Dearie, obviously you are a few sandwiches short of a picnic if you thought that comment was "flaming" ........................just calling it like I see it. 8) There is absolutely no way I would ever go to a church that spews the kind of bile I've seen lately on here. But I might just stop by Biscuitville on the way to church Sunday! :lol: I guess I'll have to take your word on the lurkers since they apparently don't have the "faith" to actually back you up publicly. :roll: Now, I am going to stop feeding the troll..........................kdc out.
If you'll notice, I have not participated in those threads, but they are just about as "constructive" as this one. Ormly wants to give people a hard time for what they wear to church, but you meet in a fast food restaurant? :roll: I was raised Presbyterian and I distinctly remember our minister preaching against public displays like that. I believe this just about covers it. "And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you." [Matthew 6:5-6]
Did I misinterpret this somehow???? I believe your the one who can't handle the truth.....................:neutral: I know of a bible verse that is very relevant (and a few more, but I have dinner to cook!) but I guess that's not "constructive" :roll:
I never said I was an authority on Truth or anything else. Don't put your words in my mouth. You asked for constructive input, you got it. Go back and re-read my post, I was talking about relevant bible verses, not cooking dinner. 8)
KDC, Some people will never learn....all these religion threads have done is make me glad I don't go to church anymore. I do however believe in the Lord and speak to him in the privacy of my own home.See I was raised in a strict Southern Baptist home, made to go to church every time the doors were open, I always SWORE I wouldn't force religion down my children's throats, so I bought them bibles and often read with them, and have discussions with them, but tell them they can make up their own minds about religion.
Sure...bring up a child without giving him/her direction and when he/she is become adult, he/she won't be able to receive any....set in THEIR ways they will be.
You are so right, SB, there is no discussion with some people. If you don't see eye to eye with them, then you are the one in the wrong. I don't know what came over me last night, LOL! I know better, sometimes I just can't help myself! I was also at church every time the door was open and it also made me not want to go later on. I am looking for a church now, because I miss it, but these characters worry me. I know they are in the minority, or they wouldn't be on here trying to "convert" people to their way of thinking. I've heard my share of fire and brimstone, these are lightweights!
Don't doesn't matter what I reply, you will pick it apart, double talk or twist it around.
So, No ones listening to your holier than thou do this or your not a Christian lecture so you have to go to insulting others and telling them to grow up and to speak from knowledge. How about trying this Just letting people know that Jesus loves them and wants them to be living for him and since I made that decision my life has never been the same and if you want to have a life that is meaningful then Ill be happy to talk to you in private instead of shoving your views down peoples throat and making your self be the voice of what "Christians" stand for and therefor you are turning more people away from God and church. Your motives may be right but IMO your going at it the totally wrong way. I'm no person to do it better but I know wouldn't shove it down peoples throat just be there when people see how loving you are and how you love life and when they are ready to open up then they will open up. Ever tried to feed a child who didn't want any food yet you shove it in their mouth? What happens they spit it out. When you shove religion down peoples throat who aren't ready to receive or don't want to receive it then all they are going to do is spit it out. Hopefully this isn't to long, I hadn't even planned on writing all this
You haven't said anything worth picking apart. My question remains: Who is trying to convert anyone, as you say I am? But it seems like you want everyone to convert to your "live and let live" approach to life based on feelings and not knowledge. Doesn't matter if you heading for a cliff or what. Your position is that you will have no one tell you anything. Totalitarianism on the individual level, is what I call it.
I save my discussions for my children to explain the bible to them. I don't waste my time or energy with people who believe they are the only ones who know God!