But they get those mean nasty federal monies, do they not? You are on one hand saying to remove that association and on the other using it to prove how well the system works with it in place. That is called a dichotomy. From your link: Access to online courses also has enabled the school to meet goals outlined by the federal No Child Left Behind Act. If they had to meet this requirement they would be getting Federal money ... right?
They were doing distance based education before the NCLBA. How much federal money they get I do not know. It does not take federal money for distance based education. Besides it is pretty logical to assume that the reduction in federal tax dollars no longer needed could be reallocated by the states and continuing the funding on a state by state basis. Oh wait a minute that would mean some states have more money to spend. Guess what? That already happens and it is even true for county by county. Nice way to side step that those poor children on that out of the way island are getting a quality education with a lot less money and in a much smaller school.
Will a more agrarian economy as a result of our farmer's being released from the shackles of restricted trade not result in less sprawl? People would be able to make a living on a farm and not need to commute long distances to a job for an hourly wage. That's right, it was the church. And exactly what church were the Mayans as they also believed that the earth was flat? It really pains a scientist to not have all the proof to guarantee evolution. Maybe one day they will find it. Until then why not teach creationism as well or should we put that in history classes any way since they are not that important. Yeah your right, it was the Mayan history of astronomy. Hmmm is that why I keep calling Gemini a pig? yeah forgive me for supporting a gentleman that would like to return the Republic to our roots since we have strayed. It's not like we the founder's could have anticipated the technology and history that we have today. We should have democracy before liberty despite their intentions. Let me rush out and get my microchip so that Uncle Sam can track me. Oops better not forget the ID for my farm animals.
Crazy Wacko New Yorkers!!!!! Guess a few showed up when Ron Paul stopped by for the The Daily Show http://www.flickr.com/photos/ronpaul2008nyc/
So, you propose converting the federal tax dollars for education to state tax dollars for education? No change in funding levels just increase the state taxes and lower the federal taxes equally? That seems like a big difference in taxes .... A lot less money? Who is funding the distance based operation exactly? Are the salaries of the teachers involved ignored in your calculation, for example? What is the cost per student in total?
I suppose we should be sending more food to North Korea, Iran, China, and whichever other countries may be restricted at any given time. Why affect sales at all ... and drop the subsidies and grain purchases to let the market deal with the prices. I see lots of farms being supported by that change. The move to urbanized living began a few thousand years ago and as production became moderized in the industrial age there became fewer farmers needed to produce the same food. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agricultural_subsidy An agricultural subsidy is a governmental subsidy paid to farmers to supplement their income, manage the supply of agricultural commodities, and influence the cost and supply of such commodities on international markets. Examples of such commodities include wheat, feed grains (grain used as fodder, such as maize, sorghum, barley, and oats), cotton, milk, rice, peanuts, sugar, tobacco, and oilseeds such as soybeans. https://www.fas.usda.gov/grain/circular/1997/97-09/feature/trd_rstr.htm A Review of U.S. Trade Restrictions and Grain Exports Economic sanctions can be powerful foreign policy tools targeted to further U.S. foreign policy and national security objectives. Trade restrictions imposed by the U.S. Government, however well-justified, do impact U.S. commodity exporters and consequently the entire agricultural sector. Furthermore, the effects of these restrictions are not limited to just the markets that U.S. exporters are prohibited from trading with: other exporters change their marketing strategies to the detriment of the U.S. Sanctions preventing trade are administered by the Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Asset Control (OFAC). Through various laws and acts, grain trade with Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Libya, and North Korea is restricted. While economic sanctions against these countries were implemented at differing times, all have been in effect since August 1990. Occasionally licenses for export are given, notably the broad-based "General License" given for exporters to participate in the US-supervised Oil-for-Food Program in Iraq, and "Specific Licenses" given to an individual company, as in the recently collapsed barter deal between North Korea and a U.S. exporter. Despite these and other occasional exemptions, the trade restrictions currently in force effectively reduce the size of the world market available to U.S. commercial exports. The belief the Earth is flat would be the first belief given the inability to see it other wise. They did advance farther than any known civilization without a telescope in the realm of astronomy, but what does that prove of their scientists, other than they were hampered by the lack of technology? What is the SCIENTIFIC basis for creationism? There is NONE. There is a faith based religious document that some wish to believe in the literal sense. There is no science to the belief. You said it formed the basis for the study of astronomy, were you speaking of your study or not? Due to this basis were you taught the Earth is flat as an alternative in aastronomy class? Exactly how was it presented in your education? That would not be possible since few would support the loss of civil rights, wait you ignored that part of the "roots" didn't you. The trend to look back at what one perceives to be a "better" time clouds the view of reality. Not sure what you are trying to say here. You want a Republic that views the individual as incapable of choosing their leadership? That was the original view you know.
