As I was reading in my Bible this morning I came across a sentence that I've read before, but never really thought about. Here is the entire passage with the particular sentence hightlighted in blue. Today that sentence, especially the cutting part, just struck me. It made me think of the practice of "cutting" that many mentally disturbed people do. I have often wondered if demon possession still happens... not like in the movie The Exorcist... but just where people are tormented enough by demons to not be able to live "normal" lives. I've also wondered about certain mental illnesses, such as severe depression, schizophrenia, bi-polar disorder, etc. and if those illnesses could have demon activity behind them. I especially wonder about it with someone like Andrea Yates, (who had "postpartum psychosis" to the point of drowning her 5 children), and her involvement with cult leader Michael Woroniecki (see below). Would it be possible for demons to torment her to the point of murdering her innocent children? Again, this just made me wonder. If demons possessed people while Jesus walked the earth, why wouldn't they possess people today? Could it be that Charles Manson is demon possessed? Makes me go hmmmm... :? Check this out, from an ex-follower of Woroniecki. Maybe Woroniecki is demon possessed.
Oh yes...It still happens today. There is one that is personal to my husband that happened to his sister about 20 or 30 years ago or so. Thankfully my mother-in-law who is saved, sanctified and filled with the Holy Ghost was there. As the story goes, my husband's 2 sisters were fighting about something. He said it was as if "something" came into the house. He said that he could feel the change in the room. He said about the time he was going to say something, my mother-in-law hit the floor on her knees and began praying in the spirit. His sister was on the floor having what looked like a convulsion. He said his mom went over to her and got on top of her and kept telling her to say "Jesus" 3 times. She absolutely refused to do so, or the demon in her refused I should say. The voice that came out of her was not hers. She turned her head to the other sister she was fighting with and pleaded with her in her own voice then to make them leave her alone. The other sister said no. Then in that weird voice she told her that she was going to get her next. My mother-in-law kept praying and did not get off of her. She finally did say "Jesus" 3 times and just as quick as it had come, it was gone. The atmosphere in the room changed and all was well. I know it sounds far fetched. My husband was real young then but he remembers it like it was yesterday. That had to be pretty traumatic for a young child to see. So still happens. I'm not sure that mental illness and all that are related to it or not but those things are from hell, at least that's how I feel about it. When sin was let into the world by the disobedience in Eden, ALL manner of things happened and happen now. But Jesus gave us the power to cast out demons, heal the sick, raise the dead, etc...It says so in the Word. I know that alot of people don't believe that, even some Christians. It takes faith to make it work. When it comes down to it, you can't do anything for God if you don't believe in your own heart that you can. Now, I know that I will get hammered for this post and criticized and corrected and made fun of, etc.....that's how it goes here, blah, blah, blah. But you can't change with the truth. People who get all out of sorts are the ones who can't accept the truth.
Many of the "Emo"wanna-be kids cut themselves so they will feel something. It is both sad and amazing how many of them do it. I bet if they had something in their lives that filled the hole in their spirit, then they would not have the need, the compulsion to cut themselves. People, even Christians, can have Satan in their spirit without being possesed. Satan is the father, the originator of that soul-emptiness, of violence and lies. Jesus would be a wonderful panacea to fill that hole in their spirits. They are soooo cynical. Although I know at least one child who does it and still claims himself a Christian. You can't sit in both worlds, I think...on both sides of the fence.
I hope you meant to say, "But you can't change without the truth." It sure took the Truth to change me!
I made a boo boo.... I that you cannot change the truth. The word is truth and it cannot be changed. oooopsy......
Why? It is a sad epitaph on Christianity that our kidz are choosing, cutting, as a way to experience a sensation. I too know many young people who do this. It has its roots in Paganism. You can see the practice on TV, national geographic\taboo. It is why I have written so much about KNOWING the REAL JESUS, not this watered down version. It you want to see the fake Jesus go to the C3 website and listen to last weeks sermon. God Help us. Yeah I know the trolls are back. God give us compassion for those that don't know you and help us to preach and live the truth, in love.
