Why don't we be just as super sensitive to everyone as much as possible so as to not hurt anyone's feelings about anything. typical. The moment she hit enter on the computer she made her business public and if she didn't want questions asked then she shouldn't have hit enter. assuming or not...a question is just that, a question. get a grip people and step into the real world.
I seem to recall someone on this board asking for advice about where to get car financing for a person with less than perfect credit, and how many people took it upon themselves to give that person advice about handling their money. Even though the advice was offered with the best of intentions, I think the original poster was somewhat offended, IIRC. Things we post on boards often come across differently than we intended.
think that was rude and uncalled for. Even if she is using the Internet at home ANY PAYING FOR IT, big deal In today's workplace I think it was quoted that 85% of jobs are listed on line and resumes are submitted on line. I think you shamed and embarrassed her for no reason. She wasn't talking about being on her yacht or her Tahoe Beachhouse. It's something that MAY cost ten dollars a month? Unless you know her situation, I find it very cruel FOR ALL OF YOU THAT AGREE WITH JEN and want to go DEFEND her on the board, heres a question - If ya'll got into a situation where you needed food stamps, would the first thing you do was cancel your internet? I doubt it.
I'd cancel the internet, the home phone lines, the fax line, the satellite, the trash pick up and maybe cut out the beer and cigs! :shock: :lol: Oh and I start selling off all the unnecessary crap I don't need!
She actually came back and said that she'd cut off the cable and all the rest of the unneccesary stuff, and kept her internet so that she could work from him. She said she could certainly understand WHY I would ask that. It was the other posters who jumped my arse. Oh....and while I'm thinking about it. Yes I did ask for advice about car financing because I have crappy credit (thanks to my ex-dh) but that's a tad bit different don't you think? I'm not using your tax dollars to support my habits.
AntHill ... We are primarily a one income family and have done without satelite and cable for two years and go without other extras to live within our means. So, in answer to your question ...before we needed food stamps ALL the wants (i.e. internet) would go so we could meet our basic needs. There are many responsible people on this board who would do the same! <wondering who the next person to be banned from this board will be>
<wondering if I am the only one that noticed the 'Ant' didn't wanna play on the 'who are you?' thread we got going.....>
I most definitely would cancel my internet if I was so needy that food stamps were a necessity. I would also cancel Satellite, Nextel, and all of the other "wants". It also peeves me to see someone buying all brand name stuff, filet mignon, etc with food stamps...guess I'm just jealous that I have to work for that once-in-a -while splurg.
ANT.... I'm hoping if I lost my job (like I did last year) I'd be able to get another one that was comparible. If not, then I'd sell my house, corvette, harley, etc. and live in a smaller house, etc. on my husband's income only. I can get a job anywhere, even at McD's in order to feed my family. I'd work 2-3 jobs so I wouldn't need assistance, but that's just me.
I would be more than happy to share my thoughts on that subject on the other board if you wanna share where it is. PM me.
Her business? She asked a question about her food stamps, that was it. It had nothing to do with any other part of her "business". Simple question deserves simple answer. People MAKE it THEIR business by asking her why she possibly has internet. Food stamps was the issue and the question. Not her internet expenses. Keep it simple...
yes, she brought her personal business (food stamps) onto a public forum by asking a question. She opened a door to her personal life on a public forum. In return, Jen asked another question pertaining to her personal business. It's quite simple really...If you don't want your laundry aired out don't put it outside. and that is as simple as it gets my friend. There were other means to find out the answers she needed to know other than asking a public forum. again ... get a grip people.
In response to this comment, I know what you mean- how could they possibly afford that kind of car- I think that if you do not know the situation then it is really hard to judge. She may have been on top of the world so to speak and then herself or her husband was laid off and all resources cut from underneath them. Now they are stuck in a mortgage and HUGE car payment and no income. If a respectable persone is driving that nice of a car then perhaps that may be the case. It is not a proud moment to go and ask for help and I would have to look at them and hope that they get back on their feet. Don't get me wrong I am sure there are plenty of people who take advantage of the system but then there are those who NEED help and they are seen as the people who take advantage. As for the origional poster- I agree, if things are sooo bad that you cannot eat but can go online then the added things should be shut off. But I think knowing the situation would have been wise before making a comment that put you in the postion you are in now. On the flip side, posting your business on the internet kinda opens you up to ridicule. Don't worry about what you said. Odds are that people will be on another topic by lunch.
Very hard to find a job nowadays, without access to the Internet. (Other than flipping burgers, or some such thing.) And all the libraries have free internet access.
Well, she probably just figured we could snoop her if we really wanted to know.... FWIW - people like her are the reason I am not posting on that thread. And Jen, to answer your OP - I go through this same crap on the mommy board I post on. It's called "projecting". These chicks, alot of them don't have a pot to pi$$ in nor a window to throw it out of, yet they sit at home on the board while their kids do god knows what and make more babies while they are already on public assistance. They say "I know we can't afford the ones we have, and DH says 'no' but I just want another baby!!". Then you suggest that they might be irresponsible and self-centered and oh my god - the flame fest that ensues next. They are almost socialists in their attitudes, and they have every reason as to why their situation is not their fault. But, when you bring it out in the open and suggest maybe they are doing some things wrong - they know it - they just don't want to admit it - so that makes you a b*tch! See, that don't fly around here in these parts! That is why you and I have such a hard time "getting" it. PS - this post has nothing to do with the flaming that Frame got the other day. That is an entirely different situation.