Crybabies Crying? I'm working hard to keep myself from laughing out loud. Tell it to Cathy Jackson. Or Donnise DeSouza. Or Angenora Ramsey. Or Margarita Green. Who are these people? Click here to find out: To me, the phrae "Grow Up" means "Time to Face Reality". I'm having no problem doing that, even if I don't like what I'm seeing. Certain other people, however, continue to whimper about how 'unfair' it is to let legitimate voters cast a vote, and to have those votes counted in a 'clean' manner. It's actually kind of funny to see how every time I lay the FACTS of 2000 Florida Vote Fraud before a Republican, the response is always SO very predictable:
You are certifiably insane if you think Gore has become a Visionary. Did you miss the footprint his house has. Guess you really think he invented the Internet as well.
You think only the Republicans cheated in the 2000 elections and even if cheating was prevalent on both sides you think Gore should be President because you think he was the best man. Sorry it does not work that way.
Yeah, seven years later he still enjoy a 63% favorability rating!
Hey Kids! It's SMIRKY! Aw, Geez. Looks like you're wanting to play another round of What BobF ThinksĀ®. If you're gonna play, you best get with Stinger to get a copy of the Rules. To tell you the truth, I STILL haven't figured them out, because they keep changing. Since you seem somewhat interested in What BobF ThinksĀ®, I think that the candidate who got the most votes after every legitimate voter has been able to cast a vote should be declared the Winner. I'm still not sure what YOUR side believes. 'Situational Ethics' can be hard to track. Clearly it doesn't, or we wouldn't have THIS guy sitting in the Oval Office today:
Still does not mean the citizens did not lose when Clinton was elected. That is just as accurate a statement as your about Bush being elected.
Well I read into the data that over 60% of the people think they did not lose with Bill Clinton as President; verses less than 30% currently with W.
Guess you do not support the Electoral College that has been in place since 1804. It was designed specifically to try and keep the entire Republic as part of the process and not just the population centers. Very important to remember how many states did George Bush win in 2000 versus Al Gore? And oh by the way Al Gore was a registered voter in Tennessee, which he lost. George Bush was a registered voter in Texas, which he won. note to Democrats: Do not nominate someone who can not win there home state.
you can read into it whatever you want, but it does not change the fact that saying citizens lost no matter who ever won is not a fact only an opinion.
By the way Pirate, I don't have a problem with the Electoral College and think it would be a mistake to toss it!
My guess is that you believe the lie the conservatives pushed indicating he had made such a statement .... :roll: (Hint: incorrectly restating in different words and claiming it "is the same" is generally called a Strawman fallacy in a debate)
Stolen Values I support the Electoral College, but what good is it if voters who are registered to vote cannot vote because the system has been INTENTIONALLY rigged to prevent them from doing so? It's also very important to remember that "Winning" and "Stealing" are two different things. I don't see anywhere in the Constitution where a person is disqualified from winning the presidency if he loses his Home State. Feel free to cite it for me. I continue to be amazed at the outrage I encounter from the Right Wing whenever I advocate a Clean, Fair and Transparent election process. It's almost as if the concept of Rule by the Governed is a threat to your Goals. I wonder why THAT is?
From your link: What was the margin of victory? 537 votes? So, maybe he did win and maybe he didn't. And that's without even getting into the disenfranchised voters, or the problems of poor ballot design and malfunctioning machines.
I think a lot of times people think the grass is greener under all president's. A lot of people felt the same way about (fill in whatever administration)'s administration. History has a way of defining it. Many of the things that FDR passed to get this country over the Great Depression we are dealing with as issues today. Does this mean that FDR was a good or bad president? No, not entirely. Many would say that he was the closest thing to a monarch this country will ever see. I am guilty of it as well, but judging an administration after 25 years is still to early as you still see the effects of Supreme Court justices and the youth that grew up during that administration and the resulting actions on society and government.
Whatever, somebody using the word Al Gore and Visionary go out the window every month they send him a power bill for his house. Call it whatever you want, but he is not an environmental example.
Yes, it IS becoming harder to re-write history, but not as you have presented it. The USSC decision you referenced was not the critical one of which we spoke. That one came days before the USSC stopped the recount and then declared that the recount could not be completed in a timely manner so it could not be done at all. December 9: The Florida Supreme Court denies Bush's application for stay. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit in Atlanta similarly denies Bush's emergency motion to stop the recount, but orders Florida officials not to change his previously certified 537-vote lead. Minutes later, the U.S. Supreme Court, divided 5-4, issues a stay in Gore v. Bush to stop the manual recounts. Federal District Court Judge Maurice Paul denies request to throw out overseas absentee ballots not received by Election Day (Harris, Medina v. Florida Elections Canvassing Commission). December 11: U.S. Supreme Court hears oral argument in Gore v. Bush. Florida Supreme Court issues a 6-1 clarifying Opinion on remand from U.S. Supreme Court in Palm Beach Canvassing Board v. Harris. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit affirms dismissal of Harris, Medina case challenging inclusion of overseas absentee ballots. Committees in both houses of the Florida Legislature approve resolutions appointing 25 electors pledged to Bush. December 12: Deadline for resolution of elector controversies to qualify for "conclusive" protection under Title 3, U.S. Code, Section 5. Florida House of Representatives passes resolution appointing 25 electors. Florida Supreme Court upholds dismissal of Seminole and Martin county absentee ballot application challenges. At about 10 p.m. EST, U.S. Supreme Court issues 5-4 decision in Gore v. Bush reversing Florida Supreme Court and ruling that manual recounts cannot be conducted in a constitutional manner in the time remaining. December 13: Seeing no legal recourse from the U.S. Supreme Court ruling, Gore concedes.