I got this in an email and I thought I'd share it with you. Mike Please note: forwarded message attached -, but so true! Two weeks ago, as I was starting my sixth month of duty in Iraq, I was forced to return to the USA for surgery for an injury I sustained prior to my deployment. With luck, I'll return to Iraq to finish my tour. I left Baghdad and a war that has every indication that we are winning, to return to a demoralized country much like the one I returned to in 1971 after my tour in Vietnam. Maybe it's because I'll turn 60 years old in just four months, but I'm tired: I'm tired of spineless politicians, both Democrat and Republican who lack the courage, fortitude, and character to see these difficult tasks through. I'm tired of the hypocrisy of politicians who want to rewrite history when the going gets tough. I'm tired of the disingenuous clamor from those that claim t hey 'S upport the Troops' by wanting them to 'Cut and Run' before victory is achieved. I'm tired of a mainstream media that can only focus on car bombs and casualty reports because they are too afraid to leave the safety of their hotels to report on the courage and success our brave men and women are having on the battlefield. I'm tired that so many Americans think you can rebuild a dictatorship into a democracy over night. I'm tired that so many ignore the bravery of the Iraqi people to go to the voting booth and freely elect a Constitution and soon a permanent Parliament I'm tired of the so called 'Elite Left' that prolongs this war by giving aid and comfort to our enemy, just as they did during the Vietnam War. I'm tired of antiwar protesters showing up at the funerals of our fallen soldiers. A family who's loved ones gave their life in a just and noble cause, only to be cruelly tormented on the funeral day by cowardly protesters is beyon d sham eful. I'm tired that my generation, the Baby Boom -- Vietnam generation, who have such a weak backbone that they can't stomach seeing the difficult tasks through to victory. I'm tired that some are more concerned about the treatment of captives than they are the slaughter and beheading of our citizens and allies. I'm tired that when we find mass graves it is seldom reported by the press, but mistreat a prisoner and it is front page news. Mostly, I'm tired that the people of this great nation didn't learn from history that there is no substitute for Victory. Sincerely, Joe Repya, Lieutenant Colonel, U. S. Army 101st Airborne Division This needs to get all over the U S A. ________________________________________ PeoplePC Online A better way to Internet http://www.peoplepc.com
He is intitled to his opinion (and I agree with many of them) it still is for the most part one sided propaganda, although a bipartisan shot was tossed in. No mentioned of the pro-war protestors yelling at the families of the war dead and Iraqi vets voicing their displeasure at this ill advised war. Even one of our own came back and boasted of his doing this earlier this year.
Of course Mr. Repya being in politics has not been a factor in this old letter being resent either, right?
Counterpoint Counterpoint: http://tinyurl.com/2bgcbu Ya, I'm listening, but what I hear from you Colonel is that the bottom line and your last line is that Victory at any cost is alright. I respectively disagree. I like you served in Viet Nam, 1969/1970, as a combat medic, serving my tour in the central highlands in the jungle 24/7. My son is a Major in the Air Force. I found his views of the Iraq war some what in conflict with yours. He flew 70 missions over Iraq during the INVASION. Dropped pay load 50 times. While sitting by the pool in Qatar one afternoon he noticed that the public using the pool consisted of men and boys, and all the females were sitting around the pool at a distance wrapped in black head to foot. It occurred to him to be rather strange that this country, Qatar , one of our best alleys oppressed its females in such a manner. His question was what sort of democracy will we be looking at if they treat their women in this manner, is this really democracy or some other ocracy that we just look the other way at and call it democracy. I suppose to an old soldier like yourself, you would say he is over thinking the situation. Well, as an old soldier that saw real combat and was wounded and sent home by medevac from Vietnam , I'm damn proud of a young service person who has been able to see beyond military thinking. When I went to Vietnam I was told by our military leaders that gooks (Vietnamese) were all bad, they didn't value life as we do. Our battle cry was the only good gook is a dead gook. That is in keeping with the settlers of this country that came to shouting and still do in some corners that the only good Indian is a dead Indian. This type of rhetoric has no place in a civilized society and a democracy. Now to Iraq, Why when Rep Murtha (US Marine) said we should pull some of the troops out of the city's and relocate them at the boarders and work to get the bulk of troops and basses out of Iraq in the next year or two - why is that referred to by you as "cut and run", but when W says it is an exit strategy? The number of people that still believe there were WMD in Iraq, and that they were within a month or two of send nuclear bombs to the US by drone aircraft is around two or three, you are obviously one of those folks or why would you justify the invasion and continued war that we are conducting in Iraq? The Terrorist (really insurgents) are going to stay there forever as that is there country. The real Terrorists will be run out by the Iraq population when we get the hell out of there. The reality that we have become the target, mentioned by many a member of Congress is a reality that only the brainwashed could ignore. The cost of this war alone should give one pause to wonder if it is worth it; that is those who don't believe in