Per the Associated Press it looks like Junior is going to Hendrick Motor sports. If so I take it Mear's is history.
Per Jayski it looks like this is for real! This means that when we hit Charlotte we only have to visit the Hendrick's campus! :mrgreen: [SIZE=-1][/SIZE]
I refuse to believe it as well, even if it is true. I CANT STAND Gordan.... If it happens that he announces that he will be on Hendrick I may find it hard to watch NASCAR much more. Just the fact that he will be teammates with the biggest whiner/flamer in NASCAR
I taker it that the Flamer comment was jealousy at his ability to burn up the race track! :mrgreen: So Kyle might be going to DEI? I hope they have plenty of extra sheet metal over there.
I haven't watched NASCAR since #3 died. It's just not the same. :-( I bet Dear 'Ol Dad rolled over in his grave.:cry:
I believe Junior himself stated a few weeks ago that his Dad had no problem with Jeff Gordon, so why would he roll over in his grave?
Dear old Dad (#3) was partners with Gordon in several ventures, and they were friends. Dear old Dad was all about winning, and would probably be glad Jr is putting himself in the best chance to win also.
Who else remembers when Earnhart, #3, was the guy fans loved to hate? That sure turned around later in his career.
I have never understood the bad feelings toward Gordon. He wins frequently, guess it's just sour grapes. 8)