I know a number of Pagans and have seen no signs of cutting, but my devote Catholic nephew is a cutter. I put Pagan and Cutting in the Google search engine and the top page has one reference to the type of cutting you are referencing and that is a quote from the bible. I put Christian and cutting in the search engine and guess what the number one item is??? It is easy to point to blame something you do not understand!:roll:
You only read part of my reply. I do blame the church for not doing it's job, by not preaching THE message that will CHANGE hearts. 12For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart. 13And there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are open and laid bare to the eyes of Him with whom we have to do. 14Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession. 15For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin. 16Therefore let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need. Heb 4:12-16 I hope you take the time to read this,
I read it again, not sure what you expected me or anyone else to get out of that. Am I supposed to take the second last letter of all the highlighted words and rearrange them to get some secret message???? :roll: My issue is with the pagan reference.
Back to the cutting... my nephew tried it out for a bit... it was not a suicide thing, maybe could've been an attempt at getting attention (since the cuts weren't deep), maybe even just trying out something that other kids at school were doing (the 'emo' types...remember the thread about them?). Usually, I think, it goes along with depression, since depressing can manifest as numbness sometimes. I don't think it was a serious, ongoing thing with my nephew, but it really can quickly turn worse. (be careful with this thread...y'all might lure Ormly back out from under the bridge)
Sadly, this has become "trendy". My daughter told me about a group of girls who had read about it, and "decided" to all become cutters. They did it for a few months, and then grew bored with it. But they'll never rid themselves of the scars. There are several forms of self-mutilation that people do. I have a young girl in our family by marriage (I guess she's a step kind of relationship)....anyway, she pulled out all of her hair bit by bit...even her eyebrows. With therapy, she stopped, but it was tragic to see.
It has nothing to do with Paganism and everything to do with emotional issues (and, as I posted earlier...fads and trends with teens). The cutting you see on National Geographic is symbolic, not Paganism and not the same as the cutting you see in people who have emotional issues. The cutting done by tribes around the world is ritualistic, specific and displayed to others. The cutting done by those who are trying to feel, is done in secrecy and in pain. Those who cut are typically going through some type of emotional trauma. It could be divorce of the parents, it could be the death of a sibling. The child is unable to cope with the pain and so they block it out. But it goes too far and the child finds themself unable to feel's no longer just pain that is blocked. The physical sensation of cutting relieves the emotional tension of feeling like they can't feel anything. I've heard it expressed as feeling "dead"...and the cutting makes them feel they are "alive", if only temporarily. Some have even said that the sight of the blood confirms for them that although they feel nothing, they are indeed alive. Self-mutilation that results from emotional problems is a tragic phenomena. I can't imagine not being able to feel anything.
Your right, I posted to address an ignorant statement. But then even a broken watch is correct twice a day.
Let's not forget that just because your a christian doesn't mean you are free of having issues. Your still human and as so will have struggles throughout your life, your faith will help pull you through these troubled times not prevent their existence. I have a very young family member that is a cutter, she has been raised in a very strong christian home and has faith in God. But even this has not prevented her from falling victim to the day to day struggles/pressures that our young are up against these days. She is a perfectionist, high achiever and experienced a big family change in the last two years, thrusting her into a big depression. With the help of her family she has been much better in the last few months, but by no means out of the woods as of yet. This young girl did not get her cutting from paganism or any other type of off beat cult, it was something that other kids were doing and she picked up on, she and many others don't relate this to paganism or anything coming from the cult world, just something they heard about from other kids. I'm not saying it doesn't have roots in these other things, just don't think the young kids doing this know the history of said "cutting".
Not to start another peeing match, but remember Paganism predated Christianity and Pagans probably considered Christianity a cult. Note: Christianity co-opted most of the Pagan holidays, Christmas being just one of them.