FDA Approved Weight Loss Drug

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by mom2two, Jun 11, 2007.

  1. mom2two

    mom2two Well-Known Member

    Has anyone heard of this or thinking about doing it?

  2. emilie

    emilie Well-Known Member


    I hear it's pretty good - If am correct the only thing that you might have is some gas with greasy discharge - I know it sounds gross but that was a side effect of the FULL strength version.

    Hey I was trying to sound positive but it ddoesn't come out that way - take it as you may...LOL
  3. ljk

    ljk Well-Known Member

    I have been looking forward to its release. I am usually a "wait and see if it is recalled with heart attacks" type person, but this almost 40 metabolism needs a boost!!
  4. Animal lover

    Animal lover Well-Known Member

    The following is excerpted from the Alli product labeling published on the FDA website. I've highlighted a few statements that I think are significant. I would not use this drug. Just because the FDA approves something, doesn't mean it's a good idea to take it. But if anyone in 4042 land tries it, I'd like to hear what they think about it.

  5. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    I have not heard of this, but am excited to see something new. I use supplements all the time. I will more than likely try it. Right now the best thing out there is LIPO 6 (for those who utilize metabolism boosters) so this new product has some big shoes to fill. I need all the 40 year old boost to my daily workout I can get!! Does anyone know off the cuff, if this stuff is metabolism booster or fat burner?

    Thanks for the heads-up on the new product!!!:-D
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2007
  6. Animal lover

    Animal lover Well-Known Member

    Neither. It works in the stomach and intestines by destroying the enzyme (lipase) that digests fat. Your body is unable to absorb the undigested fat, so it slides through your GI tract and out. The orlistat itself is not absorbed into your body.
  7. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    I'd love to try something like this, but I think I'll wait a while.

    Back in the day.....ephedrine was my best friend. I lost 75 lbs in 6 months once with the Metabolife that still had ephedrine in it.

    I would take it now if I wasn't afraid of the damage it would do to my heart.
  8. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    Back in the day.....ephedrine was my best friend.

    High Five on that!! Phentermine was my bestest friend in the whole wide world!!
  9. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    hmmm, thanks for that....see this product wouldn't do me any good, I don't eat much 'fat'. I need something to raise my metabolism. That's more my 'speed' (no pun intended).;)
  10. ssmm

    ssmm Well-Known Member

    "slide" being the optimal word. My doctor prescribed this for me about 4 years ago. The results were disasterous... I won't share here, but if you really are interested then you can PM me with questions for more information.
    I didn't lose much weight... and it was crazy expensive when it was still RX only.
    I do wonder what the OTC cost will be. Anyone know?
  11. elims

    elims Well-Known Member

    I used to take this herbal product called "Formula One" that had ephedra in it ... I felt fantastic. I was walking up and down 9 flights of stairs on my break, several times a day. Lost a lot of weight, really got my metabolism going ... have never found anything that had the same 'get up and go'. *sigh*
  12. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    That's the way I feel about the stuff I currently take....makes me feel fabulous and tons of weightloss (the healthy way). I had a hard time finding what was right for me...bought everything GNC had to offer. Takes a while to find the one that's right for each individual.
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2007
  13. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    I know what you mean Elims. After Metabolife changed their formula, I started taking Yellow Jackets (yes, the ones you get from the gas station). I bought them by the bottle and took one per day. I felt great!

    But then they took ephedra off the market (thanks FDA), then DH got all weird about me taking it (I'd stocked up), and blah blah, etc....

    So now I don't take it anymore, but I think I may visit GNC to see if I can find something similar now that I'm not preggo.
  14. elims

    elims Well-Known Member

    I had a friend back in St.Louis who had, I believe, the same results you had, ssmm. Not pleasant. Didnt lose much more weight than was standard on a traditional low-fat diet/exercise regimen, but had the fear of going out in public for long periods of time.
  15. JC-native

    JC-native Well-Known Member

    I would never take this drug. I hate taking any kind of drug. There are always undesirable side effects. Its the hidden and long term ones that bother me most.

    I lost 30 pounds last year and dropped my cholesterol 20%, and I've kept it off all year. It was a lifestyle change, not a diet. I gave up fast food and soft drinks. Haven't touched them in 2 years. I gave up red meat. I never thought I could give up steak, but now I don't miss it at all. I only eat sweets once a week. And the most important thing is I eat slower and don't go back for seconds. It was hard at first but once I got used to it I don't crave the same things and I don't want as much.
  16. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    And thats absolutely it. I decided to quit smoking and change my lifestyle (quit smoking almost a year ago, July 9th is one year anniversary) to be healthier. Its really just the way it has to be if you want it to last a 'lifetime'. You can't diet for 'life'. I workout 6 days a week and eat sensible. I am in no way deprived of my favorite things, I just dont have to eat 3 helpings of it. I do use supplements, metabloism boosters, as I need the extra energy to get on that treadmill and run/walk for 4 miles. It works for me. I feel better now at 42, than I did when I was 22!!
  17. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    I'm with y'all...

    I quit smoking 01/30/06, it was the best decision I've ever made. I miss it sometimes, but I am so very glad I quit.

    Unfortunately, along with quitting smoking and having another baby, I gained quite a bit of weight. I know that I can diet and pull it off, but I don't like to diet and I'm just not gonna.

    I joined the gym, and I'm working out 5 days a week and just making better choices. I still eat what I want, I just don't eat as much.

    We'll see what happens, as I have just started this workout/eat better thing. I would like to take a suppliment though, the extra energy would be great!
  18. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    You have set yourself up for success!! I never have looked back, on the cig thing....just put them down and haven't given them a thought.

    With being a single mom of twin boys, I need all the energy I can get! While doing cardio 6 days a week has helped tremendously with my energy level and stress, I love taking the supplements to help me get through the day. Working full time and then coming home to my 2nd full-time job (being a Mom) takes all I can muster up!!
  19. WillSpanker

    WillSpanker Well-Known Member

    So,is this a magic pill?
    If fat is where it's at and nothing is wrong with it:lol:
    Why does everyone want to be thin?Because thin is in;)
    Good morning all
  20. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    Where do you get LIPO 6?

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