Victory at any cost. I want my grand kids to have as good a life if not better than myself. That will not happen if we continued to bury them in the debt of this war. A recent news story says the cost of this war and the after affects, like caring for those that were disable will reach 2 Trillion dollars, that takes our National debt from 8 trillion to ten trillion not counting the extra trillion or so as a result of tax cuts for the super rich. I am interested in how you feel about fighting in a war were there is absolutely no shared sacrifice by the rest of America . The only answer I could see to someone not having a problem with this is as, America's hired killers, it is not necessary to have shared sacrifice, then the question is, a Democracy that is protected by hired killers with no oversight by civilians? Is it constitutional? Answer: unconstitutional. Which leads me to another question. Is it necessary to follow the constitution when we are at a war of our making? Are our liberties as a democracy important: Ben Franklin said "Those who would give up essential liberty in the pursuit of a little temporary security deserve neither liberty nor security." Makes perfect sense to me. Aid to the enemy. What a clever line. Does that mean we all fall in lock step (good little Germans) and sound no debate or descent when we are at war? Is that democracy? Colonel, that is not what I fought for and carry shrapnel around today for. Roger L. Andal Brandon, SD _______________________ Wish I could buy that man a beer, or at least shake his hand. People like him are the ones who are REALLY "protecting our Freedom."
In your opinion, which I'm sure you believe should be everyone's opinion. Unfortunately you and Grace have never lifted so much as a finger to defend this country. You are only against this war because a Republican is the sitting President. As I've pointed out so many times in the past, John Kerry wanted to escalate the war and you were all for him. You called him a patriot for wanting to do the exact same thing that President Bush is now advocating. Your opinions would be much more valid if they weren't so obviously tempered by partisan politics…
Grace my father was a Vietnam vet who took his own life because of the things he saw and took part of in Vietnam. He repeatedly went to the VA for help but he was continuously turned away. I lost him in 1983. Never got to meet him. It not only affected him but it affected me to because he is gone now. See I love my Dad so much for what he did for our country but have an agonizing bee in my belly about the way he was treated when he got home. I love my country, I love the freedoms we have, I love that fact I can express my opinion here or any other place I see as necessary. I for one am tired of the way our soldiers are treated by the support system they have been provided. There has to be a way we can make it better. We can't change the things that have occurred already but we can make a difference in these young and older soldiers lives for things to come. I truly believe that. I think it's time our soldiers get the respect and honor they deserve including your father. I really don't see this as a partisan issue. I think it is up to US to let the Armed Forces know that our brothers, sisters, fathers, and mothers who fight for this country deserve the absolute best medical care, retirement, facilities, and gratitude that can be provided. Just my opinion. God bless the U.S.A. and Semper Fi Oorah!
I'll Drink To That. No, you can have your own opinion. In fact, I would LOVE to hear you tell us all how the Iraq Occupation has made us all “safer”. But Roger L. Andul certainly did, which is why I posted his letter. Or do you think that the shrapnel he carries in his body doesn’t rise to the standard of “lifting a finger”, simply because he disagrees with you? Granted, my contempt for President Bush probably factors into the equation, but I am opposed to this OCCUPATION primarily because it’s killed untold thousands of innocent Iraqis, while also sending more eager recruits to al Qaeda every day. That is what’s known as a “stupid, self defeating policy”. As a Republican, I thought for sure that you were already familiar with this concept. John Kerry based that position on information given to him by Sources under the control of George W. Bush. Once Kerry realized that his president was lying to him, he changed his position, as he should have. Kerry did something called ‘correcting a mistake’, which is a concept your Party has always had a bit of a problem understanding. No, I called him a Patriot for 1. volunteering to serve in combat, and 2. for protesting the military policies of his country when they were shown to be in conflict with our own stated Ideals. Neither of those traits has EVER been displayed by President Bush. Ha ha! Yeah, and President Bush keeps Karl Rove on his White House payroll because he knows Karl simply wants to Do The Right Thing. :lol: Now go away before I mention our beer bet again... "I'll Drink To That!"
Please show me where I have said that. Oops, I keep forgetting: A good liberal never let's facts get in the way, do they? Of course it does. He has served his country and served it well. But see, I was talking about you, not him. PROBABLY??? Even the rubes around here wouldn't buy that! So you're saying that the the brave, couragious, brillant John Kerry was duped by an idiot like President Bush? That's probably not something he'd want on his resume for President. BTW, if he was such a damn savior, why isn't he running again? That picture is in incredibly poor taste and way beneath you. It dishonors those who lost their lives on 9/11. I respectfully ask that you remove it. You should be ashamed!! Perhaps I should restate my arguement. You supported Kerry's plan to escalate the war. You oppose President Bush's. Now go away before I mention your cowardice again.
