Outer Banks...where to go...

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by JenniferK, Jun 18, 2007.

  1. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    We have an upcoming weekend at the Outer Banks (thank you TimeShare fairy!)

    It's been ages since I was last out there. I'd like suggestions for cheap/free things to do/see, and any "must do/see" things.

    I'm looking over the website now, but information is always better from someone who's been there, done that...

  2. Southernborn

    Southernborn Well-Known Member

    Last edited: Jun 18, 2007
  3. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    During your visit make sure you make it to the beach, I hear it is fabulous! :mrgreen:
  4. Ecugyrl

    Ecugyrl Well-Known Member

    Jenn.....We go every year....I love Duck and Corolla....make sure you visit there. In Corolla, there is the Currituck lighthouse and awesome little shopping villages with things to do. Also in Duck, there are several shopping villages and these are not your normal average stores like around here, neat stores and it is fun just to look around. We also went to the Wright Brothers, Jockey's Ridge where you can build huge sandcastles, so much to do. Also at the Wright Brothers thing you can fly kites.....we also went to all the lighthouses and Cape Hatteras is a day trip...we took the long route and I thought we would never get there, but it is fun once you do.

    There are lots of things to do there, but we love to shop in the neat stores. You will definately have a great time.
  5. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

  6. Southernborn

    Southernborn Well-Known Member

    Look at the link I posted. Kitty Hawk has plenty of inexpensive things for you to do.

    HXCforCHRIST Well-Known Member

    Go surfing at Hatteras
  8. Pirate96

    Pirate96 Guest

    One always fun thing to enjoy is to go clamming. Find a place in the sound and wade out and start raking with whatever you have whether it is a clam rake or your toes. Many people who do not even like clams enjoy clamming.
  9. tame44444

    tame44444 Well-Known Member

    Things to Do

    I gre up near there and have been going to the area my whole life. We just went last weekend. Be sure to eat at Captain Franks, they are great and cheap. Awful Arthurs has the best original seafood and Jimmy's Buffet is the best one on the beach.
  10. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    me too Tame, I grew up about an hour inland from there.....

    Don't forget 'Kelly's' too.....GREAT PLACE TO EAT!!
  11. Snuffleufogous

    Snuffleufogous Well-Known Member

    Jockey's Ridge State Park (hang gliding lessons if you want to spend$)

    Ocracoke Island (Ferry ride is great if you have kids, they love it)

    Bodie Island lighthouse

    Cape Hatteras lighthouse

    Wright Bros. museum (plane rides if you want to spend $)

    Corollo, to see the wild horses

    Pea Island wildlife reserve, if you like bird watching

    (I used to live 45 minutes from OBX, with small kids and no $.)


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