Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by ready2cmyKing, Mar 31, 2007.

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  1. Tangerine

    Tangerine Well-Known Member

    child molesters do not deserve a second chance. they need to be locked up and never allowed out.
    and there is a big difference in an adult molesting a child and 2 teens in the back seat of a car. Big Difference!!!!
  2. TheAngryOffender

    TheAngryOffender Well-Known Member

    Even someone who molests a child can eventually reform themselves and become a good citizen again. Remember, most of the time a child molester knows the child, often because that child is a family member, and by locking up the molester forever instead of eventually bringing the molester and the child into treatment after an appropriate punishment, in the majority of cases you are tearing a family apart and leaving the victim to repeat their suffering forever. But of course, the law doesn't really care about things like that--after all, who cares about the victim and the family, as long as we can "get" the bad guy?

    It's sort of the same with two teens in the back seat: the law doesn't care. It's illegal for them to be teens and play with each other that way, but in the name of stopping the evil sex offenders, we can't go easy on them for breaking arbitrary age laws; who cares if they actually have feelings for each other anyway? We have to be tough on these kinds of law-breaking dirty people! After all, it's not like teens are able to CONSENT to sexual activity, right?
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2007
  3. Tangerine

    Tangerine Well-Known Member

    yes i know that most of the time the molester knows the child and is possibly a family member. the family has already been torn apart because of what the molester did. and the victim is the child not the molester. the child has to live with it forever so why shouldn't the molester? the molester should not have a chance to go back into society. stop protecting the child molesters and think about what the child has been through.
  4. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    You are coming across as someone who wants to defend child molesting and that you think it deserves a slap on the wrist and forget it .the victims never forget this and the rapist is NOT A VICTIM!!!!!!!!!!!! Plain an simple If you don't know where to stick your >>>> than maybe it should be cut the F off! You act as if this is something children just get over or women who are raped as adults will just get over thats not the case even with years of help nobody gets over that and I'd be willing to bet if some man started going around raping men the laws would change pretty damn quick. How about that lets say your walking in a parking lot and this man comes up behind you forces you onto the ground and shoves himself in your bum are you gonna defend them then???????????????Are you? would you then want to see him get a slap on the wrist?
  5. TheAngryOffender

    TheAngryOffender Well-Known Member

    You assume that the molester doesn't have to live with it forever. You assume that some kind of revenge is the way to go. It might make you feel good, but then again, it's not your family. People can sometimes find it in their hearts to forgive the offender, and the family can remain intact. The law tearing that family member out and not giving the family a chance to mend leaves a permanently destroyed family behind, all in the name of protecting the victim. This kind of misguided application of law enforcement actually destroys more families than it protects, and that's why I can't just agree with what you're saying.
  6. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    Who cares if the offender has to live with it forever he should never had done it oh poor baby I could careless about some idiot who hurts people who cannot defend themself.He should have to live with it he should have to live with out a sex organ also .cut it off give him a straw to pee out of! As far as the women molesters there should be a public hanging for them or stoned to death. Start being easy on them now and there will be more victims .
  7. Tangerine

    Tangerine Well-Known Member

    why anyone would defend a child molester unless he was one himself is beyond me.
  8. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Sharia Law, thats the solution, lets just dump our laws and let the mobs make up the laws.:roll:
  9. Animal lover

    Animal lover Well-Known Member

    Are you referring to Islamic law?
  10. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Or our equivalent, Yes.
    Yes, I realize that technically in most cases Sharia is not mob rule.
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2007
  11. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    Well any person who thinks that the sex registry is taking a child rapists rights is so full of pooh pooh .The registry is there so for example a baby rapist ( and thats what they are lets not sugar coat it) moves into your neck of the woods you know not to trust this person around your children.I think its a great thing to have to keep our children safe.If John doe moves in next door to me , and I find out he has hurt a child I am going to be more likely to take measures to keep him away from my child such as privacy fence ( maybe electric)watch dog home alarm system .I am also gonna tell my kid do not talk to him hes a bad man scream if he comes near you. What do alot of us do when we get a new neighbor we welcome them speak with them even invite them over if we find out oh john doe like the kiddies to much he aint coming over invited and is leaving in a body bag if he comes over uninvited point blank too bad too sad .As parents its our right to protect our children and ourselves. The message needs to be clear to every baby raper , rapist all sex offenders we know who you are we are watching you stay away from children!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    well maybe in some cases we do.
  13. TheAngryOffender

    TheAngryOffender Well-Known Member

    This kind of caveman thinking is why people like you don't make laws. You clearly don't know a damn thing about criminal justice outside of your eye-for-an-eye view on things. It's interesting how two wrongs suddenly makes a right in your mind. Just remember that you have plenty of things you've done in your own life that you aren't very proud of, and eventually your kind of thinking will lead to your own destruction, once your "kill-'em-all no matter what" attitude becomes the law of the land for anyone who screws up.

