Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by ready2cmyKing, Mar 31, 2007.

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  1. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    well I feel old lol at least today
  2. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    You know all we have to do is bait these bas-My Friend. When they show up....Castration and a noodle removal should work. A couple nails in each sinus cavity should work also. Nothing to cruel. Acid in the eyes. You know clean stuff. Martial law works well with pedos.
  3. zookeeper

    zookeeper Well-Known Member

    Yes, but this is not taking into account that 'Mother Nature' (GOD) likely intended, what we now call, adolescents to mate because when humans appeared on Earth, their life expectancy was very short.

    Humans by Era Average Lifespan

    Neanderthal 20 years
    Upper Paleolithic 33 years
    Neolithic 20 years
    Bronze Age 18 years
    Classical Greece 28 years
    Classical Rome 28 years
    Medieval Britain 33 years
    End of 19th Century Western Europe 37 years
    Current world average 67 years

    Through the ages, humans have made better living conditions for themselves, many diseases have become controlled or eliminated, health care - things as simple as a blood pressure pill, daily extend the life of the human population.

    Back in the Neanderthal days (15 was past middle aged) if you got pregnant at 14 and gave birth at 15, then regretted it, you didn't regret it for very long.
  4. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    yes I agree They set rules and this was a friend of my brothers who I had known my whole life they never saw it coming they trusted him .So I can't blame anyone but me on that .I was drinking with some girl friends first time ever drank he was down staying with us sent them home and wanted to talk to me about it so it wasnt like my parents had a clue .My grandparents raised me and were older and trusted me when they shouldn't have.In their eyes I was a little Angel could never do wrong and I took advantage of that alot.
  5. TheAngryOffender

    TheAngryOffender Well-Known Member

    Perhaps we should apply some KOH to your throat, to silence your hateful ideas--it would run along the same lines as what you advocated. You clearly aren't up to speed on what was being discussed throughout this thread.

    Trollin' Trollin' Trollin'
    Server Snapper's Trollin'
    Trollin' Trollin' Trollin'
    Troll Out!
  6. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    I had to remove what I said. It wasn't polite or nice. The SBI will handle Mr.PedoAdvocate.
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2007
  7. TheAngryOffender

    TheAngryOffender Well-Known Member

    The lifespan of most Americans reaches into the 80s. However, I will argue that the extension of "childhood" into what we call the "adolescent stage" is entirely artificial. Medieval Britain (33 years) was only a few centuries ago. Does the fact that we've extended our lifespan REALLY change our composition at 13 years of age? It's an argument of "nature vs. nurture." While some things can be attributed to natural causes, others are an effect of society and environment, and in this case it is society and environment working out of step with nature.

    I am a survivor of the public school systems. I was on the Internet starting at age 13, and I loved it, because I could drink the knowledge like crazy. But in the school system, everything was essentially "dumbed down." Progress was far too slow for me, even in so-called "honors" or "advanced placement" courses, and even some community college courses that were given to high school students for free by nearby CC profs. I *LITERALLY* slept on the floor on top of a big leather trenchcoat during "Advanced Math." Made a B without doing any homework. I made a C, then a D in "HONORS Algebra II," doing practically no homework and not paying much attention, then walked out with the second highest exam score in the ENTIRE CLASS. I consistently hit the top 90-percentiles on every "end of course testing" that the system threw at me. I got a 1250 on the SAT, after an entire school career of doing practically no work. By the time I got to Calculus, I was burned out. School was not only too slow, but the teachers typically DEMANDED that I not skip ahead or divert from the agenda for the class as set by them. I was "dumbed down" for all the other kids that weren't as capable as I was, and it's far too late to do anything about it now. I never went to college. I likely won't ever go to college. I told society's pre-canned notions to shove off and gave them the finger on the way out, and I took over the expansion of my mind and my capabilities for myself. I don't know too much about high-end math, but it's so irrelevant in my daily life that I don't really care. I can explore avenues without limitation, but I also realize that my days of being able to suck up anything in front of me like a sponge have faded out somewhat.

    What does this have to do with 13-year-olds being adults? Well, I had a very solid sense of right and wrong, I knew exactly what the hell I was doing and what the consequences were when I did it, and in many ways I seem to have threatened the adults I was around because I knew more about topics of interest than they did, and it's intimidating for a "child" to be that way.

    I was no child at 13. I would have turned out a lot better if I had been treated as an adult, but I wasn't. "Children" don't learn responsibility and values living their lives out in schools that cater to the lowest common denominator, and make assumptions about the inabilities of the "children" to learn and grow in an adult manner.

    Ironically, we treat 13-year-old "kids" as little babies that have no way to comprehend anything sexually. Then if a 13-year-old "kid" commits a serious crime, the system tries to get permission to prosecute that "kid" as an adult. So effectively, we recognize the ability of "kids" to assume adult responsibilities and reasoning skills, but only if they kill someone, and never with anything else that would enrich their minds and enlighten them.

    If anything, I say teens make so many mistakes because parents don't do their damned jobs right in the first place. And that article that was pasted over here was quite a revealing piece of literature. I never realized some of the things it pointed out until I read it.
  8. TheAngryOffender

    TheAngryOffender Well-Known Member

    You shall reap what you sow.
  9. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    I can stand in what ever pile I make. Can you?
  10. Southernborn

    Southernborn Well-Known Member

  11. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    I can stand in mine to but don't want too lol
  12. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    50.0% of queries will be returned by ( 86400 IN SOA (
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    86400 ) ; Minimum TTL

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  13. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    ^^I'm probably going to be sorry I asked, but since I am not computer savvy, what does all that mean?
  14. justcurious

    justcurious Guest

    Are advocating people turning into vigilanties? I would like to see SANE solutions to this problem. I am a survivior of childhood sexual abuse and I am here to tell you THANK GOD my family used their BRAINS!
  15. TheAngryOffender

    TheAngryOffender Well-Known Member

    He's looking up the DNS records for my domain. Basically he thinks he's some kind of hotshot because he can figure out where my stuff is hosted. Like they're going to take it down or something. I pay for their services, it's not free, and unless I'm doing something egregious, they're not going to shut my site down.

    Basically, he's flaunting the fact that he can use network tools publicly. It's called "posturing" and is normally done by animals backed into a corner or otherwise scared enough that they need to look as big and bad as possible to ward off a threat.
  16. TheAngryOffender

    TheAngryOffender Well-Known Member

    Actually, he's trolling and his posts needs to be reported for doing so. His statements are fairly clear in their intent, which is not to actually discuss, but rather to attack forum posters and engage in name-calling, among other things.

    The little triangle at the top right of each post is the "report" button.
  17. TheAngryOffender

    TheAngryOffender Well-Known Member

    Here's the site that you can do the exact same thing as what "ServerSnapper" did:

    And that's plenty enough off-topic posts for today. I'll ask everyone else who posts to please remain on-topic, and the topic is not "DNS resolution," nor is it "attack guys who pick strange aliases."
  18. TheAngryOffender

    TheAngryOffender Well-Known Member

    Actually, most of this stuff has nothing to do with "no child left behind," but in my particular post about the school system, it was more of a case of the school system being left behind by me, rather than me being left behind.
  19. TheAngryOffender

    TheAngryOffender Well-Known Member


    Now I get it.

    *slams head into desk*
  20. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    Hey ken how have you been? Did you have a nice fathers day?
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