Can anyone help me figure this out. The man that I'm dating (not long) has been very vague about his military past. I came across a paper that said he he was "Released From Active Duty" Does that mean anything? He doesn't have any physical disability that I'm aware of. Please input. Thanks
look for type of service.... Honorable, Other than honorable, Dis honorable type things. Also look for re enlistment codes RE-4 means he is not able to come back in. That is not a good sign. hope that helps
Hey welcome to the board. Don't take this the wrong way, but why are you going through his "papers"? :shock: My FIL was in Vietnam and NEVER talked about it to my DH or my BIL about it. Maybe somethings happened and he's not ready to talk about them yet since ya'll have not been dating that long??? That would be my guess.
I was wondering the same thing, HG. She is snooping? RUN MAN, RUN! This girl doesn't respect boundaries, and you will have no privacy!!! Hide your passwords!
A lot of men don't talk about thier military careers. If you're really concerned about him, look him up on But you really shouldn't be snooping through his stuff. DH and I are married and I don't snoop. If I have a question, I just ask. I wouldn't have married him if I didn't believe he was telling me the truth.
I agree. Its okay to be careful when dating someone but going through his/her personal things isn't the answer. I have been married 7.5 years and have never gone in hubby's wallet or through his drawers (I may add clothes, but thats it). Also, my dad fought in Korea (3 tours) and he did not talk about it.
A) I doubt you'll find many, if any, who were in any kind of combat talk about Vietnam. B) Mine snooped a couple times, thought she came up with something, and made a rear end of herself each time. One time she used a number she thought was a "girlfriend's" that she found in my wallet and ended up making a fool of herself with the front office of a church I used to belong to (it was their number).
Thank you to the people that answered without pointing fingers. You know what? In today's life, people snoop on their significant others all the time. Some people pay to have a search done on-line. Don't tell me you have never googled a date, or heck, even a friend you just met. I wasn't looking through his hidden secret documents. I was looking in a folder in the bedroom. I came across it, and thought that there might be something to it. He has a VA Loan on his home, so I don't think he did anything wack-a-doo. To all the ladies that said they wouldn't snoop, bologna! If you started suspecting that your hubbies were up to no good, you would snoop, believe me! :x If not, then just live your life in denial. In today's world, you can never be careful. I have a daughter that I have to also think about. Anyway, if anyone has a definite answer on what "Released From Active Duty" means, or has been "released" themselves, I would appreciate it. Thank you to Grace for your post.
I was released from Active Duty in Oct. of 93 after serving 5 1/2 years. I was released with an Honorable Discharge. I have also known a person or two get released from active duty earlier than theywere supposed to, but in-turn they signed an agreement to do the active duty reserve thing. Not sure if that is what is meant or not, that is how my discharge papers read. Released from active duty then a line or 2 below that it states that I am released with an honorable disharge. Craig
Everything is okay with him. Not you, snoop. *snort, oh yeah, EVERYBODY does it. Guess I'll just have to be surprised if my hubby is up to something. It's your issue, not the unsuspecting victim of snoop's issue. Own it. Maybe you pry too much and that is why he is so private.
Your marriage, I can bet, is bad. I don't know you, I have read your posts in the past. You have alot of anger issues and you hide behind a computer to express your hate You need to look at yourself and your marriage to figure out why you are such an angry, hateful person. I would venture to guess that this is not your first marriage. I would venture to guess that your husband just tunes you out. I would venture to guess that If I met your husband, I could get him to fall for me. Yes, I'm hot. You may be hot. But your cold as ice on the inside, and men like woman with kindness and goodness flowing through their veins, not ICE like YOU! But then again, there are those kinky men that like women like you. But those men have no self esteem. Does he call you mommy?:roll: :roll:
Dern-it Cleo... ya made me blow soda up my nose! :mrgreen: Why not just ask if there is anything you've just got to know. I know only what DH (CraigSPL) has told me about seperating from the Air Force, but I've never even thought to pry or look for the paperwork. Even if I "stumbled" (and I use that term loosely in this thread) across the paperwork, I don't even know what would make me think that the words "Released From Active Duty" could be a bad thing, unless there are already problems and you're looking for excuses to dump the guy. To be perfectly honest, I would think, it would mean that he fulfilled his commitment to the particular branch of the service and they've "released" him from "active duty". IMNSHO, Those are things and a period in his life that he talks about when he wants to, it's just the way it is and it doesn't bother me at all. He served our country during the first Desert Storm and I couldn't love him anymore for it.
refrad If a service member is released prior to the completion of their tour of duty, it's generally a REFRAD. as an example, I enlisted in 1975 for a three year active duty term. The entire enlistment was for 8 years, 3 on active duty, then 5 years in the Inactive reserve. The DD214, at that time, reflected a REFRAD. I subsequently entered the NCARNG, competed ROTC and was commissioned into the Army. It's the character that is the important issue here, his of his service, which is NUNYA, and your lack thereof, for snooping into something rather than asking about it directly. Seems like you already have a trust issue, with your rationalizations, so I don't foresee a long term thing here for you, in a conventional relationship. I've been with my better half for a long time. I don't even go into her pocket book when she asks me to get something out of it for her. I give it to her and let her dig. We each have a right to expect some boundaries and privacy, even if there is nothing to hide...
Yep, another troll, why they just keep showing up i will never know. It is really sad that a person has to look for trouble to justify themselves:roll:
Don't worry TheAntHillMob, they treat all newcombers this way. You won't be able to do anything right for a little while.
Tassy, put the drink down! This is no noobie, tawaii! I haven't really been online in months, ya know I'm not here that much anymore. I'm far too busy bugging the house and trying to intercept my husband's cell phone calls to make sure he's not hooking up with snoop here. She's gonna make him fall for her, you know! Wow, snoop. You sure sound like a great gal. What a lucky man you have! You take care, and make sure to put everything back where you found it! My brother used to leave a hair on his diary, to see if anybody messed with it. Be sure to check for stuff like that. You don't wanna get caught! Could be embarrassing. Nah, EVERYBODY does it!!!
AntHill..... I think you're coming off a little defensive. I'm married to a former military guy, I would never go snooping. If I'd found a folder "by accident" that I was curious about, I'd say, "Hey honey, what's in this folder?" and he'd tell me. It's called trust, which is a foundation for a relationship and I think that's what most of these posters were trying to make you see. Anyway...JMHO...