    You shall reap what you sow.

    Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.
  14. TheAngryOffender

    TheAngryOffender Well-Known Member

    Because a child molester is still a human. Once you dehumanize one class of people, you open the door for you yourself to be dehumanized in the end. It can and will happen, as it did in Germany before World War II. The first humans who had their basic rights stripped were sexual offenders and sexual deviants (homosexuals were included in that definition), and the people welcomed that with open arms. Ultimately, it was the first step in the process of bringing the entire country under one man's control, because once a sufficient number of peoples' humanity and inalienable human rights are suddenly no longer respected, there aren't enough people left to resist the rest of the way.

    By refusing to acknowledge the fact that a child molester is still a human being with human qualities and inalienable human rights, you also choose to give up your own humanity and rights in the process. There is a reason that the Constitution protects certain rights for ALL people, regardless of who they are or what they've done--those rights aren't there to protect the popular and "normal" people; they exist to protect the unpopular and the "strange" people from others stripping them of their basic humanity. Your opinion is unconstitutional and defies the spirit upon which this country was founded.
  15. magnolia

    magnolia Well-Known Member

    Thank you for making our point...the only way to stop them is to lock them up for life. Period.

    I don't care what member of your family is a "victim" of the laws. The minute you touch a child inappropriately, then you are no longer a victim. You are a perpetrator.

    And those like you, who defend such perpetrators, should be locked up as right along with them.

    You know that this is a forum full of parents. And you know how you would be received here. The fact that you are here at all, tells me that you enjoy this. You don't have a family member who is a "victim" of any laws....I think you get a sick, twisted pleasure out of the fear people like you and those you defend, instill into parents.

    You taint this forum and I would just as soon see you get banned for good.
  16. magnolia

    magnolia Well-Known Member

    Those children who are molested are the ones being dehumanized. They are just toys to you sickos.

    A child molester is not a human being...he/she is a monster. There are no rights for monsters.
  17. TheAngryOffender

    TheAngryOffender Well-Known Member

    I have a lot of respect for you simply because you chose to look at my site; clearly most here write me off as a "loon" and don't even bother to see what I have to say and research if I'm creating my statements from facts or if I'm twisting my interpretation or disclosure of those facts to support my statements.

    Please read the section of my site entitled "a sex offender registry proves itself worthless." It can be found here:

    In short, that page sets a lot of background by citing multiple studies that cover precisely this question: "How many sex offenders commit another sex offense after their sentence is complete?" You can read the details at my site, but the Reader's Digest version is this: very, very few. The US Department of Justice did one study that says 5.3% reoffended within three years. The New York Department of Corrections did a longer study, with their offender group showing a 6% reoffense rate over nine years (which is an increase over the USDOJ stats of 0.7% when an additional six years are examined.) Studies quoting high (>90%) reoffense rates have been heavily criticized for essentially manipulating the statistics to achieve a high rate; the study finds a high rate, but the scope of the study is grossly misrepresentative of sex offenders *in general.* It's like taking all the absolute highest risk offenders and seeing how many reoffend, then quoting that as representing the entire offender population. It's a complete misrepresentation.

    Do the searches of the NC version of the registry. Look for "Recidivists." Those are people that are in NC RIGHT NOW that have actually been reconvicted for another sex crime after treatment and completion of sentence. In most counties, the percentage of offenders classified RIGHT NOW as having "done it again" is a fraction of one percent.

    While you may believe earnestly that they will reoffend, the actual studies out there on the topic point to an extremely low rate of sexual reoffense. Most sex offenders go back to jail for probation violations or a different crime such as shoplifting, and in any class of people that is often unable to get stable housing or any kind of a job upon release, shoplifting is almost to be expected of some just to get something to eat.

