Last night, we went to Golden Corral at 40/42 and saw that they post a sanitation grade of B - score of something like 86. How disgusting !! The shame is on us because we ate there anyway. I would have preferred to leave once we walked in and saw that but the husband, tired and hungry after a day of house/yard chores, opted to say. Plus it was 7:30 and options aside from a burger would have put us even later eating. We only go there occasionally but what a disappointment. I've always felt the dining area was a mess but reasoned that, with that many people coming in and out, it would be nearly impossible to keep that area tidy. Now I can only imagine what the kitchen area must be like! My husband attempted to look up the sanitation report but it was not yet online making him think that the inspection must have just taken place. Yuck! Still, the place was packed last night with folks who either don't care, didn't notice the rating, or (like us) just wanted to eat anyway. This is a good place to put a plug in for McCalls in Clayton - If you are looking for a buffet type meal with good vegetable choices, that is the place to go. It's always been clean and good the times we've been. We considered it last night but opted for Golden Cow since it was closer. Mistake!
I went to McCalls when they first opened. The food was good, but we've really not been back. You know, you could've gone across the street to Cracker Barrel instead. I like their food a lot better than Golden Corral.
Cracker Barrel, my husband and I love that place. The price for the 2 of us to eat is very reasonable and they give you big portions. Ro
I don't put any faith in the sanitation ratings you see posted on the wall. If you saw some of the reasons for deuctions in points you'd be laughing your butt off. Also, if an employee attends a course given by the health department you can get up to 2 extra points on your inspections. So the score you see when you walk in may well be 2 points less, and you ate there. Corporate retaurants always attend the course. In all the case studies done, in multiple states, on the effectiveness of the inspection systems in place, showed over 40% of all point deductions had nothing to do with the sanitation factor of food preparation. So think about that the next time you look at that stupid piece of paper on the wall. I think the health department should have to post the inspection form underneath the rating explaning the violations. Or at leat state the violations sited. The posting system is unfair to many facilities that work hard at maintaing a clean operation. And, No, I don't work for Golden Coral. Here's what the National Center for Infectious Diseases says: Restaurants in the United States are regularly inspected by health departments, but few data exist regarding the effect of restaurant inspections on food safety. We examined statewide inspection records from January 1993 through April 2000. Data were available from 167,574 restaurant inspections. From 1993 to 2000, mean scores rose steadily from 80.2 to 83.8. Mean inspection scores of individual inspectors were 69-92. None of the 12 most commonly cited violations were critical food safety hazards. Establishments scoring <60 had a mean improvement of 16 points on subsequent inspections. Mean scores of restaurants experiencing foodborne disease outbreaks did not differ from restaurants with no reported outbreaks. A variety of factors influence the uniformity of restaurant inspections. The restaurant inspection system should be examined to identify ways to ensure food safety.
Science vs perception Drdan, excellent post with critical thinking. As strong as the science is, though, a santiation rating is similar to listening to people talk about head lice. The reaction to an inspection grade less than an "A", presupposes a foodborne illness outcome. Hearing people talk about head lice makes some of us begin to itch...and I don't know why. I have heard, but am too lazy this morning to find a citation or prime source for it, that the incidence of foodborne illness is far under reported, as people may think they have a 24 hour bug, of the stomach flu, or some such, when they may actually have a illness from food that was undercooked or not prepared well, whether or not at home.
Looks to me that Golden Corral needs a HACCP plan. Thats a low grade! You get some average deductions on cleanliness and lighting but when its low like that it usually goes into cross contamination hazards and temps. That can be scary. I always look at the grades online before I go and eat somewhere. Being in the profession myself I know what the Health Department requires. All of these fast food family restaurants requires Serve Safe classes but usually its only the management and maybe one hourly person taking the course. Due to this its probably no way everyone understands the proper way to run the kitchen and in return it can lead to bad sanitation practices. If it was me I would have left when seeing the grade.
all the fat people that goes to places like that, they could care less what the sanitation score is. they are more concern with eating as much food as they can for the price.... If they really scored a 86, then that is pretty bad. you got to have a bunch of violations to drop to a score like that.. i'm glad i maybe eat at a golden corral once in every 5 years
personally I am glad NC has sanitation inspections. any restaurant that scores a 86 (really 84) will not get our business. and the critical problems are the reasons for a score of 86. i can assure you a broken tile is not the reason for this type grade. plus I have always said that the majority of people that eat at golden corral are there for the quanity and not the quality of food. Actually the time we have been to golden corral we place our order as we don't like to eat off buffets. once a custome picked up every piece of steak sitting out at golden corral, put it 5 inches from their face to get a better look, breathing on every piece of steak. i decided right then and there the buffet was not for me.
Well that explains why the few times I have eaten there in the past I have come away feeling very sick! My DH said it was because I ate too much but that truly was not the case. Didn't even go back for dessert! I haven't eaten there in years and have no desire to ever again!
You can say that again... a lot of people I've seen there didn't look too healthy as is, and the buffet wasn't helping matters.
To me, a quick trip to the bathroom lets me know how the management views cleanliness. If the bathrooms are clean, then I assume the restaurant is clean.
McCalls We went when they first opened it was extremely good but after that we've been a couple more time over several months times and to me its not worth the money you pay anymore its just not as good.
Yes but if you look at others you would be scared to know they are serving food!! You are correct, however, they are also required to hang that Safe Serve sign near the rating and it is also shown on the Inspection report so you know if they got a "A" by attendin gthat course. Another reason why it is so important to look at the Inspection reports. [/quote]In all the case studies done, in multiple states, on the effectiveness of the inspection systems in place, showed over 40% of all point deductions had nothing to do with the sanitation factor of food preparation. So think about that the next time you look at that stupid piece of paper on the wall.[/quote] I would rather have that stupid little piece of paper and the report to know what I am ingesting into my body then nothing at all. But hey it is your body so go eat mold if you want!! I agree the report should be posted but it would take a whole lot of minor things to drop a restaurant to a "B" or "C" rating.
McCalls and Golden Corral are equally disgusting. What is up with the dining room on the left side of GC?? That musty smell?? Why don't they take care of it already?
I agree with you on McCalls, the only time I will eat there is if I am having lunch with a bunch of other folks. Still remember getting a glass with someones lipstick all over it. :shock:
That's why I ALWAYS use a straw in restaurants. The thoughts of all those lips.........................ugggg!!!
I have been to McCalls once and don't know that I will be going back. It was so-so when we went. Never been to GC on 42 and from what you guys are saying I never will!