In case you missed it, there's a video clip of Ron Paul's appearance on the Daily show up on Comedy Central right now.
Given he did get a few hundred thousand votes when he ran for President in 1988 he should do better this year with a more mainstream connection. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ron_Paul In the 1988 presidential election, despite no previous affiliation with the Libertarian Party, Paul won the nomination of the United States Libertarian Party for the U.S. Presidency. He placed third in the popular vote (with 431,750 votes - 0.47%), behind George H. W. Bush and Michael Dukakis.[13] Although he had been an early supporter of Ronald Reagan, Paul was critical of the unprecedented deficits incurred by Reagan's administration, for which his opponent George H.W. Bush had been vice-president.[12] During his time as Libertarian candidate, Paul gained supporters nationwide who agreed with him on many of his positions-- on gun rights, fiscal conservatism, home-schoolers, right-to-lifers, and others who thought the federal government was heading in the wrong direction. These supporters formed a nationwide support base that encouraged him to return to office and supported him financially.[7]
I enjoyed the clip from the Daily Show last night. Excellent redesign on his website as well. Also an excellent example of how well Ron Paul has manged his campaign. Who else could get the PR value out of what little he has spent. Total raised as of March 31, 2007 $639,989 Total Spent as of March 31, 2007 $115,070 What other candidate has inspired such a diverse populace so early? http://www.grannywarriors.com/ Great Grandma's join the Action. Ron Paul visits a college dorm room for an interview
Big difference in taxes. I guess you mean the fact that the states would be collecting instead of the federal government. Guess they would not be as efficient is the point you are trying to make How about you come up with the numbers. I did the work to find an example from this state that shows smaller schools can be effective. I am pretty sure that the funding is lower per student, but I did the homework now it is time for you to figure out the Hyde County Infrastructure.
Guess you want to focus on the "Axis of Evil" countries. What about the restrictions on shipping US food products to Europe? What about Japan manipulating the Yen so that our cars cost more in Japan? We have the worlds largest market but yet we choose not to use it as barter to allow our citizens and corporations free trade. Again Ron Paul supports Free Trade Why are you trying to limit farming to only food production? Do you think that large corporate farms are going to successfully support the free range movement, buy local, and organic movements? Nice try, but you indicated the belief that the world was flat was propaganda from the church. I asked what church were the Mayans getting there propaganda from. And there is no SCIENTIFIC proof that evolution was how it all started. That is one fundamental flaw of science. It is hard to grasp that there may not be a logical reason why some things happen. you missed the point. I never had an astronomy class. I was making a joke at your expense that it must be be education that every time I look at Gemini I think of a pig as the Mayans believed it to be. Define few....oh yeah you can not. Guess you think I am advocating the return to the constitution without the bill of rights. nice twist, but the founders were adamant that liberties were tantamount to sound government. What you do not like the satire that rights are being taken away and liberty trampled. Have you not heard about the National ID or the Farm Id program. Maybe the esteemed Congressman Paul can help educate you.