    The facts don't support the rhetoric of politicians that want to be seen as "being tough on crime." Essentially, their mantra has no basis in facts, and they've got most of you completely eating out of their hands, fearing sex offenders that don't typically do such a stupid thing twice while the felon drug dealer next door or horny Uncle Ernie doesn't have to worry about a damn thing.
  18. zookeeper

    zookeeper Well-Known Member

    TWICE you say a child molester is still human and mention human qualities - yeah right, but human and HUMANE are two different things.

    A child molester is a sick excuse for a human being who has no humanity in his/her self. They care not for the life they are going to forever change for the worse when they take away a child's innocence. They USUALLY engage that child into telling lies while they manipulate that VICTIM of theirs in effort to cover their sorry behinds, OR they scare the child into believing IF they tell, something bad will happen to thier loved ones.

    A child molester is worse than any form of human life. Lower than whale crap.

    A child molester can in moments of getting their own sick pleasure, leave behind a lifetime of emotional scaring on that child.

    How do I know - JO? I was molested as a child, as was at least one other member on this board that I know of.

    Don't talk to me about counseling, rehabilitation, or any of your other BS that helps you feel good about your sorry self. No time for pity parties and waving the constitution cause it protects your sorry butt - perhaps our founding fathers EXPECTED that child molesters wouldn't be considered as human beings. . .back in those days, not too much 'justice' took place in courtrooms with lawyers and plea bargains and there wasn't a hole bunch of people set free early due to good behavior. . .no, back in the good ol' days, child molesters were very likely cut up piece by piece and used for chum and nobody gave a damn. . .which is what I think should be done to this very day.

    Don't bother responding to me, I care not to lay my eyes on any more of your BS lies. I'm done with this thread, and you should thank God that Constitution protects you, cause that's about all you really have.
  19. TheAngryOffender

    TheAngryOffender Well-Known Member

    First of all, you don't know anything about me, so watch your tongue. Second, you are the reason that child molestation continues to be a problem; rather than solving the problem in a way that works, you're the type of fool that thinks vengeance after the crime happens is the solution. Where's the victim I saw here earlier? I think that victim will agree with me if I state that we should make an effort to stop sex crimes before they happen, rather than focusing on what we do to the offender after the crime has already been committed. Do you spray Round-Up on the leaves of a tangle of vines to kill it, or do you attack the roots to get it to go away? It's the same with crime. Sex crimes happen because of the way things and people are, so the only way to STOP sex crimes is to change the way society works in the first place. Where are the anonymous treatment programs for people who have immoral urges to have sex with children, so they can get help in controlling the urges and keep them from building until something bad happens? Why aren't we doing things to stop people from being molested?

    Are you people only concerned with how much suffering we can put someone through who commits a heinous crime?

    And here's another nugget to think about: tougher penalties means more DEAD victims. If the penalties are worse than those for murder, why not just kill the victim? A dead girl can't squeal, after all. Would you rather have your child molested but then live on to locate the offender, or murdered shortly thereafter and the killer never found?

    Crime and laws are not simple, clear-cut issues. Everything you propose has consequences, and you have to think beyond the obvious effects of a law or a regulation before you decide that it is a good way to handle a problem. Remember, the law only applies if everyone follows it; in the end, it's just writing on the wall, and writing doesn't do a damn thing to protect kids. Protection starts with the parents in the home, teaching their children how to see warning signs that indicate dangers, and teaching some common sense. How many parents let their young children ride around their subdivisions on bikes, totally unsupervised? And do you think that a law saying "no convicts allowed within 1000 feet of parks" will actually keep a convict who doesn't give a damn about that law out of the parks your kids use?
  20. TheAngryOffender

    TheAngryOffender Well-Known Member

    The way you choose to talk, I could care less about your status. You obviously never got past being angry at the world. One of these days you'll grow up and realize that even though something bad happened to you in your past, it's no excuse to make a raging *** of yourself and talk to others like you just did. Your abuse of the past does not give you the right to be abusive to others. You are more of a victim of your own short-sightedness than you are a victim of emotional scarring. You don't realize it, but with an attitude like what you portray, you're actually continuing the cycle of abuse, even though at the moment it's manifesting as generic hatred and bloodlust.

    I hope your violent attitude towards life doesn't result in anyone else getting hurt.
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