watch out angeleyes.....the Board police are coming yesterday besides they are why should we care either way :mrgreen:
oops I did'nt see it yesterday help help the yankees are coming the yankees are coming lol I love that movie
That's one word to discribe him....I can think of many more, but wouldn't want to use words my mama would've washed my mouth out with soap for using them! :-D :-D
its staged to make $$. He was on Stern last week and in so many words he said it was staged to make $$. They are trying to do a reality show abiout them.
The butofukos (spelled wrong) anyways way back 10 ,15 years ago she shot his wife in the face. I don't remember alot of it I was a kid just remember it was on tv as much as Anna Nichole is now .
It happened in '92 (seems like yesterday!) Here is a link to the story...