Bob Johnson, the owner and director of New Life Camp located in N. Raleigh since 1950, shared a great story with me. The camp was in an expansion mode and building a new gym for the kids. Bob had hoped to put a/c in the gym instead of electric fans but there just didn't seem to be enough money in the budget for the added expense. The donations just weren't there. Then came the day that Bob had to make a final decision with the electricians. Bob, a devout Christian, knew it was not in his hands, but God's. He knew that God would provide and show what direction Bob should go. Before meeting with the electricians Bob walked up the long path from the camp to the mailbox to check the mail. There was a large stack, as usual, but on the very top of the stack was a letter from an anonymous donor. Inside the letter was a check for the EXACT amount needed to provide a/c to the gym. God is rarely early, but He's never late! Kent P.S. - If you're looking for a great non-denominational Christian camp for your kids, check out New Life Camp. Here's a link:
Yes. I have noticed. In this case I thought honesty was the best approach. But after my mom broke down and cried I tend to keep that life a secret. I love my mom and dad very much. My birth family are simply great and they gave me such a strong sense of self. I love having them in my life now. I have some great stories to tell you if you ever want to know about them Jennifer. It is really an awesome story.
We should have our own forum, lol! I've got some stories too. One day I'm gonna write a book about it. Feel free to share anytime! And now, I will return you all to the "God is good" thread.....
Quick story before I have to get ready for my afternoon shift: I called my doctor to have an appointment changed for tomorrow. It was scheduled for early AM, but I can't make it. In speaking with the receptionist I asked for a PM appointment the same day. "No way", she said. "It'll have to be sometime in July." Lord, I don't want to wait that long I thought, but if that's what it's got to be, then I'll have to take it. I said ok, but then the receptionist said, "Hmm, that's strange, a PM cancellation for tomorrow just became available." I said that's great, I'll take it, and then told her how the Lord looks after His children. There was a slight pause, and then she said, "You are so right, and by the way, thank you, I needed that." I didn't ask why, but I could tell our little conversation had been a blessing to both of us. Kent So, if God's leading you to share a little nugget, don't hesitate. You never know who He has in mind that He wants to bless with it.
Anyone going to the Harvest Crusade - Greg Laurie? Hopefully someone will have good stories after this event!
I'm hoping to be able to go on the 23rd. Don't know much about Greg Laurie, but I want to see TobyMac for free! :mrgreen: Third Day (on the 24th) would be good too! :lol:
I want to go Sunday I think too! I do know much about Greg Laurie either but from the promo video it seemed that he was a good speaker/minister!
No worries. Unlike most of you here (yourself with over 5,000 posts). I actually don't need to spend my waking time at a keyboard.
I remember a saying by the late Dr. Adrian Rogers, whose powerful messages I still love to listen to at "Are you building a stepping stone or a stumbling block for those around you?" Frankly, winger, your comments are way out of line and uncalled for and there's no place for it here. As for the other comments that set winger off, they didn't come across in a spirit of Christian love and probably could have been left unsaid. Be above this world and not of it. I tried to be as specific as I could what I hoped to be the theme of this thread, and it has started out great until this little bump in road. God's mercy and grace; that's what this thread is about. Winger, you're more than welcome to post appropriate comments relative to God's grace on you and those around you. Anything else can be posted somewhere else. Kent Edited to add this P.S. - a final thought from Dr. Rogers: "Not only can negative emotions take life from your years, they can take years from your life."
LOVE Dr. Rogers... best Bible teacher EVER! Another quote of his... "A faith that hasn't been tested can't be trusted." Sorry about getting off topic, but just wanted to warn Winger to watch the language on here.
"But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control." Galations 5:22 Anger will make you do or say things you wished you hadn't done. God can use anyone to get his message across. I remember some years back how the Lord used my 3 year old daughter to humble me in a mighty way. My daughter had done or said something to upset me and rather than correcting her in a Christian Father's love, I reacted in worldly anger. I grabbed her arm and squeezed harder than I should, trying to get her attention. My daughter just looked at me in big, sad eyes and said, "Daddy, don't hurt my little arm." I shrunk about as low as you can go and apologized to her for being too rough, and asked my daughter to forgive me, which she did. My daughter didn't stop getting any corrections she needed, but it has never again come from uncontrolled anger and bitterness. Kent
In 2001 I was having lots of problems with tension headaches. They were so bad, I had missed a lot of work. On day I wasn't feeling well (not a headache, though) and was on my way home. I was stopped at a red light when all of a sudden the person behind me started to go and bumped me pretty good. I remember the face plate of my CD player popped off and it startled me pretty good. The lady behind me immediately came to apologize and make sure everything was okay. I never got out of the car, I just started sobbing. She was so worried and really sorry. She said she had no idea what made her go, when the light was clearly still red and a car still in front of her. I said it was okay, I was fine and neither one of the cars were damaged. I went on home and continued to sob all the way. I went in and slept the rest of the afternoon. After that, my headaches did not return. I guess God knew I just needed to release all the tension and emotion and He knew just how to get me to do it!!!! I have always wished I could let this woman know how she helped, who knows, maybe she will read this thread!!!
Karmol: good story. God can take a routine bump up and use it to meet your needs. ready2cmyking: Adrian Rogers, Charles Stanley, and David Jeremiah are some of my favorite notable evangelists/preachers, but I also love hearing anyone preach the Good News. I won't be able to hear Greg Laurie speak, but I know he's going to do a great job and has a great annointing on him. I see his bumper stickers alot and many churches have his banner up in cooperation with his ministry crusade. Lives will surely be changed during Laurie's visit to Raleigh, for sure. Some with a renewed energy and rejuvenated faith and others with the life-changing decision of trusting Jesus as their Lord and Savior. I'm looking forward to hearing from those who go hear Laurie speak. To the C3 family: I had heard about C3 for sometime, even way up in N. Wake County, and how the Lord was working in a mighty way through your church and its ministry. My daddy lives in Willow Spring, so I decided recently to attend your Sunday service on the way to visit Daddy. I was met in the parking lot by attendants welcoming me to C3. I was met in the lobby by folks wearing t-shirts saying "Ask Me". Any questions I had they were happy to answer. I also saw a good friend I work with and sat with her and her kids during the praise and worship service. Awesome service! The Lord was lifted up all through the service and I enjoyed worshipping with you on that day. I look forward to coming back. I've seen C3 take some nasty hits at 4042, but don't despair. God and his children have been taking hits for a long time. Until the Lord returns there will always be a Haman, and a Tobiah, and a Sanballat. Continue to work in the service of the Lord, praying for those who speak evil about you. You must be doing something right otherwise Satan wouldn't be so focused on you and your ministry, and using others to sow seeds of dissension. Kent
For once, we have a thread with nothing but positives (until this Joker)....praise God. Yes, He is so good. Proceed.......................
For today I'd like to post a few things in honor of our men and women serving and who have served in our Armed Forces. May God bless and protect them until they safely return home. 1. Many of you may have already seen this clip, but it's always a joy to watch again: A young Naval officer surprises his son at school. The reaction is priceless. 2. Baptized in Babylon (great website) 3. A link to a great story in yesterday's N&O about a family in western NC who's Daddy has finally come home from WWII. 4. Here's a link to our local USO located at RDU airport in case you'd like to donate your time or financial resources to help support this organization: May each of you reading this today have a blessed and joyful day in the Lord. Kent