He summed it up pretty well last night on the Daily show I believe. The third party candidate spends the majority of time and resources getting on the ballot. Heaven forbid the "system" allows another party to be involved. We like to talk about Democracy and how good it is, but yet we have pitiful voter turnout and a two party system. Here is my vote for upsetting the status quo. Why not support a man that has a proven track record of ensuring life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
No, just those countries which the US government has restrictions on food product sales. What were you talking about? What restrictions does the US have on shipping food products to Europe? That would be the Japanese government's action not the US government. Your idol seems to disagree with you as well. We don’t need government agreements to have free trade. We merely need to lower or eliminate taxes on the American people, without regard to what other nations do. Odd the NAFTA was opposed by many in the US because it did not protect the industries in the US. I ma not sure how this relates to the farm aspect either. See the above as well, it all revolves around cutting taxes ...somehow. I am not, but the same technology applies to other non-food crops does it not? Yes, if it is profitable they will ... at least that is what the free market approach is supposed to be is it not? No, the belief the world was flat was a primitive belief the church tried to maintain due to the religious connection. This series of mythologies, not sciences by definition. http://www.windows.ucar.edu/tour/link=/mythology/Bacabs_Earth.html The Maya believed the Earth was flat with four corners. Each corner represented a cardinal direction. Each direction had a color: east-red; north-white; west-black; south-yellow. Green was the center. At each corner, there was a jaguar of a different color that supported the sky. The jaguars were called bacabs. Mayans believed the universe was divided into thirteen layers, each with its own god. http://www.crystalinks.com/mayangods.html The ancient Mayans had a complex pantheon of deities whom they worshipped and offered human sacrifices. Rulers were believed to be descendants of the gods and their blood was the ideal sacrifice, either through personal bloodletting or the sacrifice of captives of royal blood. The Mayan vision of the universe is divided into multiple levels, above and below earth, positioned within the four directions of north, south, east and west. After death, the soul was believed to go to the Underworld, Xibalba (shee bal bah), a place of fright where sinister gods tested and tricked their unfortunate visitors. No, there is proof that evolution is how life progressed through the stages. Evolution in not creation of life but the development of life forms from the beginning with the single cell organisms. May only indicates a possibility we do not understand the logic. Religion was created to explain the unknown and science tries to understand and then explain those unknowns. Then you never had the Mayan's referenced and you just threw out something unconnected .... Those who are not white males, would be the start. Those who like the Bill of Rights would trim that down significantly but I do not have any poll figures. So you are not wanting to return to the Constitution of the founding fathers, but a modified version. Where do you cut off the modifications and why? That is why the states were not limited to how they could curtail liberty of the individual? Maybe that is the reason the individuals did not elect the leadership? No, I just did not understand your attempted point. You want the liberty to have a food borne disease/illness to be introduced into the food chain without being able to track it? I have heard of them and more recently than a couple of years ago as in the case of his comments.
As has been noted we are a Republic, but the poor voter turnout is not connected to that right? Note Ron Paul did not fair as well as did other third party candidates, which does say something about his level of support at the time. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Third_party_(United_States) Notable third party presidential candidates James B. Weaver - He ran as the Populist candidate for U.S. President in the 1892 elections, receiving over a million votes and 22 electoral votes. Eugene V. Debs - Ran for U.S. President as the Social Democratic Party candidate in the 1900 election, and the Socialist Party candidate in the 1904, 1908, 1912, and 1920 elections. Theodore Roosevelt - Ran as Bull Moose Candidate in 1912 and won 88 electoral votes. Robert M. La Follette, Sr. - Running in the 1924 presidential election, "Fighting Bob" LaFollette won almost five million votes, 16.6% of the popular vote, and 13 electoral votes from his home state of Wisconsin. John B. Anderson - Ran as an independent candidate in 1980 after dropping out of the Republican Primaries. He won 6.6% of the popular votes. Ross Perot - Running for President in the 1992 elections, Ross Perot won nearly 20 million votes - 18.9% of the popular vote. He ran again in 1996, winning just over eight million votes. Ralph Nader - His first major presidential campaign was the 2000 US election when as a Green, he won nearly three million votes. He is often credited with being the defining factor in the final results of the 2000 elections. He also ran as a Green in the 1996 election and as an independent in the 2004 election. Here is my vote for upsetting the status quo. Why not support a man that has a proven track record of ensuring life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Mainly because he has too many positions that are "out in left field" as far as I am concerned.
and as far as I am concerned debating with you is like talking to a brick wall. Both opinions are worth nothing!!!!!!!!!!!
As I said before, Wayne will pick a minute detail of a post and just keep hammering on it until others get exhausted and quit. Watch the threads he participates in and you'll see that towards the end, he will post three or four times back-to-back just to see if he can bait another person into one final argument. And keep in mind, his poor spelling shows that he has little intelligence except for what he can find on Google.