I'm Tired: A Soldiers View From The Front

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Aglassnut, Jun 14, 2007.

  1. Pirate96

    Pirate96 Guest

    That is why we got sidetracked on the great Al Gore.
    Guess you forget I can do whatever I want whenever. How about you actually read something with an open mind instead of judging based on the liberal rating.
  2. tawiii

    tawiii Guest

    I missed nothing. You need to learn how elections work. I disagree with the electorial college but it is the system we have.
  3. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    You might want to brush up on it yourself as she was correct in the statement since the winner of the popular election in Florida was in doubt and thus so was to whom those electoral votes would be given ....


    Whichever presidential candidate gets the most popular votes in a State wins all of the Electors for that state except for the states of Maine and Nebraska which award electoral votes proportionately.
  4. Pirate96

    Pirate96 Guest

    Here is a fairly nonpartisan view point on who won in 2000

    I found the following method pretty interesting as well:
  5. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    It's interesting, but it's more an analysis of the electoral college system than of the actual vote count. It doesn't look like they got into the recount issues at all.

    BTW, are you familiar with the legislation that would form a compact among states, agreeing to give their electoral votes to the winner of the majority of the popular vote nationwide? It would render the electoral college irrelevant if it passes in a sufficient number of states.
  6. Pirate96

    Pirate96 Guest

    Yes and quite frankly it scares me. I still do not think that will address the problem that a smaller population state has with the electoral process. The map below even though the colors are reversed shows an election that the majority of states voted for one candidate, but based on how the populations is geographically aligned you can have only a few states decide who the president is[​IMG]
  7. johnstoncogirl

    johnstoncogirl Well-Known Member

    Regarding the original post...

    This thread really got off topic. It started with the opinion of one soldier and made it all the way to the Florida recount (where, by the way, some military absentee ballots were successfully disqualified by one of the candidates.) I am not sure how the picture of the President and Mrs. Bush laughing in front of a picture of the burning WTC tower made it into the mix, but that was pretty disgusting.

    Back to the original post... it is just the opinion of one soldier, but it is shared by many and to refer to it as "one-sided propaganda" is a slap in the face, in my opinion. At the very least, those who have served in Iraq should be given some respect, whether you agree with them or not. I don't think they should be dismissed as propagandists. There are those who have served in Iraq who agree with the war and those who don't. For those here who care to listen to the views of those who have actually been there and served, (both pro and con), read some of the milblogs. They include first hand accounts from the war zone and they are fascinating and provide information not often heard in major media outlets. Blackfive is an excellent one, but (there are many others -- some critical of the war and others very supportive of the mission). Mudville Gazette has links to many of them. Sgt. Hook is another good milblog -- he generally keeps politics off of his site. He is not a Republican, but he does support the mission in Iraq, although he has been critical of some of the decisions made. Michael Yon is an independent journalist who has done (and continues to do) some amazing reporting from Iraq. The pictures he posts in his dispatches, such as this one, are really worth seeing, whether you agree or disagree with the war. Check out a few of those links and then decide for yourself. Call them propagandists if you wish, but they are telling the world what they are seeing and what they are doing. I happen to think the least we can do is take a few minutes to hear what they have to say -- both those serving who do and don't support the mission.

    I know I already included several links, but for those who want the perspective of those left behind, as well, there are some really good sites featuring the writing of moms and wives of those serving. Here are a few:
    SpouseBuzz, Andi's World, Trying to Grok (a Fort Bragg wife), and Some Soldier's Mom (mom of a solider with PTSD). That is just a small sampling. If you are interested in reading more, there are tons of links in the sidebars of the sites listed above.
  8. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    You copy the location of the image (right click on the image and select properties to get the location, copy the http on)

    In your post you hit the image tab (just to the left of the quote tab) to bring up the function and paste your location in that box. If you copied the http erase it from the box before you paste.

    You will get something like this (without the extra spaces to make it visible of course)

  9. Stinger_6

    Stinger_6 Well-Known Member

    Hey Sal.....I mean "Grace"...I never did hear back from you on the name of that person who supports "war". Remember when you said you knew people that support "war"? Oh, and you were going to tell me where in that post I ever discussed the causes of WWII.

