Amen, Grace If I may be permitted to add a couple of my own: I'm tired of the USA going to war to justify corporate welfare programs to the likes of Haliburton, Blackwater, and Aero Contractors of Smithfield. I'm tired of the wasted federal funds in amounts that no social program, except Social Security perhaps, ever came close to. I'm tired of the neo-cons and the scam they have pulled on the American people. Snuff
I do! Everyday the terrorists are busy over there is a victory for us over here. Havent seen an attack on US soil since we've been over there have ya? The thing is, all the Bush haters are never going to change their minds. Neither will you change the minds of the bush supporters. When Clinton was in office, 99% of his presidency was a joke. But I gave the office of the presidency respect and didnt try to trash talk him. I never felt the hatred that people have towards Bush. Its really a sickness. He won, your guys lost, get over it.
Guess you didn't pay much attention when I was blasting Fred Smith when he was running last time, and talking about his raspy voice then.
Here we go with Bush stole the election... Ya know, lets pretend for a second that he did steal the first election (he didnt). What does that say about you that he got away with it twice? Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, I"m a moron. The world is mad @ us ??? Who cares. Everybody is coming to us for help, not Russia, not Korea, etc. Heard the other day that Kim Jong Whogivesacrap is wanting the UN inspectors back into his county. you know why, he wants our $$$. When they have a self sustaining economy, I'll listen to them about foreign policy. I wouldnt wipe my rear-end with their flags
Their energy stores. Daredevil, that attitude/intelligence you have displayed above would make you a candidate for Attorney General in this administration. No, that was not a compliment.
I agree that everyone who voted for him the second time around was a moron, but I would never have suspected that you would agree. I suppose it really has gotten that bad .... :shock: No, but you seem to believe that. China and India are working very hard to take any such position they can to keep the US out of their area of the world including the development of a blue water navy. That is 1/6 of the world's population in just those two countries.
The Democrats were dumb enough to give the nomination to a Senator that is more liberal than Ted Kennedy. Was there any doubt Bush would win?
So, it looks like you agree that Bush won the first time. Can't help with the posting of charts/graphs.
History of the Bush Administration will not be fully written for 75 years. As far as who I think the president should be, Dr. Ron Paul would work for me.
I have never understood why people continue accusing him of stealing an election. The electoral college made him president. Gore has no one to blame, but himself. If he had won Tennessee, his home state, then he would have been President.
Not being elected is not the same as stealing the election, but I know hwat you are saying. The problem was the ruling to stop any recount and then ruling that since no recount was done the previous count was correct. That circular logic was not appropriate for such a critical decision. True, and if the electoral representatives had instead decided to elect Gore you would not have had any problem with that? You do realize the election is of a representative and not all are required by law to vote in any fashion. Or if the Florida vote was counted accurately he might have also been President, but that is now for the history books to judge and I am betting that judgement will affect any future situations similar to this one.
Just to clarify, what the Supreme Court did was to tell Florida that it had to abide by it's own state constitution. Basically the Florida State Supreme Court had ruled that only a few counties (those favourable to Gore) should recount. This was in violation of their constitution which required all counties to recount (which was later shown by an independent counting that Bush indeed won). Unfortunately, in this day and age, it's becoming harder and harder for people to re-write history.
Ummmm, obviously you have not been introduced to one of the few statesman left. Dr. Ron Paul. Please feel free to review
Again I think Gore lost and one of the main reasons is his home state. If you can not win at home I have serious issues with that. Don't those folks know you and your record better than anyone. The problem I have is with the current system. I do not think the majority vote or electoral college accurately represents the entire Republic. If you look at the number of states that George Bush won versus Al Gore it was not even close. Candidates all but ignore the smaller states due to the small size and limited number of electoral votes. Obviously there are fewer citizens of North Dakota than Texas, but does that mean there issues are any less important?
"serious and not isolated" Grace, I would recommend that you go here: ...for all your Election-Theft 2000 needs. The US Civil Rights Commission was charged with investigating the claims of Minority Voter Disenfranchisement in the Florida 2000 Election, and what they found would make Fidel Casto stroke out. Excerpt: The Commission found that the problems Florida had during the 2000 presidential election were serious and not isolated. In many cases, they were foreseeable and should have been prevented. The failure to do so resulted in an extraordinarily high and inexcusable level of disenfranchisement, with a significantly disproportionate impact on African American voters. The causes include the following: (1) a general failure of leadership from those with responsibility for ensuring elections are properly planned and executed... "Whaddaya looking at ME for?" (2) inadequate resources for voter education, training of poll workers, and for Election Day trouble-shooting and problem solving; (3) inferior voting equipment and/or ballot design; (4) failure to anticipate and account for the expected high volumes of voters, including inexperienced voters; (5) a poorly designed and even more poorly executed purge system; and (6) a resource allocation system that often left poorer counties, which often were counties with the highest percentage of black voters, adversely affected. Isn't it amazing how George W. Bush was able to squeeze out a ONE-ONE HUNDRETH OF ONE PERCENT "VICTORY" under these circumstances? Of course, nationally, the figures speak for themselves: Sadly, by the time the USCRC forwarded their finding to the Justice Department, our Attorney General was John Ashcroft, who predictably buried the entire report, with only a wrist-slap for Florida. The first four years of the Bush "presidency" were a blatant fraud, and only with Osama bin Laden's help was Bush able to squeak out a slim "Fear Margin" victory in 2004. To this day, I consider Al Gore to be our president-elect, even if he never gets to take the Oath of Office. ...and I consider George W. Bush to be the
Guts Well, I AM a Liberal Democrat. So far, so good. So... ..when I post facts and figures, backed up with resource links, you consider it to be "Nothing but Rhetoric"? I guess that makes you a Typical Conservative Republican. Why rely on facts and figures when you can go with a "gut feeling"? I mean...Dubya's Gut has been working SO WELL for us in Iraq, now, hasn't it? Yep...Bring 'em on!
you post facts that Gore won the popular vote, yeah he did but not the electoral vote which is how presidents are elected, and voter fraud in one state, but not the others. Bush won the 2000 election, whether we like it or not, if you have not noticed it is 2007. Based on how Gore went off the deep end after the election I am glad he was not president, and oh yeah the people of Tennessee did not vote for him is the other main reason.
Common Ground Well, it depends. If I rob you at gunpoint and the cops back me up, did I "Win" your money? What part of the phrase "tainted election" don't you understand? Well, it depends on your definition of "won". Under your definition, Jesse James "won" all that railroad payroll money. So there’s a Statute of Limitations on the Theft of the Presidency? I didn’t know that. Ha ha! What? He became a Visionary who has dedicated his life to a sustainable Planet, while becoming one of the most beloved and admired men in the World? a Republican, I guess that would qualify as "crazy". :lol: But...but...but... ...but Dubya was born in Connecticut, and people of Connecticut did not vote for him. They voted for Al Gore! I guess by YOUR standard, Bush LOST the 2000 election. I LOVE it when we can find 'Common Ground', don't you?