So, who are you

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by kaci, Jun 1, 2007.

  1. Just One Guy

    Just One Guy Well-Known Member

    Calm my friend, I was kidding.
  2. Steve

    Steve Guest

    and I was kidding back...
  3. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    My name is Jennifer, and it used to be Jennifer S., hence the screen name.

    I just turned 30

    I've been married this time (the last time) for almost three years.

    I have two beautiful daughters, one who is 11 and one who is almost 5 months old!

    We have two kitties, Fluffy and Snuggles, 1 hamster, Happy, and a tank full of fish.

    I work in the Professional/Managerial field and I write a column for the Garner News and Cleveland Post.

    My avatar is just something clever I found while searching, and it's about time for a new one.

    BTW- I noticed a lot of you have adopted kids, I'm adopted too, would LOVE to chat with you some time about it!
  4. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Hmmm...........not much about me ya'll don't know. 36 year old female, married for 16 + years, one son who will be 8 next week! I change jobs about as often as I change my avatar, LOL, which can be by whim. We've been here for about 6 years, moved here from Bristol TN. Currently working part-time and just about to get my NC real estate license, had one years ago in TN. Woo Hoo! We are originally from Southwest VA. We also have two fur babies, kitties named Sarah and Little Bit. :)
  5. Southernborn

    Southernborn Well-Known Member

    Well, I used to be a regular, but then fell off of here for a while, because I was just too busy.

    I'm a 39 yo Female. I've been married for 17 years, but have been with my husband for 19 and have two beautiful daughters ages 13, 9 and two four legged babies an English bulldog and Boxer.

    I recently switched over from telecommunications to pharmaceuticals. I'm a Analyst in the Engineering department.

    I'm from NC, hence my name Southernborn :p
  6. Bryan

    Bryan Well-Known Member

    49 year old male, married to my best friend Sandie for the last 12 years. Two grown sons 30 and 27. We have 2 "old" labs Butch and Samantha. My Avatar is my High School Mascot "Jeffersonville Red Devils".
  7. cmdknw06

    cmdknw06 Well-Known Member

    I'm 24, female, work full time...have a 4 year old with the love of my life..we've been together for a little over 6 years and have been engaged for 3 and half years...have a chihuahua that is the my "baby" he's 5...just finished school for one degree, going back in august to further that degree...
    the avatar...b/c my "hubby" races and duct tape, tylenol and band aids are stocked up at our house...
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2007
  8. mispuddin

    mispuddin Guest

    I am 41 years old with 2 daughters: 12 and 4, they are my life. I have been married for 11 years in December. I have been working part-time, but now I am on summer break. (I need a summer job!!! lol to save my sanity).
    My screen name is just what it says, I am MISS puddin and I am clueless about how to get an avatar.
    Oh and btw i do love these discussions and debates.
  9. MissyPrissy

    MissyPrissy Well-Known Member

    Hey UG! Good to see ya! Hope all is well with you! :)
  10. Oneqwkchk

    Oneqwkchk Well-Known Member

    I am 27 y/o and have been married for 6 years. I have a daughter at Mcgees who just turned 6 yesterday! We have a 3 year old choco lab (Copper), a 4 year old husky/shephard mix (Foster), a 7 month old lab x (Turbo), and a who knows what that adopted us (buddy).

    The name means exactly what I am as far as my car goes :) I love cars and going to shows with my baby (the car)!
  11. chik

    chik Well-Known Member

    I am a 39 year old mother of two teens, well the oldest is almost 20! She is getting ready to move to Denver to attend Massage therapy school. My son is 16 and lives there and attend WJHS. I live in Leadville, Colorado and work as a web designer. I enjoy snowboarding, my fiance and my son are my snowboard partners. I also enjoy rafting, mountain biking, hiking, other mountain activities.

    I not been very active this past month as I had broken my left humerus bone severely, and it required surgery. So I have been quiet.

    I lived there for 12 years and after my divorce my daughter and I moved back here to Colorado in 2004.

    I am engaged to a wonderful man and will marry in August.
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2007
  12. peppercorns

    peppercorns Well-Known Member

    My name is peppercorns. I am 43, no, heck I'll be 44 in 16 days. I have one daughter from my first marriage who will be a Senior this coming year at West and hopefully Company Commander of the AJROTC. I work for the state as a glorified secretary in a really cool laboratory. I am another yankee transplant from Long Island, NY and I am suddenly loosing my accent since I started dating a very nice man frm West Virginia.
    I have two dogs named Muffin and Peppercorns, hence the screen name. I love living in Johnston County!
  13. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    Peppercorn....we are almost clones!! If you read my post on who I fiance' is from WV too. High 5!!
  14. doitwithyourbootson07

    doitwithyourbootson07 Well-Known Member

    i am 18 years old. bout to graduate from wjhs. i work at red river western wear, and at a horse barn in clayton. i also own 4 dogs, 5 cats, a rat, a snake, 2 birds, 2 fish, and a horse along with 3 baby turkeys.
  15. mispuddin

    mispuddin Guest

    I worked at WJHS last year and I hope to go back in the fall.
  16. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    Boots, what are your plans for the future? You going to NCSU vet school? CCCC for the Vet Tech program? You need to work with animals girl!! ;)
  17. robbie

    robbie Well-Known Member

    Hey Peppercorns, where abouts from LI are you from? I see there are a lot of Long Islanders down here. I was born and raised there also! My whole family and extended family is mostly still up there. I Love LI, just not the traffic.
  18. Debyan

    Debyan Well-Known Member

    Hi, I am a 53 year old female married for 31 years to my best friend. We both come from farms in Ohio . I noticed him when he was in highschool and thought he looked cute, he didn't notice me til later. We have twins that are 29 and our baby is 28. We have 3 grand kids 8-7 and 11 months. One dog who doesn't know she is a dog. I'm a nurse , my husband is driving truck now but is a jack of all trades . My avitar is my dog sunshine with my grandson in the background , my name well when my mother wanted me to come in from outside playing she would hollar "DEBBIE ANN GET IN HERE RIGHT NOW hense Debyan it makes me think of her each time I see it.
  19. kookookacho

    kookookacho Well-Known Member

    Wow!! there are a bunch-o-newbies aren't there. Welp I'm kookoo... I picked that screen name from my oldest kid's first fav movie. Nemo My favorite part in the movie is the turtles and Crush says Kookookacho... it just stuck with me. I'm a kid at heart too. My favorite movies are toy story 1 & 2.

    I am in my 20's and shall remain there forever.8)
    I am married to my best friend and sweetie for 8 years next month. Known each other for over 13 year. (dern, has it been that long :oops:)
    We have 4 kids. 2 4-legged & 2 2-legged.

    Oh yeah, I'm a she! :mrgreen:
  20. RCARP

    RCARP Well-Known Member

    Ok ok I guess it is my turn...

    33 year old female. Happily divorced!!! I have one son that will be 12 in three weeks.

    As far as the atvar, well I am clueless as to how to go about that. The Name is a combination of my actual name.

    Fury kids...have lots and for some reason keep collecting more. I can't stand to see an animal hurt or hungry. So I also feed the neighborhood pets when they are out roaming.

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