Ye gods, this man works with animals for a living ... the sick and wounded ... and he's hitting the dog? Hitting a CHIHUAHUA? Of COURSE the dog isnt going to be happy about going in for a spay ... this is (hopefully WAS) a licensed DVM???
I won't tell. :lol: Seems like he should have figured out before he finished Vet school that he was on the wrong career path. What an idiot. :evil:
Tell ya what ... force Dr Vet in to get castrated; if he gets UPSET, let someone at least 8 times his size pound on HIM ... Beating on a chihuahua .... man, that really steams!!! I can almost see a Vet punching on a pitbull or something, if they'd bitten you, and you had no other choice to try and get them to release the bite hold, since they have such a vice like grip ... but I'd rather like to think that they'd call for immediate sedation or some alternative!
Aww the dog is sooo cute! I hope the poor little thing gets sight back in that eye! Words can't even begin to express how angry I am about this jerk who calls himself a Vet!!! :evil: :twisted: :evil: :twisted: