Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by ready2cmyKing, Mar 31, 2007.

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  1. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Not sure what you mean by bleeding heart? However if you believe in the principle of being considered innocent until proven guilty, count me in.

    Also this document we have called the Constitution also deals with cruel treatment of those convicted. Just because they behave like animals does not mean that we have to.
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2007
  2. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    I don't behave like an animal there are times I want to but I have a conscience and know right from wrong . I would like to see some of the ones found guilty hung by their thingys but at the same time I know they have to face god and I think he has a special little place for these people.Maybe its made of glass and the rest of us will get to watch ! As far as being an animal these people are behaving worse than animals more like monsters.
  3. sue100

    sue100 Active Member

    So you cannot address issues with argument so you attack the speaker. Shows you to have nothing of merit to add to the discussion.
  4. sue100

    sue100 Active Member

    There was a philospher by the name of Eric Hoffer He was considered the simple man's philospher as he was a longshoreman. To quote him,

    "We are the least tolerant of others who possess those qualities we despise the most within ourselves."

    I know its probably over most heads who are stuck up backsides, but geez, a little pain lends gain, so strain your brain and try to use it for once in your life.
  5. sue100

    sue100 Active Member

    Sorry guys, innocent until proven guilty. So two 13 year olds are saying "what" that this guy did? Or did they actually do it to him and he is now being charged? Does it matter? But then who needs facts!! We all know everyone else is doing it and enjoying it except for some of us.
  6. sue100

    sue100 Active Member

    Oh yea, and there is that second guy who changed diapers and helped the kid take a bath properly!!
  7. sue100

    sue100 Active Member

    So you would like to see someone else castrated and you are calling others a pervert?

    Like I said, least tolerant of qualities you despise most within yourself.
  8. sue100

    sue100 Active Member

    Wow, big brains here are beginning to comprehend a difference in consensual sex. But in regards to the first case of the man with the 13 year olds, who said it was not consensual other than the law by definition only, not reality. Now if you have been through teenage (and most here obviously have not as displayed in their emotional reactions to situations rather than intellectual), these little teenyboppers can play some mean games. Ever read about the Salem Witch trials? They were all these sweet little "innocent" girls!! Got people burned at the stake with their little games. I will hold my judgment but unfortunately, too many are running on hysteria ready to BURN!!

    As far as the three year old, if this is true, yea go for it. But charges being filed in this day and time mean nothing. Ask the Duke LaCrosse players. My eyebrow has to be raised because that guy does not look to me that he hangs small enough to fit a 3 year old.

    Come on guys, who is really bizarre here?
  9. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    All of those who have seen an innocnet person cahrged with a crime raise your hands!

    All of those who have seen an innocent person charged with a crime who has also been tried and convicted in the personal opinions like those presented here, raise your hands!!!!

    All of those who have seen an innocent person released form prison after being convicted of a crime in the courts raise your hands!!!

    All of those who know of someone who is now required to register as a sex offender but was only a criminal due to a minor difference in ages raise your hands!!!

    All of those who want to have a mandatory and increasingly restrictive punishment for all those convicted in spite of the prior knowledge .... pray you never really find out the effects of your wishes.
  10. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    I was away for a couple of hours and wtf people still fussing .
  11. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    hey wayne I should be sitting on my hands but then I couldn't type lol
  12. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    You are a fortunate individual in deed, in my 50 years I have seen too much of the above.:-(
  13. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    :p :p :p
  14. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    First of all I never wanted 17 18 year old boys to have their lives ruined thats stupid and their is a difference between that and a man who is old enough to know better by his pic way old enough to know better playing with 13 year old girls I'm sorry but I disagree here I do not care if they trotted themselves buck naked and sat in his lap he knew better he then should have said get some clothes on lets call your mom!as far as their guilt I don't know if they are guilty or not I do not know them.How far a man hangs has nothing to do with it and was just offending that you said that .who knows what he may have used and as far as size of a man , you can not go by that I havent been with very many people granted but I dated a big ole boy once who was 6ft4 and 250lbs and he had a teenie one we are talking my pinkie finger would put him to shame.I saw a show on opra long while back where a 6 month old was gang raped by 3 men almost died and had to be stiched from one in to another it was in africa and some men there think having sex with virgins gets rid of aids so there were alot of men raping children .we live in a world where some children are at the bottom of the list of whos rights are important.
  15. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    What part of IF they are guilty did some of you not see? Perhaps if there were harsher punishment for crimes against innocent children, some of this crap would stop.

    The rest of the idiotic postings of these recent trolls doesn't rate a response. :roll:
  16. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    I believe everyone has a right to a fare trial and hope these men do get one but if they are indeed guilty I hope they get passed around prison and traded for ciggs. I would hope if they are inocent the person(s) who lied would be punished. in the Duke case I think the woman who lied should have to face the same amount of time the young men were facing.
  17. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    I saw you posted if they were guilty some people are not wanting to see that part apparently.I think everyone said IF THEY were guilty but some people have their own agenda here I guess.
  18. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Exactly kdc, sometimes you just have to give up on an intelligent debate - some folks are just lacking.
  19. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    I was more offended with the "Bleeding Hearts" crap, true conservatives would be just as vocal on the stance of presumed innocence. The continuation of violence to the convicted was also of concern.
  20. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    An eye for an eye Hught..........................oh, that's right, you don't believe in that sort of thing. ;)
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