My daughter starts Kindergarten in August. Up to now, she went 3 days a week to day Care. Now, I dont know how I will do when she goes to Kindergarten, coz there you pay for every day. Or do you guys let them be driven by school bus to a day care, if you work part time? Is this cheaper? Any ideas? Have to sign up for the after care program soon... Thanks alot!
Since Kindergarten, my now 10 year old twins, have gone to the YMCA. I don't know what I would do without them. Whatever school she goes to, they will have 'Early Morning Care' (which is before school care) if you have to get on to work. I use that too. If you have any specifics, you can PM me. Hope this helps.....
I know that West Clayton Elementary School (and was told the other ones in the area was going to start this school year) has it's own before/after school care. Drop off starts at 6:30 and you have to pick up by 6:00. You can do just before, just after, or both. I do both and it's $200.00 a month and she has the teachers that work in it help her with her homework while she's there.
Dixon Road and McGee's Crossroads Elementary had that option this school year 2006/2007. They will be doing it again next school year too. The YMCA also has 'homework' with the counselors there to help. Both good options.
They do not. I was actually districted for Benson, but because I was in need of After School Care, I had to redistrict to McGee's, to utilize the Y.
Transfer to McGee's I requested to be re-districted to Mcgee's but I was turned down because the were over capacity. My sitter I have been using since my son was two has two children that goes to mcgee's. I put this on my transfer form and the need for my child to have before and after school care provided by my sitter. I am now frantically searching for a resolution since I work full time in Raleigh. I have changed my hours to drive him to school in the morning....I wish they could have approved my son for mcgee's. it would have been so much easier!!