    Why is it that you seem to make a lot of accusations without being able to back them up? Oh yeah, that's right....you're a liberal.
  10. johnstoncogirl

    johnstoncogirl Well-Known Member

    I hope you will go back and read my comment. Maybe I am just not reading your comment the way you intended, but I am completely confused by it. I never said you "slapped" anyone. Nn fact, I never said anything about you, ever. The comment I read calling the original post "one-sided propaganda" was not even one of yours. If you said the same thing in another comment, I missed it. I do believe that calling the opinion of a soldier who has been in Iraq "one-sided propaganda" is a slap in the face. My definition of a "slap in the face" is an insult and I think calling someone a propagandist is insulting, to say the least. That is my opinion.

    I am not sure what you mean by saying "you have taken it out of context." I don't know what the "it" you are referring to there is.

    I never said anyone did not have the "right to post those." I also never said anyone did not have the right to say something I found disgusting or to go wildly off topic. In fact, I did not say anything about anyone having or not having "the right" to say or do anything.

    I agree that sometimes it does make sense to go off topic and sometimes a lot can be learned by doing it. I just made a statement about something that appeared pretty obvious to me -- that the thread made it all the way to the Florida recount was pretty far off topic. I did not think it was even remotely a controversial thing to say. It was an honest and accurate observation.

    I agree that anyone can post anything they want here (at least unless the moderators deem it inappropriate). I said that I thought the picture of the Bushes laughing in front of the burning WTC tower was disgusting. That is my sincere opinion and I thought I had as much right to express that opinion as the person who posted the picture did.

    As I said earlier, there are people who have served in Iraq who agree with the mission and those who don't, as there are vets and others here at home that hold differing opinions as well. I believe those who have served deserve some respect. I honor your father's service, as I do that of my husband and my father-in-law who are both disabled vets, and don't think any of them should be referred to as propagandists. I assumed that was a pretty non-controversial comment. Maybe I assumed wrong.
  11. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Grace, she for some reason is unhappy with me!
    And you are entitled to your opinion, which is what these brave women and men have been fighting for. I just don’t agree with your opinion. Want to see a real slap in the face you should read my post above and the insults these pro war protesters did to Iraqi Vets and their families.

    I agree maybe you can post a comment about those pro war idiots in Fayetteville that drowned out the families and vets.

    First off, do you have a real grasp of what the word “Propaganda" means?

    Source: Garth S. Jowett and Victoria O'Donnell, Propaganda And Persuasion, 4th edition, 2006.

    In my opinion this is pretty much what you were attempting to do, correct me if I am wrong?


    OK, that is a little more balanced. By the way you don’t have to present a balanced picture, but be prepared to be called on it.
  12. Pirate96

    Pirate96 Guest

  13. tawiii

    tawiii Guest

    People like you have tried for so many years, and still cannot make the fact that Bush won go away. Sorry about that (not really).
  14. Clif

    Clif Guest

    From the article:
    How difficult is it to understand that dead people are not allowed to vote?
  15. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    I suppose too hard to read the next paragraph that explained the situation. ;)

    Board members said people sometimes vote early or by absentee ballot and then die before the actual election. The auditors have misinterpreted the voting data, they said.
  16. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    We are talking about a total of 380 votes, of all the votes cast. How many people cast absentee ballots or vote early and then die before election day? That situation most likely accounts for most, if not all, of those cases. Those votes are not supposed to be counted, and in the event of a recount, presumably the candidates would make sure they are not counted. This is not a case of massive voter fraud.

    Another problem Less Merit claimed was underage voting. Apparently he does not realize that state law allows a person to vote in the primary election if they will be 18 as of the date of the general election. It appears that he should have taken a crash course in election law before he started doing the bidding of the DOJ.
  17. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    Update from the Charlotte Observer:
  18. Pirate96

    Pirate96 Guest

    Pretty harsh comment
    Why such bitterness to look at something that involves over 24,000 invalid drivers license numbers as well?
  19. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    I happen to agree with Jerry Meek.
  20. Pirate96

    Pirate96 Guest

    Seem to be getting better results from Merritt than the last auditor but I expect disagreement on that point as well. All this talk about how Bush stole an election, but yet we are going to personally insult a man that questions the rush to changes when there is rampant election abuses currently in the system. Why the rush on this until we understand the possible illegal votes that have happened?

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