "A virgin is someone who has not experienced sexual intercourse, and a virgin birth, or parthenogenesis (Gr., parthenos, "virgin"; genesis, "birth"), is one in which a virgin gives birth. According to this definition, the story of the birth of Jesus is a virgin birth story whereas the birth of the Buddha and of Orphic Dionysos are not. Technically what is at issue is the loss or the preservation of virginity during the process of conception. The Virgin Mary was simply "found with child of the Holy Ghost" before she was married and before she had "known" a man. So, too, did the preexistent Buddha enter the womb of his mother, but since she was already a married woman, there is no reason to suppose she was a virgin at the time. In the Ophic story of Dionysos, Zeus came to Persephone in the form of a serpent and impregnated her, so that the maiden's virginity was technically lost." ================= Nash points this out: "One frequently encounters scholars who first use Christian terminology to describe pagan beliefs and practices, and then marvel at the striking parallels they think they have discovered..."
If I believed in Satan the next question would be who is lying? The virgin birth thing should be a head scratcher for everyone. The setting of your key dates to the key dates of other religions that predated yours should also cause some questioning.
Attis of Phrygia -1st or 2nd century B.C. Buddha-5th century B.C. Dionysus/Bacchus-5th century B.C. Horus/Osiris of Egypt-around 2400 BC Krishna/Christna of India-Traditional belief based on scriptural details and astrological calculations gives Krishna's birth date as July 19th 3228 B.C.E (not sure how the calendar is calcutated to create Dec. 25 in this instance?) Just thought I would put this in for reference. Interesting danger.
I've been reading a book by John MacArthur and it has been amazing because so much of what we've been discussing on here lately has coincided with what I've been reading in his book, and I've wanted to quote MUCH of the book, but refrained... until now. In this part of the book he is talking about how Jesus treated His disciples as His friends instead of as His servants. The chapter is entitled, "How To Be a Friend of Jesus" As I have said before, am saying now, and will continue to say... When you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and the Holy Spirit comes into you, it is amazing how the Word comes to life. It is like you are suddenly able to understand this foreign language that you couldn't understand before, even though you could read it. Also, for me anyway, the whole Bible was not revealed to me all at once (still hasn't been) which is why Christians have to stay in the Word and keep learning more of what it is He is telling us. He reveals it to us little by little... but once you're able to understand what it is He is revealing through His Word, it is truly amazing!
You say you were a believer? For the purpose of this discussion, I will assume you still believe in God. If not, discussion over. You must remember that on the seventh day of creation God pronounced it all good and declared it finished. Adam, an innocent created being, failed the test given him, passing on to us the consequence of his failure that all mankind would heretofore be born into sin. Now I am going to ask you to think: Creation being now finished, meaning it was completed, how do you suppose another sinless being could be brought into existance? And since it had to be of the very same substance of creation that it might rectify the situation how could it be possible? .....Keep in mind: I did assume you believed in God.
However, if the issue is reconcilation with God as it being a necessary demand because of His Hoilness and who desires we to able to stand in His presence when we step into eternity, how is the reconcilation to be accomplished? Since He also provides "the way of reconcilation" and you refuse it, who sends who to hell?
As He missed a significant number of people in getting the word out on "THE way of reconcilation" by only giving that word to a small portion of the population in a limited area, He would have to be the cause. If there were one path to reconcilation that path would have to be known by all and one would expect such a powerful being to give that information to all of the people on the planet at the same time to be fair to all.