Never going to pass an amnesty bill year before the presidential elections. Guess the legal citiznes of the United States still are the majority. Immigration bill fails key test, is withdrawn
Glad... now if they want change, here's my suggestion. SECURE the borders NOW, and start the outprocessing as any illegals are detained, arrested, etc. Amnesty to those who broke the law is an insult to those who follow it. Carl
We should confiscate all vehicles of those exceeding the speed limit by even one mile per hour and forever take their drivers licenses away! Just following your logic trail there, after all they are law breakers right.
Thank goodness you jumped to a conclusion, hopefully the Senate will come to their senses and pass this bill.;_ylt=Ave.6H8DzDQb0doCTr.modtQuk0A
Here's a different slant on the immigration issues. The author suggests we take a lesson from the EU, which seems to be successfully dealing with somewhat similar problems.
I prefer this slant from my statesman. Once again the president calls anyone that disagrees with him unpatriotic. Guess some of us do not support amnesty fro law breakers. One step is to remove the incentives.
Interesting article. I absolutely agree that the administration is wrong in calling those who disagree with them unpatriotic. Ron Paul talks about incentives, and enforcing the laws that are on the books. I have said many times that we should enforce existing laws against hiring illegal aliens, so I guess we are, if not on the same page, at least in the same neighborhood. As Magnolia pointed out in another thread, it appears that many of the illegal immigrants are being hired in the construction industry and other industries, that pay better and have at least somewhat better working conditions than farm labor. Who would take a job in the fields, if they could get a better job? Not a lot of people, I'd guess. And I really do not believe it is impossible for employers to get verification of citizenship or legal immigrant status. Nor do I believe it's impossible for the government to enforce the law. I think one reason the problem has been allowed to grow and fester for so many years has a lot to do with the bottom line of businesses that are willing to pretend they don't hire illegals, and politicians who benefit from their campaign contributions looking the other way.
I'll go one step further. Another contributing factor is the general apathy from the American public. We have become accustomed to raising taxes every year and no accountability for the spending our federal state, or local government does. Take your pick on what I saw or heard this weekend: Rampant growth that needs to be paid for yet Raleigh will be over capacity on water by 2040 and is looking to Kerr lake to get water. Passing a city budget in Raleigh that only spends 8% more. We can not afford to pick the crops in the land because we do not have guest workers, but yet we have people that go hungry or get government assistance for food.