The Truth Hurts, and Payback is Ice-Cold! So the Iraq invasion and occupation DIDN'T make us 'safer'? Why not just come out and say it? You tried to trump me with your "I'm a Military Vet, so shut up" trump card many times before, but I'm not playing that game. There are a lot of decorated military vets out there who despise the people who lied us into this hopeless quagmire, and if you wish, I'll be glad to post some of their comments here. What? nothing about the "Stupid and self-defeating policy" comment? Somehow, I'm not surprised. Look, if the Fire Marshall ran up to you and said "Your house is on fire, call 911 NOW!", are you gonna care if he's been an idiot in the past? Are you gonna care if he may make YOU look like an idiot for calling 911? Nope. You're gonna call 911 anyway. He may be an idiot, but he's also the Fire Marshall, and he's claiming that there's no time to lose. When that Idiot is the president, and has access to PDB Memos that Senators don't get, then the Senators have no choice but to trust the Idiot. If the idiot is lying, he will eventually face the consequences, such as watching his Party lose control of congress and suffering with a lousy 28% Approval Rating. He had his chance, but the combined talents of Karl Rove and Osama bin Laden were enough to give Dubya a 1.7% victory margin. Maybe it's time to let the girls play. No, YOU should be ashamed for ever voting for that soulless moron. Those quotes are legit... http://www.truthdig.com/eartotheground/item/20060601_bush_sept_11_relatively_humorous/ ...and unless the webmaster asks me to remove it, it STAYS! I supported Kerry's plan to get more INTERNATIONAL troops into Iraq, back when there was still a chance that such a plan might work. But thanks to Dubya's stupidity and oil-greed, I'm afraid the 'time window' on that plan has now closed. ...and maybe you can tell me exactly what Bush's 'plan' is, now that the Surge is failing miserably. Tell it to the Moose! "Read it and weep, Sucker!"
To clarify a point. No prisoner is being flown out of Johnston County except possibly by the Department of Corrections. Just because the flights originate at the local airport does not mean that prisoners ever touch base here. A better use of time and money would be demonstrating against the government and the CIA not Aero Contractors. If it was not for Air America there would be no Aero Contractors. Do democrats really want to uncover the lid on how long and how much both parties have been feeding that pig?
I never said that, either. I'm not talking about their comments, I'm talking about yours. What about that is so hard for you to understand? I see you're up to your old games. Hop, Hop, Hop.... So your position is that George Bush is responsible for 9/11 and Osama Bin Laden is responsible for Kerry losing?? 'Nuff said, folks. So you're throwing your support behind Hillary, or are you just bandwaggoning in true Bob fashion? I seem to remember a different opinion of Hillary a couple of years ago... Okay Rush, whatever you say :lol: :lol: I'm never ashamed of casting a vote. It is a right that I fought for and that my brothers in arms died for. You take it for granted because you sit on your @ss all day and whine. I did something to help this country, and I'll never ever be ashamed of that! Then you are a lot less of a man than I gave you credit for. You supported the escalation of the war, plain and simple. I'm not suprised that you're too much of a coward to admit it, though. I haven't backed off the bet, nor do I intend to. I'm not a liar like you are, and I don't edit history as you do. You lost a bet and pussed out. If I lose I'll pay up!
Wrong. The prisoners never even clear the Continental US air space. Great, glad to see you want to get something done. Why does our government continue to fund these activities. Perhaps we should cut spending. How dumb do you think the politicians are? No one on the local or state have any say so. The federal level is easy. It is a private corporation that has flights. DO you need anymore knowledge on why it is done this way. Again nothing is happening in Johnston County except airplanes taking off and landing. The odds are against me getting hit by anything from one of those. I do not have a town council nor do I think the ACLU will do anything productive for me as a taxpayer except keep helping my tax liabilities increase. Since you are so powerful maybe you can get them to address the injustice done to the Duke Lacrosse players and Don Imus. Have you not figured out after x number of years that Rush is in the entertainment business?
Grace, I am not sure that they never have been through our county, but I doubt that they have. We have a number of people at our church that regularly attend these protest against this vendor in the Rendition process and have never heard one state that a renderie was here. Personally I do not have a problem with the folks protesting this vendor as long as they do it legally. It is a sad state of affairs when we feel we need to (or have our lackeys) torture people.
Excellent adage and most soldiers feel that way, but they go because it is their duty. Now there is a different saying about warriors, but we do not have anywhere near enough of them.